Reincarnated Lover.
Disclaimer: I do not own Xiaolin showdown.
Raimundo woke with a start, drenched in a cold sweat. He shuddered as he remembered his dream. It was unpleasant. He tried to remember what it was about, but only got flashes of death and destruction. He shuddered again and withdrew from those images. The only thing he could clearly remember was a voice. A woman's voice, filled with love saying "Come to me, my love," That voice made him seem warm somehow and he yearned with his heart to go to that voice. He turned over and looked out the window, it was still dark. It was still night, hours before dawn. He turned back over and fell into a sleep with that same terrible dream.
Raimundo felt himself shaken roughly, He opened his eyes. He felt cold at that recurring dream. Sat on either side of him were Kimiko and Omi, their faces were worried.
"Are you ok Raimundo?" Kimiko asked.
"Yes, you have been stirring and whimpering for the past half hour." Omi added. Raimundo sat up and wiped his wet hair out of his face. He shivered.
"I just keep having the same dream, and all it is about is death and other things like that."
They looked even more concerned.
"Can we go and have breakfast? I'm starving." Raimundo asked. Omi and Kimiko looked at each other then left him.
Raimundo got dressed in his temple robes and then joined them in the kitchen. They ate their eggs and bacon in silence. Raimundo sat there, thinking about that woman's voice. It meant something, maybe even something important, but how eluded him. After they had eaten, they washed the plates. Raimundo yawned as dried each plate passed to him by Clay, who washed up. Even though he had slept most of the night, he felt very tired, and he could not shake it off. He passed in dried dishes to Kimiko, who passed them to Omi who put them away. After they had finished the dishes, they went outside. It was their day off and Raimundo had planned to play some football, but he was too tired. He wondered over to a tree, and sat down under it, leaning his back on the tree trunk. With a peculiar detachment, he watched his friends. Clay was carving figures out of wood with a knife, Omi was practising his fighting skills, and Kimiko was sat, leaning against a statue, playing on her laptop.
Raimundo watched his friends for a while, then he slowly fell asleep.
A man who was sleeping in a gutter, drunk, woke up suddenly. He looked across the street at a young woman standing alone. She was breathtakingly beautiful. She was tall and slender and she carried herself as some Queen would. She had curly jet black hair to the waist, and she had deep sapphire blue eyes. But those eyes gleamed with a terrible evil. She wore a simple white dress to the ankle belted at the waist by a white belt. She looked over to the man lying in the gutter with a disdainful expression in her face. He stared at her. She slowly walked up to him, and stopped a few feet from him. She raised her palm, and on that palm, their was a round mark that glowed horribly at him. He stared at that palm in horror. The glowing began to get brighter, until it blinded the man. Then he felt terrible pain all over his body. He screamed, withering on the ground. He heard her say "Where is my lover, mortal?" He stared at her, his pain blinding him. He managed to choke out "I…I d… don't know." Her face twisted in anger. She then laughed a chilling laugh. He screamed louder as the pain got more intense. The more he screamed, the louder she laughed.
Raimundo yelled and woke up. During his sleep, he had fallen over and was now on the ground. At the sound of his yell, the others had ran to him. They helped the shaking Raimundo sit up. They all looked concerned. Raimundo was shaking with the horror he had just witnessed.
"What happened Rai?" Clay asked. Raimundo couldn't talk. He opened and closed his mouth several times, unable to speak. Clay put his hand on Raimundo's shoulder and shook him slightly. Raimundo just stared into Clay's face.
"Raimundo?" Kimiko asked quietly. Raimundo shivered as he felt himself getting cold.
Then Master Fung was there. He silently went to Raimundo's side, helped him to his feet and lead him inside with the others trailing behind, concerned. Master Fung put Raimundo in a chair and gave him a cup of tea. Raimundo's hands were shaking so much that he couldn't hold the cup steady enough to drink out of. Master Fung helped him to take a sip of the tea, Raimundo's hands stopped shaking. The others all sat on the floor, looking at Raimundo.
"Tell me what happened, Raimundo." Master Fung said then. Raimundo stared into his tea, then said quietly "I had a dream." Master Fung nodded and motioned Raimundo to say more.
"I saw a man lying in a gutter. He had woken up and had seen a woman on the other side of the street. She was very beautiful. She was tall and slender; she had long black curly hair and sapphire blue eyes. And she carried herself as if she was a Queen. She wore a simple white dress to the ankles and belted at the waist. She looked at this man and walked over to him." Raimundo took a shuddering breath, and then continued "He just looked at her, She raised her palm to him and her palm glowed. Then the palm glowed brighter and then the man cried out as in pain. He was withering on the ground. She asked him "Where is my lover, mortal." And he replied that he didn't know. She looked very angry, the palm glowed even brighter and he screamed even louder. She laughed at his pain and looked as if she was enjoying herself." Raimundo's hands gave a convulsive jerk and the tea in his hands dropped and spilled all over the floor.
The others stared at him, awed and a little startled. Mater Fung, however, looked worried. Just then, Dojo, their dragon, slithered into the room.
"Saddle up people; I've just had a Shen gon wu alert." He absently scratched his stomach. He then continued to scratch in other places. "I hate these Shen gon wu itches." He declared. Kimiko, Omi and Clay got to their feet. Master Fung asked Raimundo, "Do you want to go?" Raimundo nodded. He had the strong compulsion to want to get out of here and do something.
They all clambered onto Dojo. As they flew east of the temple, Raimundo got strange looks from the others. He ignored them. He was busy with that dream. How can it be a dream? It seemed so real. Raimundo was convinced that what he saw really happened. But there were two questions: 'Who is this woman?' and 'Who is her lover?' Also, Raimundo was wondering why he was seeing these images. He didn't like them one bit. The woman seemed familiar to him, but how, he did not know. He shivered in the cool air. Something about her pulled at the outer edges of his conciseness and he wanted to meet her.
He was brought back when they started to descend. He looked about, they seemed to be near the Amazon rainforest. It felt good to be in his home country again. He breathed the air. It smelled good. Dojo landed softly, and shrank. The dragon looked about and pointed into the rainforest.
"The wu is in there." They all started toward the forest, when they heard a familiar noise above them. They looked up to see the Goth boy, Jack Spicer using his Helipack. He, of course, had a robot escort. The Goth saw them and ordered the robots to attack. There was only seven, so they could easily be defeated. Omi got in there first, and promptly destroyed three robots. Kimiko and Clay handle the other four, leaving Raimundo to go after Jack. Dojo rode on Raimundo's shoulders, pointing directions. Then Raimundo saw it, the Angel sword. It was a blade of gold, though indestructible. The hilt of the sword had a pair of wings coming out of them. The pommel was a glowing green stone. Raimundo ran towards it, then Jack suddenly dropped out of the sky and landed a few feet away from the sword. Raimundo lunged for the sword and grabbed the hilt, and yanked the sword out of Jack's reach.
Jack looked at Raimundo with tears in his eyes, sniffing.
"Oh, stop snivelling." Raimundo said curtly, Jack annoyed him so much. Jack sniffed, still looking at Raimundo. Then, suddenly, there was a blinding light. Raimundo felt himself being lifted up and thrown. He hit a tree some yards away with a thud and fell to the ground. He opened his eyes and looked about. He winced and clutched at his left side. A rock had also been thrown at him and it had hit him on the side. And from the pain, it seemed like he had broken a few ribs. He looked at Jack, who lay a few yards from him, clutching at his arm and whimpering. He looked over to the sword, which he had dropped, and found a woman holding it with a triumphant expression on her face. Raimundo got a chill. She was tall and slender, had long black curly hair, sapphire blue eyes and wore a simple white dress belted at the waist. It was the woman in the dream. She looked at Jack, and she walked up to him. Casually, she kicked him in the side. Jack cried out as she kicked. Then, she looked at Raimundo. Her eyes widened as if she had just realised something. She slowly walked up to him. Raimundo backed up until his back was against the tree. She looked down at him. Her face seemed tender somehow as she looked at him. She held her hand out to him. He looked at it suspiciously. He knew what she could do with that palm of hers.
"Come with me, my love." She said softly. Raimundo felt a little startled. She looked at him expectantly. He stayed still even though he felt the compulsion to obey. She drew back her hand with a look of irritation. Her face went blank for a second and then she turned and looked into the bush. There was a rustle, then Clay, Kimiko and Omi jumped out. They looked first at Raimundo, clutching at his side, and the woman standing over him. Omi suddenly stepped forward and demanded "Who are you?" The woman looked at him distastefully, then drew herself up. She raised her palm to the sky, and then she vanished.
The others ran to Raimundo. He sighed in relief, that woman scared him. Kimiko knelt beside him.
"What happened, Raimundo?" She asked. Then, Jack suddenly interrupted before Raimundo could answer.
"Why did she call you 'My love' Raimundo?" The others looked sharply at Jack, and then back to Raimundo, expecting an answer.
"I don't know!" Raimundo almost shouted. "I do recognise her- she's the one in my dream, the one that tortured that man." Raimundo shuddered. The others looked startled. Dojo, who had watched the encounter from the safety of a tree, dropped onto Raimundo's head. He looked about.
"Looks like she took the Angel sword with her. Lets get out of here."
Raimundo tried to get up, but his side was to painful and he dropped back to the ground. Clay took one of his arms and helped him his feet. Then Dojo enlarged himself. They all got onto his back and the Massive Dragon lifted himself into the air.
Chase Young had watched the encounter the Xiaolin dragons had with the witch. They better be careful, she was dangerous. He knew who she was after now; Raimundo. He was a bit surprised. Never had he thought her reincarnated lover would be Raimundo. If she did manage to get her hands on him, they would be indestructible. Chase did not want that. He stepped out into the clearing where the encounter had taken place. He looked about. He was about to leave when he heard someone shout out;
"Chase! What are you doing here?" It was the worm; Jack. Chase slowly turned towards the creature. Jack was sitting on the floor, clutching at his broken arm.
"What do you want?" Chase asked.
"Can you fix my arm?" The worm asked. Chase laughed.
"Do you really think I will do that?"
Jack looked at him with his puppy eyes. Every time Jack did that, it made Chase cringe. No wonder he despised that worm. Chase simply turned his back on Jack and walked out of the clearing.
Raimundo lay on a bed in the infirmary. His chest had been bandaged. He thought about that woman, she was very beautiful, yet she was evil. He could see it in her eyes, he shuddered. Then the door opened and Master Fung came in. His expression was grave. When they had got back to the temple, Raimundo had told him about the encounter. When Raimundo had finished, Master Fung had walked out. The others had told him that he had spent the entire night reading from ancient scrolls. Master Fung sat down next to Raimundo; he had a small scroll in his hands. The master opened the scroll and he cleared his throat.
"You will not like this Raimundo, but you have to know." He said gravely. Raimundo nodded, interested. Master Fung took a breath and then said.
"The woman you have encountered and dreamt about is a Heylin witch. Her name is Daeva. She is several thousand years old. A thousand years ago, she had a mortal lover. I do not know his name. She gave him part of her power. He was killed in a combat. She used her remaining power to ensure that her lovers' soul will reincarnate. That person has arrived and he is ready for her to take. We cannot allow this to happen."
"Who is the reincarnation of her lover?" Raimundo asked, curious.
"It's you, Raimundo."
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