![]() Author has written 2 stories for Pokémon. Prophecy of the Eons google community link: plus(dot)google(dot)com/communities/110729780339722614684 (replace the (dot)'s with . or the link wont work.) About me: Status: Alive (on haitus) Gender: Male Name: Just call me Legodood93 or Lego for short. (Lego my eggo!) Age: Missingno. Appearance: In author notes: A bright blue eyed, purple and red Haxorus with golden claws and golden axe tips. Real life: You'll have to find me first... What I'm currently working on: Prophecy of the Eons: Chapter 15 : REVIVAL COMING SOON Most likely release date: ??? People I need to thank: 1. My beta's: QwertyBobberson and TheGamingVirus Past betas: Team Emerald Leader 2.0 2. The people who have followed and favorited me and my story. 3. The people who encourage me to keep writting PotE. 4. The people who send me fan art for Prophecy of the Eons! (I think that some of you can see the damn future from what you have drawn and sent me. I love seeing the fan art keep it up!) What I like:
Ways of contacting me (I love being social!):
Top 15 favorite Pokemon:
My main Pokemon team: 1. Lv 100 Shiny Serperior: Name: Gaia Ability: Contrary Moves: Leaf storm, Substitute, Giga drain, hidden power (fire) Item: Leftovers 2. Lv 100 Shiny Ferrothorn: Name: Spike Ability: Iron Barbs Moves: leech seed, protect, Giga drain, stealth rock Item: Rocky Helmet 3. Lv 100 Latias Name: Tia Ability: Levitate Moves: Mist ball, Roost, Dragon pulse, Shadow ball Item: Soul Dew 4. Lv 100 Blaziken Name: Bruce Ability: Speed boost Moves: Flame Charge, protect, baton pass, hi jump kick Item: Leftovers 5. Lv 100 Eelektross Name: Odin Ability: Levitate Moves: Giga Drain, Flamethrower, Discharge, Charge Beam Item: leftovers 6. Lv 100 Shiny Heracross Name: Chuck Abiliyty: Moxie Moves: Pin missle, Arm thrust, rock blast, swords dance
Top 5 regions:
Top 10 favorite Pokemon opening themes:
Top 3 favorite Shippings:
Top 5 Pokemon movies:
Current Beta's for my stories: Story:Prophecy of the Eons: Current number of beta's: 0 |