Satou: Another fic nya!
Kish: Yay.
Satou: YAY!
Kish: Can I go now?
Satou: Nope!
Chapter 1 - Dream World
"Awww... That's so sad nya no da...." Sobbed an overly insane 14 year old girl as she put down her copy of Tokyo Mew Mew Volume 7. The girl's hair reached her shoulders and was brown, just like her eyes, and she was cosplaying as Mew Ichigo for who knows what reason.
"I know..." Sighed the girl next to her, a hyper looking girl with long, bouncy blonde hair and brown eyes as well. She was cosplaying Mew Lettuce. The two girls sniffled and dropped their books, breaking out in tears and hugging each other
"Poor Kish Diiiiiiies!" They wailed together.
"Puh-lease! Will you just shut up?" Snapped another girl, this girl having long dark brown hair and dark brown eyes.
"But Murasaki-chan!" Protested the Ichigo wanna-be "Kisshu just died!"
"So what, Satou? You and Cupcake need to get a grip, it's just a book." Murasaki hissed.
Satou, the Ichigo wanna-be, and Cupcake, Lettuce, exchanged glances and then smiled. "You're right, maybe Kisshu still gets together with Ichigo in the end." Cupcake said happily. Satou nodded in agreement and then looked at her friends.
"Where are you?" She asked quickly.
"The part with Masaya realizes he has Mew Aqua in side him. We'll wait for you to catch up." Said another hyper girl with short blonde hair and brown eyes, Meron. Cupcake and Satou hugged her and then started reading.
"Ok, we're there." Satou announced after 3 minutes. The group of crazy Tokyo Mew Mew fans nodded and kept reading until they reached the end.
"THAT'S JUST DEPRESSING!" Screeched Satou to Missy, another girl with short blonde hair but her eyes with a pretty blue. Missy sighed and just smacked Satou. She shut up instantly.
"Stop whining." She snapped angrily.
"But! But!"
"You heard her." Snapped Kaji, a girl with long brown hair and brown eyes, as she put down her copy of Tokyo Mew Mew 7 "It's just fiction."
"But we want Kish and Ichigo together." Cupcake protested "Or Kisshu and me."
"Ok, that's one step too far." Murasaki said sadly.
"C'mon! It'd be cute!"
"Well, I should be going now..." Satou said quickly, collecting her books and standing up "I promised to record some lines for Kelly-san."
"Ok. Be careful walking home."
"I will."
As anyone could tell, Satou's friends and her were Tokyo Mew Mew fans. They often got together to read new volumes together but volume 7 was extra exciting... Yet extra depressing.
"I just wish I could get Kisshu and Ichigo together..." Satou said quietly into the night sky as she left Meron's house and started walking up the street. All the girls were neighbors, except Kelly. Kelly was from out of state so couldn't come to get together.
"I mean... I just wish I could do something. Maybe become a Mew Mew! Now THAT would be awesome!" Satou giggled happily and quickened her pace. Then she stopped and looked up. If she wasn't mistaken...
A piece of flat stone hit Satou between the eyes. She was lucky not only to be wearing glasses but that the rock was sideways, otherwise she could've been seriously hurt. Satou yelped and fell back, dropping all 7 volumes of her favorite manga on the ground. Satou yelped, realizing that the ground was wet from the rain the day before.
"No! My books!" She cried out in sudden surprise "They'll get ruined! Yeek!" Satou quickly started collecting her books but it was too late. Most of the pages were ether torn from being wet or about to be torn and the little stone that had hit Satou was laying on the ground, reflecting light that didn't exist. After Satou got her books together she turned to the stone and stared at it. It reflected a ton of pretty pictures. She could swear that she saw Mew Ichigo performing the "Aqua Drops" attack and she saw Mew Minto hugging Mikki. It was like a thousand clips from Tokyo Mew Mew episodes were flashing before her very eyes...
"Yo. What are you doing on the ground?" Asked a sharp voice. Satou gasped and looked up, only to see a boy standing over her. His hair was blonde and his eyes blue and he looked to be about her age, 14. Satou gasped loudly and collected her ruined books. One of the covers fell off, probably volume 1 (it was hard to tell in the night's darkness), and Satou shrieked in horror.
"No! My book!" She whined. The boy stared at her like she was crazy and then sighed. He bent over and picked the cover up. Suddenly, it started to rain. Satou looked up and sighed. Her books were doomed for sure now.
"You know, if you don't hurry all those comics' ll be ruined." The boy said while shaking his head "Where's your house?"
"Oh, it's close by." Satou said softly, turning a bit red "Why?"
"How close?"
"7 blocks...?"
"Arrrg... Give me your books."
"Oh...Ok.." Satou said slowly, handing over the books. The boy put them under her jean jacket and then started walking in the direction Satou had been heading.
"Well... Come on."
"Oh! Right!" Satou glanced down at the stone and then picked it up. Like looked like a giant, shiny egg shard. She suddenly saw the reflection of Ryou and started in confusion. Then she rushed off after the boy, face burning red.
Somewhere… Else
"Arrrg... She's late." Kelly moaned angrily as she leaned back in her computer chair. Kelly had been waiting for 30 minutes. Satou was supposed to be sending in a sample for her radio play! Kelly put a baseball cap on over her long brown hair and stared to doze off...
Kelly sat up quickly and got out of her chair. Probably raccoons visiting the trash can... She decided, got a baseball bat and walked outside. There were no raccoons, though. Just a small stone that reflected light... Light that came from... Kelly? But there were no lights on..
"Creepy... I like it." Kelly declared as she walked back in side with the small stone in her hand.
"So... What did you say your name was?" Asked the blonde haired boy as he and Satou continued to walk home. It was raining pretty hard and the weird boy had given Satou his jacket to protect her and her books from the rain.
"My name's Satou Kuroneko. Pleasure to meet cha nya." Satou said cheerfully.
"Why'd you say nya?"
"It's a bad habit." Satou admitted with a light giggle "What's your name?"
"I'm Shugo Yumechikyuu." The boy said simply. Satou stopped at her house and handed Shugo back his jacket.
"I'm sorry for bringing you all the way up here..." She said slowly "I guess this is good bye, huh?"
"Who knows, maybe we'll see each other again." Shugo replied with a kind smile. With that, Shugo ran off to his house 7 blocks away. Satou sighed and then walked up to her front door and went in stead. She was dripping wet but at least she wouldn't catch a cold.
"Oh... My books..." She said sadly "They're ruined... How can I get Kish and Ichigo together without my books? I wish there was some way I could help..."
The stone in Satou's hand reflected more light then ever before and Satou walked up the stairs to her bedroom where she collapsed on her pink bed. She sneezed and moaned. Maybe she would catch a cold after all... Almost instantly, Satou fell asleep. She was too tired to realize that she was still hugging her stone.
Suddenly, Satou's stone began to glow... Or rather is reflected a ton of light. But Satou's room was absolutely dark. The light source seemed to be Satou yet she wasn't a lit up in anyway... It was simply reflecting some sort of light that was coming from her. Satou slept very soundly, even as the stone began to reflect pictures... Pictures of Mew Ichigo fighting Kisshu in episode 4 and some random clips of Minto dancing...
"YAAAWN!" Yawned Satou as she sat up. The sunlight had hit her too hard and suddenly. It felt like she had just fallen asleep her bed felt... Hard?
Satou blinked and then felt the ground under her. It was hard... Like stone... But the harsh ground from outside; A sidewalk, perhaps. "What the heck?" She murmured quietly in confusion "This isn't my bed..." What a discover she'd just made! It wasn't her bed!
"Or my carpet-colored floor..." Satou declared to herself. She yawned again and looked around and then tripped over a ribbon coming out of the back of her... School Uniform?
"What the heck? I was cosplayed as Mew Ichigo and now I find myself in her school uniform?! What's going on?!" Satou cried out. Before Satou could yell anything else she heard someone walking down the hallway. She gulped and hurried to a door, walking out of a school and out into the real world. Apparently school here was out because everyone was leaving. Satou quickly joined the crowds and then spotted the person she least expected to see.
"OH MY GOSH! IT'S ICHIGO!" She yelled. Everyone around her turned and stared at her, then started laughing.
"So? What about Ichigo?" They asked her, patting her back as they walked by and saying things like "Great discovery" or "How long did it take for you to figure that one out." Ichigo just stared at Satou like she was a stupid air head... Which she was but let's not press that too far...
Satou blinked and then stared at Ichigo blankly. What was going on...? She wasn't in her bedroom or in North Carolina... Everyone was speaking English but... Satou moaned and held her head. What was going on?
"Hey, do you need some help?" Asked a familiar voice. Satou looked up quickly, only to see a boy with blonde hair and blue eyes looking down at her. It was then that Satou realized she'd tripped. "Shugo-kun?" Satou murmured. The boy stared at her strangely.
"How'd you know my name?"
"You helped me carry my Tokyo Mew Mew manga home in the rain yesterday nya." Satou replied. Shugo put a hand over Satou's mouth and picked her up, running behind the school with a confused Satou in his arms. What the heck was going on?
"Ok. Promise not to scream?"
"Mmm mmm." Replied Satou.Shugo sighed and get her go. Satou collapsed on the ground and panted for breath. "What was that for?" She hissed.
"Ok. Let's start with the basics. Hi, I'm Shugo YumeChikyuu, which means Gaurdian DreamWorld, and welcome to Dream World."
Satou blinked and looked around "Oro?"
"This is Dream World and that stone you found today was a dream shard."
"Squee! That's nifty nya!"
"Uh... Ok then. Well, anyways. Dream World is an alternate universe created by everyone's dreams. With a dream shard, you can enter."
"How'd I get a dream shard?"
"Lately, people have been dreaming themselves into Tokyo Mew Mew a bit too hard. So, finally, they began to break the boundary between dream world and reality. So part of the wall separating the two worlds fell from the sky and hit you in the head."
"Not yay."
"If too many people enter Dream World then the border will be destroyed completely."
"I don't get it."
Shugo sighed.
"Dream World is powered by a core in the center of this universe. I protect the core. The core makes power out of people's dreams. If someone got a hold of that core..."
"Kuroneko-san!" Called a voice. Satou sat up straight and turned around. People knew her here?! It was... Moe and Miwa? Satou stared at them.
"Where's Ichigo?" She asked softly.
"That's the thing! We were in the park and this monster attacked and Ichigo-chan vanished!"
"Oh! That's becaus--" Shugo covered Satou's mouth. "Don't." He whispered "Ok?" Satou nodded quickly.
"Let's go look. Maybe she saw Aoyama-kun."
"Who saw me?" Moe and Miwa turned a bit red and turned around to Aoyama. Satou was red too, but more out of fury. This was her chance! Kill him so Kish and Ichigo could be together!
"Ichigo's missing!" Miwa exclaimed "So us three are going to go find her."
"I'll come too." Aoyama suggested. Satou twitched. "Oh... Ok." She managed to say while holding back fury "L-Let's go..."
Satou: The end of chapter one! Whooohoooo!
Minto: I can't believe you're expecting reviews on this.
Satou: I'm not expecting reviews o.0; I'm expecting Annka to come torment me!