Author has written 9 stories for Family Guy, Alias, Harry Potter, and Sookie Stackhouse/Southern Vampire Mysteries.
7/23/13: Chapter 16 of The Sanctity of Blood is up!
10/8/13: The final chapter of No One But Us is up!
DOB: 03/18/1987
WIP: Actively updating, albeit slowly.
"The Sanctity of Blood" - Lucius/Narcissa; the life and times of the infamous Malfoys (last updated 7/23/13).
Completed: Recently completed work; read through and review it again! :)
"No One But Us" - Draco/Pansy; a collection of conversations between the two over their years at Hogwarts (completed 10/8/13).
On the back-burner: Not actively updating, unless inspiration strikes.
"More Than You Know" - Free For All; a hodge-podge of different couples canon & AU.
Pre-Production: Ideas I'm tossing around in my head, but haven't actually begun publishing... yet.
"Grey Warden: Rising" - A fic based on my Noble Human play-through of Dragon Age: Origins.
"The Missing Days" - A story based on Tamora Pierce's Immortal series, set during Emperor Mage; Daine's POV.
"Of course it is happening inside your head, Harry, but why on earth should that mean that it is not real?"