Prologue What She had lost

"Please Otousan, don't send me to the convent. I promise I will get better. Please, don't make me leave home. OTOUSAN!"
The girl held on to her father's leg tightly. The man grabbed her roughly and threw her to the guards standing by.
"You are a disgrace to our clan. How I wished I never had you for a daughter. You have no talent whatsoever at the art of fighting. And it's useless to keep you at the clan house if you are just going to be a nuisance. Therefore, I must get rid of you. From now on, you are no child of mine, your existence shall now be concealed from our clan history, and you no longer bear the name of our clan. If it wasn't for my promise to your dead mother, I would have put the Seal on you as well. Now guards, take her away from my sight, I no longer wished to behold her presence"
The little girl was dragged quickly out of the room, her quiet sobbing getting farther and farther away, until the room was silent. The man sat down, his hands shielding his face. Teardrops fell gently on to the marble floor.
"My dear daughter, please forgive your father. I was…too weak to prevent the council's decree. If…If I had only been stronger, no harm would have come to you. Kamisama…bless my daughter and keep her from harm. I could not bear losing another of my sunshine. Please Kamisama…return her to me…one day."