Well here's my new story (with an actual proper plot this time) I've really put some effort into this story so I hope you like it. I've got some chapters written already so the more you review the quicker I'll post the next chapter (I'm always up for a little shameless bribing)

Disclaimer – I don't own NCIS or any of it's characters.

Tony's eyes flicked up from the game he was playing on his cell phone. He played the game so much when he should be working, that he didn't even need to look. It was probably better that way so he could always hide his cell before Gibbs caught him in the act. He eyed his co-worker Ziva thoughtfully before speaking.

"You know what film this case reminded me of?" Ziva sighed and met Tony's eyes with her own.

"Tony can't you see I'm working here?" She was met with blank eyes.

"Probie!" Tony shouted sharply. The younger agent looked up from his own computer. "You know what film this case reminded me of?" After getting this question after every case they solved, McGee wasn't fazed by it. Almost automatically, McGee dropped his head back to his computer screen and answered the senior field agent resignedly.

"What film Tony?"

"Entrapment" Tony replied dramatically, his eyebrows waggling and his eyes glinting audaciously. McGee frowned and turned to Tony.

"The case was nothing like Entrapment"

"Yeah but that Petty Officer I interviewed? Dead ringer for Catherine Zeta Jones" Tony sighed at the thought of both the actress and the look-alike as McGee and Ziva rolled their eyes simultaneously. Ziva leaned over her desk and spoke softly to Tony.

"Is sex all you think about Tony?" Her exotic voice adding a taste of sauce to the question

"Of course not" He answered as if it was obvious "Sometimes I think about my mustang," He added a second later. He smiled widely at Ziva's second eye roll.

"DiNozzo!" A louder, rough voice interrupted their banter, causing Tony to slam his cell phone shut and sit up straight. "Stop thinking about that stupid car of yours and get back to work!" Their ex-marine boss descended the stairs and strode round the corner into the bullpen with precision and a large cup of Starbucks coffee in one hand.

"Yes Boss" Tony replied obediently. He dropped his head and began typing furiously. He was saved from one of Gibbs' glares and Ziva's pleased look at his reprimand when Gibbs' desk phone rang.

"Gibbs" He answered curtly. Any who knew him knew that that was about as polite as he got. The rest of the team watched covertly as their boss listened to the person on the other side. "Okay, we'll have him up in five minutes" Gibbs slammed the phone down. "The prison van is here for Harker, McGee, go up to the garage and wait with the van, DiNozzo, escort Harker from the cells to the garage and Ziva?" Ziva perked up at her name. "Finish your report" She nodded, slightly bothered that the wasn't given anything active to do. She abhorred writing the reports but she also knew that it's didn't take three of them to escort one handcuffed man from the cells to the elevator. Gibbs received two "On it Boss" from McGee and DiNozzo and watched them as they left quickly to fulfil their orders. "I'll be in MTAC" He told Ziva before pushing back his chair and leaving Ziva alone in the large squad room.

Tony and McGee stopped at the elevator.

"Probie? What do you think you're doing?" McGee looked at his confused.

"Getting the elevator to the garage"

"But the garage is down"

"Yeah I know" McGee was getting the inkling that this would end up being one of those times where he had to work hard not to strangle Tony.

"The jail cells are up"

"I know that too"

"Meaning-" Tony began raising his eyebrows. "That I'll be using the elevator and you'll be using the stairs." Tony's eyes looked McGee up and down. "You need the exercise anyway Probie" He patted McGee's stomach and jumped into the elevator as soon as it arrived. He pressed the button to go down and gave McGee a wave goodbye as the doors shut.

"Ziva gave my butt a four and his a two, Ziva gave my butt a four and his a two" He muttered the mantra to himself as he turned to the stairwell.