Author has written 5 stories for Tokyo Mew Mew. Whoa, it's been a long time since I've visited this account. I made this, what, four years ago? Le'mme just say that writing fanfiction has improved my writing a lot. Currently I have two other accounts that are actually active: for Death Note stories. for BtVS stories and some Bleach Stories. See the power of time and constructive criticism! And it's all thanks to you, fanfiction community :D I'll leave this profile how it was, just so you can see the change... I love D.N.Angel, Moon Phase, and especially Tokyo Mew Mew! I hate 4Kids TV! It ruined TMM- especially Kish! What kind of name is 'Dren'? One: It SUCKS. Two: It's nerd backwards, and Kish is NOT a nerd! Three: What was the POINT of changing his name? They give him a nerdy voice, change his name to nerd, make his belly abnormally long, and give him weirder things to say! Like in Mew Mew Power, when Dren kisses Zoey, he says, "Got ya!" like he had planned it out, while in Tokyo Mew Mew, he did it spontaniously, and simply said, "My name is Kisshu. Thanks for the kiss." with a few other things, of course, but nothing like "See you later Pussy Cat" in a nerdy voice! I love D.N.Angel, too! I've only read manga book one, but I've seen almost every anime episode! Dark is such a cutie! Friend List: BlueEyedFun; SainGirl101; MewMidnight; KatsuragiXloveXRoxas; If you're not on that list and want to be- ((smiles brightly)) feel free to email me, and I'll joyously add you on! If you're on that list and don't want to be, email me, and I'll take you off... Hair: Hmm... Let's say mahogany! Age: Somewhere between 12 and 15. Good luck picking. Eyes: Let's say green. Cool! Real Name: I hate my real name... For now on, my real name shall be Pear Araceli! Height: 5'3" Country: The one with people in it. State: My second favorite one. Fav Color: The same one they say is Kish's. (That's not why it's my fav color, by the way.) Gender: Okay, who asked that? I'm not gay or lesbo, so that should help you(if you look at my pen name). If not, I feel bad for you... Pets: Oh, I have those! They're cute! Sibs: Those evil things? Sadly yes... Fav food: Chocolate cake, rasberries, cranberries, soda, pepporoni pizza, garlic bread, apples, peaches. Fav couples: are in order from fav to least fav: Ichigo: KISH! then Ryou, NEVER Masaya or Deep Blue! Mint: Eh. My made up character, Coal! You can see his profile on my homepage, but not a picture of him, because I'm not a good artist. Then Ryou, if they're taken then Keiichiro (he could take care of her 1000 needs), but NEVER Kish. Pudding: Tart! No one else! MWAHAHAHA! Lettuce: Ryou! Then Pai. NOT Kish! Zakuro: Pai! Then Ryou or Keiichiro, but she fits best with Pai! Me: Dark from D.N.Angel or Kish! My Mew Form: Name: Mew Pear Age: I'd look like a 14 year old. Eyes: Big, Dark brown eyes, like the anime/manga girls! Hair: Mahogany! It's cut to four inches past my chin with the front bangs a bit longer, framing my face. Height: 5'5" Animal: Unicorn and Dragon. Shoes: Black boots that go up to just below my knees. Shirt: sleevless with ruffled top and bottom. The ruffles are black. It doesn't cover my back. It has a black stringed criss cross on my back to keep in on. Goes to a few inches above my belly button. Shorts/skirt/skort: Skort that is the same blood red as my shirt, with ruffles that are black lining the bottom. It is the length of a mini skirt. Ideas are really appreciated! As long as they're KishxIchigo fanfics, of course! M.P: Kish is so absolutely adorable, Kawaii, hot, awesome, feisty, spunky, and perfect! But I also love Dark from D.N.Angel. He's my new boyfriend! Right, Dark? Dark: Yep. Mew Pear: Kish is NOT a cross dresser! He just dresses that way because it's some kind of style they wear on his planet! That's why Tart and Pie also have clothe similar to his. And Kish isn't a perv, either! He does kiss Ichigo, but he never does anything perverted! And his kisses are only just a sign of affection, and it's not like he tries to look down her shirt while doing so! Though I do make him seem a bit perverted in my stories, the real Kish isn't! I just make him seem perverted to exxagerate his personality. That way he's more annoying to Ichigo! ~Mew Pear~ |