Hi! This is Super Llama Chick! I'm going to edit my story, since all the chapters accidentally ended up in one. I'm not going to post up chapter six again until I finish it, which I should do pretty soon!

I'd really like to thank all my reviewers for being so nice! I was kind of bored of writing this, but when I read your nice messages, it made me want to write like crazy! I'll try to update this as often as possible!

Freaky Weeky

Chapter One—An Average Day at the Café


Ryou sighed. What did she want now? The dumb strawberry was being more annoying than usual today.

"Shirogane!" she shrieked again. "Shi! Ro! Gane!"

Ryou sighed again and walked out into the dining area of the café. Everything looked pretty normal—Minto was sitting around drinking tea, Purin was performing for tips, Retasu was breaking stuff, Zakuro was scaring customers, and Keiichiro was hiding out someplace so he wouldn't have to deal with everything. It figures.

Oh, and Ichigo was complaining. "Shirogane! Minto's being lazy, Purin's being annoying, Zakuro-san is being rude to the customers, and Retasu is being clumsy!" Her coworkers shot annoyed glances at her, except for Purin who was too busy doing back flips to notice.

Ryou shrugged. "So?"

"Grrr! Stop acting like such a smart aleck, Shirogane!"

The blonde sighed for the third time that day. "Did you want something, or did you just call me so you could whine more?"

Ichigo scowled. "Ten dollars an hour is SO not worth working my butt off everyday!"

Ryou raised an eyebrow. "Are you asking for a raise?"

"Well…yeah!" Ichigo began playing with a string where her dress was coming undone, as she had suddenly become very nervous. "I-I mean…I am the one that does most of the work around here, so…"

"Ichigo, what makes you think I'd give you a raise when all you do is whine twenty-four seven?"

Ichigo's face began turning red with anger. "Sh-Shirogane, you…GAAA! I HATE YOU! WHY ARE YOU SUCH A-A-A BIG MEANIE HEAD!"

Retasu cleared her throat. "Um, gomen for interrupting, but Ichigo-san, it appears that you, um, well…"


"Ichigo…" Minto started.

"Not now Minto! Why are you bugging me at a time like this? Why don't you just drink your tea and—"

"Alright, fine," Minto said, going back to drinking her tea.

"Shirogane, I demand a raise, or else I'm gonna—"

Ryou sighed yet again and pointed to her head. "Momomiya, you have…"

"N-Nani?" Ichigo felt on top of her head. Her eyes widened. Ears? "NYAAAAAA!" she screamed as she ran out of the room, hoping none of the customers had seen her cat ears.

Ryou smirked. "Baka-ichigo."

She poked her head back in the room. "I am NOT a dumb strawberry, you big JERK!" She disappeared again.

Ryou rolled his eyes. Where was Keiichiro while all this was happening? Hiding out in the kitchen?

"Everyone! I made cake!" the brunette announced as he marched out of the kitchen.

Of course.

"I think I'll go…do research or something," Ryou said, slipping out of the dining area and heading toward the staircase that led to his room. When he got there turned on the computer and began trying to figure out the aliens' whereabouts, although at the moment his mind wasn't on his work.

Stupid girl. Ryou tapped his foot in annoyance just thinking about Ichigo. She was so frustrating. Although she had just become a Mew a few weeks ago, she was already getting on his nerves. Ryou was just trying to do his job, but she always had to complain about something or other. Why couldn't she just go along with Project Mew Mew and serve people at the café like normal people would? Why did she have to make such a big deal over every little thing?

And why couldn't he stop thinking about her?

Ryou hit himself in the head. "Stop it," he told himself. Sure, she was cute, but she was a whiny annoying idiot, and the only thing she really cared about was that Aoyama kid.

Masaya Aoyama.

Ryou's foot tapped faster. Aoyama was all she wanted. He was all she ever talked about. Heck, she pretty much ate, slept, and breathed him. What was so great about him anyway? What did he have that Ryou didn't?

"Why do I even care?" Ryou asked himself. He sighed again and tried to focus on his work. All of this superhero stuff was going to his brain.


"Agh! He's such a jerk! Can you believe it? He thinks he can talk to me like that? Ugh! The nerve!"

Retasu sighed, as she was beginning to pick up the habit from the girls' employer. The two girls were walking home from work together and the subject of Shirogane had come up, much to the green-haired one's dismay. "Well, Ichigo-san, maybe he has logical reasons to act like he does."

Ichigo scoffed. "Shirogane? Logical? Yeah, right! He's blonde, Retasu. I mean, no offense to any blonde you might know, but he's such a stupid moron. He doesn't think, he just does stupid stuff!"

"I always thought," Retasu said, "that in order to be a scientist, you'd have to be at least fairly intelligent."

Ichigo blushed, obviously humiliated. "Well, he's still a jerk. I don't understand why you have a crush on him."

Now it was Retasu's turn to blush. "Sh-Shirogane-kun is not my crush, I—I just have a lot of respect for him," she tried to explain.

"You know," Ichigo said with a smile, "you two would make a really cute couple."

"Ichigo-san!" Retasu said nervously. "Shirogane-kun is only a friend and…he…"

"He…?" Ichigo asked when her friend didn't finish her sentence.

"He…doesn't even know I exist."

"Retasu! That's not true. He does know you exist and he likes you a lot!"

"But only as a friend."

Ichigo wasn't sure what to say. She had no proof that Shirogane liked her green-haired friend and it was best not to put her hopes up until she got any. If there was any at all. She hated to admit it, but Ichigo knew Ryou probably didn't realize Retasu liked him and did think of her as nothing but a friend. So there was no proof—unless Ichigo made some proof. Yes, she liked that idea. Without realizing it, a smile began to spread across the catgirl's face as she planned out what she could do to…"make proof".


Ichigo snapped back into reality. "Oh, uh, hey Retasu! I have to get home, so, bye!" She took off toward her house so that she could get busy with her plan.

"Um, bye," Retasu said, confused.

Ichigo was almost to her house, when she ran into someone. "Ya!" she yelped. "Gomen nasai!"

"No, it's my fault, I—oh, hi Momomiya-san."

Ichigo's heart began to beat a million miles per second as she realized whom she had bumped into. "A-Aoyama-kun! I—um, hi!"

"Konbanwa," he said with a smile.

"Y-you too!"

"So how was work today?" he asked.

Ichigo groaned. "Horrible! My boss is such a meanie! I can't stand him!"

Masaya began to walk her the rest of the way home. "I'm sorry to hear that."

"You have no idea how terrible he is, Aoyama-kun! I'm the only one who ever does any work in the whole café, and he won't tell anyone else to work or even give me a raise! It's so annoying! He just ignores me and treats me like I'm some sort of tool or something," she whined, not adding that he treated her like a 'weapon', as that might give away her identity as a Mew Mew.

"I see," Masaya said. "And have you told him how you feel?"

"How I feel?" Ichigo said confusedly. "What do you mean?"

The brunette smiled. "Ichigo-san, I don't know this guy, but I'm not sure he's as bad as you tell me he is. I mean, how is he going to know you're mad at him if you don't tell him?"

"But…I get mad at him everyday…"

"But do you tell him why you're mad? He probably doesn't even know. Maybe if you tell him he'll stop."

"Hm," Ichigo said thoughtfully. "Maybe you're right, Aoyama-kun."

"Well," Masaya said as they came to Ichigo's house, "I guess I'll see you a school on Monday. Bye."

"Goodbye, Aoyama-kun!" Ichigo waved as her crush walked away, and she began thinking about what he said. "He's right," she said to herself once he was out of sight. "Tomorrow I'll tell Shirogane what's on my mind. And…maybe help him realize what's on the mind of one of my friends…"