Author has written 1 story for Criminal Minds. Greetings, mighty wanderer. I'm Cushion. Just a ordinary girl who had the privilege to stumble upon one day to the wonderful land of fanfiction and fell in love with it ever since. Fandom has also made me recognize the great and intense passion for reading and writing that I never knew I had. Thereupon, I've developed an unhealthy addiction to fanfictions - which is really bad, since I tend to neglect my school work for it ): LOVES Books - The Outsiders, Mediator, Darren Shan Saga, Harry Potter, Fight Club, Lord of the Ring Comics - Iron Man, Fantastic Four, Batman TV - Supernatural, Criminal Minds, House M.D, Reaper, CSI Movies - National Treasure, Phantom of the Opera, Schindler's List, Face/Off, Pirates of the Carribean, Sherlock Holmes, How to Train a Dragon, Four Brothers Anime/Manga - HunterXHunter, Hana Yori Dango, Flame Of Recca, One Piece, Skip Beat, Kuroshitsuju Favorite Characters (Fandom wise): Riley Poole(National Treasure), Dr Robert Chase(House M.D), Spencer Reid(Criminal minds), Greg Sanders(C.S.I), Legolas(LOTR), Draco Malfoy(Harry Potter), Dean Winchester(Supernatural), Ponyboy Curtis( The Outsiders), Johnny Storm (Fantastic Four), Jason Todd (Batman), Jack Mercer (Four Brothers) Being one of my favorite character is not a good thing at all. Seeing as how I indulge in angst, drama and tragedy fictions, and tend to get a kick out of reading about my favorite characters getting tortured, taken apart and broken down, either mentally and/or physically, bit by bit...*shudders* No, it's not good. Not good at all. Hmmm... What else do one put on her profile? I'm clueless. Anyway, here's snippets of fun-facts bout me. Other than reading & writing, I'm also a HUGE music junkie! I'm a bigggggggggg fan of Jensen Ackles, Brad Pitt, Orlando Bloom, Robert Downey Jr, Angelina Jolie and Matt Damon. Freddy Krueger scares me. Really badly D: If I ever went to Hogwarts, I would love to be sorted into the Slytherin House and have a house elf like Kreacher. I detest stories with Mary Sues, OOC or awful grammer. Who doesn't? I'm a huge sucker for evil dark characters and tragic anti-heroes. Dark is sexy! I'm not a het romance fan - much too mawkish and sappy for me - unless it is written in humour or as a parody. Perhaps the only shipping that I truly enjoy is Meg/Erik from POTO or maybe Pansy/Draco from HP or other rare pairings. These pairings are rare, which makes them so much more original and memorable IMHO. Of course, characters will have to be in character and believable. I used to avoid slash fics like a plaque, but THEY ARE EVERYWHERE. They hide in the shadows and sneak up behind you, coming out in dark tendrils that shoots out and curl around your ankle when you're not looking and suddenly, without warning - 'whoosh!' - swipe you off your feet and drag you into the dark while you fruitlessly try to claw and trash your way out - screaming and fighting - where they slowly, silently consume your whole being and worm its way into your heart bit by bit and- BAM! Before I knew it, I'M A SLASH FAN. Why, those sneaky little- Anyhoo :) I like my male characters heroic, manly and strong. But even they need a bit of loving sometimes huh. Stay gold. |