Author has written 10 stories for Fruits Basket, Naruto, Avatar: Last Airbender, Prince of Tennis, and Harry Potter. "It's sometimes sort of frightening where my mind will go if I let it." ~ Bill Watterson Her real name is Jonah. She does not like beans, but swears her username does make sense, just not the kind that's really easy to see. She's 18 years old but either acts too old or too young. She likes the sound of laughter, and often abuses old Friends quotes just to hear it. (And, yes, she does believe Ross and Rachel are lobsters, and as to the series finale, she only has this to say: "It's about damn time!"--the lobstering, not the finale.) She vows one day to see to the filming of Good Omens, and whole-heartedly urges everyone who hasn't already read it to read it, and that those who have should read it again. And again. And once more just to fawn over Crowley and Aziraphale, or if you're in real dire need of some Queen references. And if you're more of the 'book series' person, she advises to pick up a copy of Harry Potter ASAP, if only to reach Half-Blood Prince wherein there's Draco Malfoy galore. As well as the Shades of Gray, whom she is also a big fan of. She likes to ask a lot of questions she knows will probably never be answered, and likely can't be, so you can imagine she gets disappointed an awful lot. Ah well. (/third person speak) For my Harry Potter fanfics, please (pretty please?) visit /~ferret2 where I share an account with my good friend, Joya. UPDATES August 10:Chapter four of Recipe For Disaster is up and waiting to be reviewed on! XD Take your time with this one folks; school is just around the corner so updates may be a bit more slow-going than usual. (As if it wasn't slow enough already, right?) December 11: D: Yes I know it's been months since RfD's been updated! And I'm sorry, I really am! Whether it's school or work or maybe the muse is hibernating, I don't know... but I won't give up on it, I hope you won't either! ;;o;; March 2: New story up. Sadly, no Recipe yet, but I'll explain on that later. Not anime this time, surprisingly, but Harry Potter-- my original fandom. It was written for the March issue of The Quibbler, so that sort of explains why it's that, of all things, I've actually written. As for Recipe, I know, I know... almost seven months since the last chapter and STILL no chapter five. I AM SO SORRY. Classes and work have been hounding me lately but I swear to all my readers I have not given up on it. Chapter five is slowly BUT SURELY coming. Thank you so much for your patience and reassuring words. I hope not to fail any of you. April 3: Chapter five of Recipe is (finally) UP! 83 |
Goldberry (111) | peroxidepest17 (412) |