Author has written 13 stories for Inheritance Cycle, Xiaolin Showdown, Dragonriders of Pern series, Stargate: SG-1, Ninja Turtles, Tokyo Mew Mew, and Naruto. Hmm, what can i say about myself... And YAY! Am 16 now! WOOHOOO! Well, I love writing stories, especially fan fictions...hehe Ok, my fav books are: The Belgariad; TheMalloran, Harry Potter, The chronicles of Pern, Eragon, Eldest, Lestat, Interview with a Vampire, Queen of the Damned; The crystal singer etc etc.. Fav films are: Harry Potter, Childs play 1,2,3; Bride of Chucky; Seed of chucky; The longest yard, Dragon heart; Sleepy hollow; Pirates of the Caribean; Shedevil; oh, i could go on and on... Fav Tv programs: Stargate; Xialin showdown... hmm, brain i actually don't watch much TV... Oh, and I do have to mention Music: Within temptation; The Rasmus; Korn; Nightwish; Evanesance; Linkin Park; Sevendust; Lost Prophets; Lucuna Coil; Green Day, H.I.M; Gorillaz; My Chemical Romance; Panic! At the disco; Papa Roach; System of A Down etc, etc. Now, Tell me about you coz I love making new friends... except Chavs coz none like me coz i am so different from them. grr. |