I HAVE RETURNED FROM THE DEAD! BUH HA HA! (sweatdrops) uh yeah. i have been TOTALLY meaning to update my other stories...but then... ninjas stole my computor! yep.so anyway i got bored and started writing this one. And yes i know how seemingly unoriginal this plot is. Don't rub it in. By the was i can't really think of at title as of 2.4 seconds ago so suggestions are loved and given cookies. (with SPRINKLES)!
Disclaimer: If i havn't said it enuff, I DON"t OWN TOKYO MYUU MYUU. But (in case anyone hasn't read any of myother stories)I DO approve of Masaya getting hit by Mr.salttruck.
-PROLOG- (And yes, i know i spelt it wrong.)
It was a rainy day and Kisshu had a massive headache. Of course, this was probably his fault in the first place. After all, it WAS his bright idea to hide all Taruto's sugary substances. His justification of this was that it wasn't fair that Taruto could eat all that sweetness and not get fat. So, at 4 in the morning Taruto was running around screaming that he was going to have a sugar crash and that Barbie was actually a man. Not that Kisshu minded this; in fact he found it hilarious. Then Pai woke up. He, on the other hand, did NOT think this was funny at all. But instead of yelling, Pai decided to logically explain that Taruto couldn't have a sugar crash because he hadn't eaten any sugar yet. Then while Taruto was having a mental breakdown from lack of sugar (Which only caused more laughing on Kisshu's part) Pai found a Barbie doll to PROVE that she was in fact a girl. Unfortunately for him, while Kisshu was arguing with Pai that Barbie could have had a sex change (but more likely was just Masaya in disguise) Diipu Buru (deep blue) appeared in his bluish dimension thingy to find almost every sugar-filled substance known (to Taruto) waiting for him. Shortly after this was the part when Kisshu got the headache and was also put under house arrest.
"KISSHU!" Pai called opening the golden eyed alien's door. Flinching at the increase of volume compared to 6.66 seconds ago, Kisshu whined:
"Why does god hate meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee?"
Pai, a little taken aback by the random question gave Kisshu a weird look but continued.
"Well, I'd write you a list but I only have about 666 sheets of paper with me currently, and I fear it might not be nearly enough." Kisshu just scowled. "By the way, Diipu Buru-sama has been so kind to remove you from House Arrest."
At this Kisshu's ears perked up in disbelief and he turned around to face Pai so to be sure he wasn't lying. "REALLY?"
"Yes." Pai answered, and as he was leaving the cluttered room filled with Ichigo pictures he added: "By the way, you start school tomorrow."
You people should knbow how lazy i am by now. but i swear to Kisshu (aka god) thAt i'll do the next chapter tomorrow. and it'll be long.