Disclaimer: I do not own stargate ah well maybe in an alternate dimention somewhere... I can dream can't I?
Child's Play
Apophis grinned. Finally, he had SG1 in his grasp, there was nothing they could do this time. They were cornered in a section of the ruins. It would be child's play to capture them.His Jaffa had just sent for him telling him that SG1 was secure.
"KNEEL BEFORE YOUR GOD!" on of his Jaffa's yelled as he stepped into the room. He looked down at three small children in confusion. The three children stared at him blankly.
"God?" the oldest boy blinked in confusion, "Where?" he asked putting his hands on his hips. The boy had a buzz cut and brown eyes and an arrogant attitude that seemed familiar.
"Your lord Apophis!" the Jaffa yelled.
"Apawfus?" the youngest asked his big blue eyes widening. He was small with glasses and shaggy brown hair that obscured his eyes a bit. He was badly in need of a haircut, "I know him!"
"You do?" the girl blinked.
"Yeah! They talk about him on stonewalls! He's the Giptian Serpent God of Night!" the little boy said proudly.
Giptian?" the girl blinked.
"Ohhh he means E-gyptian!" Jack said.
"That's what I said!" the little boy said, "Giptian!"
"You said you had SG1!" Apophis yelled at his subordinate. The little boy instantly went quiet looking over at Apophis with big hurt eyes.
"Who's he?" the little boy asked stepping back a little behind the boy with the buzz cut.
"I dunno," the older boy answered not noticing the little boy stepping behind him.
"Lord Apophis!" the Jaffa announced menacingly.
"He is?" the boy asked skeptically.
"He's not my lord!" the girl announced.
"Yeah mine neither," the buzz cut boy said crossing his arm.
"Quiet!" Apophis snapped. The children fell silent again.
"They are SG1 my lord, they… changed…"
"Changed?" Apophis twitched, "They were standing there, then Doctor Jackson touched something and they changed. What did you touch!" the Jaffa yelled at the youngest one. The little one grabbed on to the other boys arm.
"Hey don't be mean to him! He's just a little kid!" he yelled.
"Shut up," Apophis said to the Jaffa before he could say anything else. He looked down at the children.
"What are your names?" he asked.
"Jack O'Neill," the oldest said.
"Sammy Carter," the girl answered.
"D… Daniel Jackson sir," the little boy finished softly. Suddenly Apophis noticed what the children were wearing. They were wearing an SG1 uniform. Remarkably the uniforms fit them perfectly… except for Daniel's, it was a little too big and the sleeve were too long making him look smaller than he really was.
"So you're telling me SG1 was turned into small children," Apophis growled. The Jaffa nodded.
"Take them with us then," Apophis ordered, "They might still be useful,"
"Come!" the Jaffa ordered.
"Dad says not to go anywhere with strangers!" Sammy announced. Jack nodded in agreement, "Yeah! And you're all strangers! Where's Mom and Dad!"
"Stwangers," Daniel repeated still looking out behind Jack.
"Don't worry Danny! I'll protect you!" Jack said ruffling Daniel's hair.
"Me too," Sammy announced going up beside Jack.
"Nuh uh, you're a girl!" Jack said turning to Sammy. Sammy glared, "That doesn't mean nothing! I can protect him just as well as you!"
"You got cooties!"
"DO NOT! MR. APOPHIS JACK'S BEING MEAN TO ME!" Sammy yelled at Apophis. Apophis could see the grins his Jaffa were trying to hide. He growled.
"BRING THEM!" The Jaffa picked up the three children.
"NOOO LEMME GO!" Jack shouted kicking the Jaffa.
"I WANT DADDY!" shouted Sammy. Daniel stayed very quiet his big blue eyes tearing up.
SG1 was thrown into the dungeons of the ship. It was cold and dark. The floors and ceilings made of metal. Daniel sat in the corner hugging his legs making himself as small as possible. Sammy leaned against the wall looking up at the ceiling. Jack paced running his hand through his hair.
"Okay… so …" he said turning to look over at the others, "I'm Jack, and you're Sammy and You're Daniel, okay, so why are we here? What did we do anyways? This Mr. Apophis guy is wacko," Sam looked down and nodded. Daniel pulled himself into a tighter ball, "I'm afraid," he whimpered, "I didn't mean ta wander off," Jack came over and sat beside him putting his arm around the younger boy, "What do you mean Danny?"
"Mommy and Daddy were 'Scavating these ruwins, an Daddy let me sit on the sar-cough-gus an they told me not to wander off but I was curious and so I was just gonna explore a bit but then I got lost and then I was there and I didn't mean to!" Daniel sniffed.
"Hey it's okay Danny we'll figure out where we are, maybe Mr. Apophis will help us," Jack said rubbing Daniel's back.
"Don't be stupid," Sammy said, "Mr. Apophis is a meanie, we gotta get out by ourselves!" she declared.
"How Sammy?" Daniel asked. She came and sat down on Daniel's other side. She flicked her pigtails back, "I dunno yet, but we'll think of somethin',"
"Okay, first chance we get we make a break for it," Jack nodded.
"So…" Sammy said.
"So…" Jack responded, "What school do you go to?"
"I don't go to school," Daniel answered, "My Mommy and Daddy teach me everything."
"Oh that is so cool! You don't have to go to school you just get to stay home all day?"
"No, I don't really have a home, we live at the dig site and we look at all the old stuff."
"Cool! Have you seen a Mummy!" Sam asked.
"Yup! I was there when Mommy found it!" Daniel said with a happy look on his face starting to calm down. He spoke a mile a minute about what he and his parents had found and about all the languages he had learned.
"Wow," Jack said in awe, "You're parents have the coolest job in the world," Jack said. Daniel beamed at him.
"Hey! I have an idea!" Jack said suddenly.
"What?" Sam asked.
"Okay… Danny, I need you to cry, I mean really, really loudly, they can't keep us in here if you're crying right?"
"… But… I don't feel like crying." Daniel frowned.
"Think of something really really really really REALLY sad," Sam said.
"Do I have to?" Daniel asked with a little pout.
"Sam, you cry too," Jack said, "Then Danny won't feel so alone,"
"Why don't you cry too?" Sam asked.
"Cause I'm too old," Jack said as-a-matter-of-factly.
"I'm Eight and a half! I will not cry!" Sammy declared.
"You will too now be a baby and cry!" Jack said.
"I'm not a baby!"
"Yes you are!"
"AM NOT!" Shouted Jack pulling one of Sammy's pigtails. She started cry.
"Oww tha… that hurt!" she cried. Daniel joined in.
"Stop fighting!" he cried.
"I didn't mean to!" Jack said starting to sob as well.
"My lord,"
"What is it?" Apophis turned to the Jaffa in front of him. The Jaffa looked uncomfortable.
"It's… SG1 my lord…"
"What? Are they trying to escape?" Apophis asked. The Jaffa shuffled. Oh it must be bad.
"… no… no my lord… they're… crying," the Jaffa winced.
"Crying… CRYING? SG1 IS CRYING! Why do you come to me for this… this… trivial news?" Apophis asked.
"The Guards, they're going insane my lord, they won't stop!" Apophis gave a shout of frustration, "Bring them here!"
"I wanna go home!" Jack cried.
"Me too!" Sam bawled.
"I want my Mommy and Daddy!" Daniel sobbed.
"YOU WILL BE SILENT!" Apophis yelled. The children were silent for a moment and all burst out crying again. Apophis twitched.
"SG1 stop acting like chi…" Apophis cut himself off, "AMMONET!"
"Yes?" Ammonet said coming into the room. She looked down bemusedly at the children.
"Take… care of them," Apophis ordered.
"I am not a nurse maid," Ammonet said glaring at Apophis,"
"You are my mate and will do as I wish," Apophis argued.
"Beloved, why can not the Jaffa look after the children?"
"They won't," Apophis said pinching the bridge of his nose. The children continued to cry.
"Alright," Ammonet said throwing her hands in the air. She picked up Daniel and took Sam by the hand.
"Come children, we're going to my quarters and our Lord Apophis is cut off for a long, long time,"
"Beloved!" Apophis said wide-eyed. Jack grabbed hold of Sam's hand and they were all led out of the room. Apophis scowled. There was a whipping sound that came behind him. He spun around glowering at the group of Jaffa before him.
"All of you have sanitary duty for a month," Apophis said dead pan stomping out of the room. The Jaffa groaned.
Ammonet gave a sigh of aggravation, how dare her mate set this task on her. She didn't even like children. Who were these children anyways? Ammonet put Daniel down on her bed and sat down in her chair. Sammy and Jack climbed up beside Daniel who was drying his eyes on his long sleeves. He looked at Ammonet curiously and jumped off the bed going over to her looking up.
"Hi, I'm Danny," he said looking up at her expectant.
"I am Ammonet," she replied. Daniel studied her for a moment.
"You 'mind me of someone," he said thoughtfully. He suddenly gave a sunny grin, "I like you!"
This was definatly a first...