3 months later...

"We have a new assignment. Sark, stop. Stop it..."

Pushing Sark away, she began to read the briefing, stopping here and there with her comments. Sark started nibbling on her ear lobe.

"It's in the Bahamas. Nice, I can get a tan."

"And others would see your gorgeous body in a bikini? No thanks. We can get a tan here too."

"Where, in bed?"


Smiling, she let him kiss her on the lips. Holding the paper where she could read it out of the corner of her eye, she continued skimming the page. When it became impossible for her to concentrate on the brief, she guided his head to her neck and gained some more time...after all, it was for the country.


"The kids are going to Bahamas."

"Irina please, stop calling them kids. Please."

Laughing, Irina sat down in a chair next to the table. Handing him his coffee mug, she spoke.

"Okay. How about 'our daughter and her husband'?"

"Less painful, more acceptable."

Smiling, Irina asked.

"What are you working on?"

"I'm sending Vaughn away."

"On an Operation? Jack, he'll have a baby soon. Isn't it dangerous?"

"I'm sending him away to an another office. It's for the best."

Irina looked at him puzzled. She thought about asking if he was sure, but Jack was always certain, so she sighed instead.

"It's your call. I know Julian will be happy. "

"Also Sydney..."

"And Lauren..."

"And us."

Laughing, Irina spoke.

"You make him sound like an intruder or something. Vaughtn took good care of our daughter when we weren't around. We owe him."

"That's why I'm not sending him to an office in another state. They can still see each other. However it will be when ever they want and not because it is dictated by the office."

"As usual, you know best."

Looking at her, Jack said nothing and returned to his work. After a moment, Irina got up to go into the living room, he murmured.

"I love you."

Turning back to him, she looked at her husband who was also the love of her life and father of her daughter. She smiled warmly.

"I know."

And she was not going to go away again.


Hard to believe, but the end. It's been 3 years since I started this story, my FIRST english story, and now I'm here. Many of you read this, left this, or now here, with me, reading the ending, seeing the ending, feeling the ending.

Some of you may not like it, but I'm calm with it. I didn't intend to do a second season-like operation for them, my plan was always this, and I wrote what I planned.

I'd like to thank YOU for being here firstly, getting to the end, bearing with me and with my mistakes, I know I've made many, but if I gave a little of what I thought, and if you got that, then we're good. I hope you guys got much more than 'little'.

Then I'd like to thank Lisa, for always being there for me with this story. She is not only a Beta, but she is my friend too, and believe me, she made this thing read-able, all the applause should go to her, if there are any, of course :P

So yes, thank you all, for leaving me reviews, for pushing me to write, for encouraging me, and also telling me my mistakes, offering me plots, thinking and imagining with me. This wouldn't be here if you weren't there.

Thank you all, hope to see you again with different stories,


06.10.04 & 15.09.07 & 26.09.07