Welcome back readers to another chapter of Remembering an Old Friend! Hmm, the ending is coming up soon! So I hope you enjoy this chapter!
Thanks Shadowpikachu223 for the review! And why would I kill Latias? Hmm, why wouldn't I? Haha just kidding xD.
Thank you so very much carsnprognmlp for the review! Damn, the ending was abrupt was it? Crap... oh well! And yes, poor Latios. Always having the weirdest situations xD. Well something somewhat good has happened, maybe something somewhat bad will happen as well?
Thanks a bunch lucario9000 for the review! Hmm interesting... what a cool sounding rose! XD
Thank you Some guy named Blaze for the excellent review! Oops, did that chapter freak you out a bit xD?
Thank you Eli, or should I say Brolijah for the review! Oh yeah I guess you did see that coming xD oops! And, is my writing really that terrible? :o I got to work on that -.-
Thanks aKKurate for the review! Oh and about the shadow, he's dead xD
On to the chapter!
Last time on Remembering an Old Friend...
"Well after we woke up, Nurse Joy told Bianca and I that he got the worst out of us. She even said that he might not make it...
'What do you mean by, he won't make it?' Latias questioned, too shocked to understand what Latios meant. Latios sweatdropped as he casually turned away to look out the window. The blue eon sighed mentally as he gazed at the rising sun with a blank gaze. Bianca, on the other hand, was a bit more understanding of the situation and decided to take matters into her own hands.
"We mean that, Ken might die. For real this time..." Bianca explained, taking a deep breath after giving the news. Latias' face went pale and froze in place. It was as if the red eon was frozen in time and couldn't move an inch. "Nurse Joy said that it was a miracle for him to be alive even before he got injured." the young girl added. Latias looked puzzled, now she really had an excuse to ask what Bianca meant.
'But he seemed fine before.' Latias stated, but Bianca shook her head.
"That's what I thought too but Nurse Joy said that there was something in his body that was quickly killing him from the inside." the young girl explained. There was a short pause, and then both Latias and Bianca took a glance at the blue dragon's bed. "She told Latios and I that someone had injected Ken with drugs, which slowly began to kill him." said Bianca.
'So when he told us about the experiments that he had gone through, they were really-'
"Killing him, yes." Bianca interrupted. Latias' face drooped, she couldn't look Bianca in the eye for some reason. The red eon was too ashamed of herself to even have her head facing the same direction as Bianca. Latias had caused this, and she knew it. "B-but, Nurse Joy did mention that Ken has a slight chance of living." Bianca stuttered, hoping that Latias would cheer up. But the red eon didn't budge, she still had the same look of guilt plastered on her face.
'How much time does he have?' Latias flatly asked. Bianca could tell that she utterly failed in cheering Latias up. The red eon still refused to look at Bianca directly as she sighed deeply. Bianca shrugged and drooped her head in defeat as she slowly made her way to Latios' side. 'It's ok Bianca, you don't have to feel bad.' the red eon said. Bianca stopped in her tracks and turned around. 'This isn't your fault. So don't worry about it so much.' Latias advised. Bianca nodded her head and continued to walk towards Latios.
After some time of silence, Latias finally brought up the courage to glance at Ken. All Latias could see was a mess of wires and medical equipment that covered the blue dragon. The red eon fidgeted in her discomfort, causing the hidden pain in her body to sprout. Latias winced at the slight pain and began to take deeper breaths. Why did all of this happen? And why did it have to be this way? It seemed as if all of the past events were somewhat, idiotic.
In an attempt to draw herself away from the recent events, Latias began to think of her friends in Kanto. "I wonder how they are all doing? Brock, Misty, and Ash..."
Unlike our recovering friends on the island of Altomare, our heroes in Kanto were having a much lighter situation to deal with.
After the events of the pokephilia trial, Misty and Brock visited Ash's home in the now peaceful Pallet Town. "Ash, how are you feeling? You know, with Latias and the others gone." Misty asked in a soft tone. The three friends were in the living room, Brock and Misty were sitting on the couch while Ash sat quietly in a reclining chair.
The raven haired boy had a blank expression as he stared at the two gym leaders. "I'm doing alright, I guess." Ash responded flatly. "I miss Latias a lot, but maybe it was best for her to leave Kanto." Ash sighed. Brock and Misty felt slightly guilty about what happened and mirrored Ash's melancholy demeanor. "But." Ash smiled, "Things aren't that bad." he said optimistically. Both of the gym leaders raised their eyebrows.
"What do you mean by that?" Brock questioned. From the kitchen came the sound a a giggling happy couple that were playfully teasing one another. "Um, what was that?" the dark boy asked as Misty coughed to the side to hide her blush.
"My mom and the police officer from the trial are getting married." Ash replied, completely ignoring Brock's second question. At first, the two gym leaders were shocked at the news, but then, ever so slowly, their shock turned into excited cheering. The raven haired boy was completely oblivious to the giggling in the other room as he scratched behind Pikachu's ear, who was sleeping on his lap.
"That's great Ash!" Misty cheered, overwhelmed by the great news. Misty got off of the couch and gracefully danced with her confused Togepi in her arms as Brock was having a fit of happiness at the edge of the couch. Ash let out a soft laugh and a smile as the yellow ball in his lap began to stir. Pikachu opened his eyes and rubbed the tiredness away as he sat up and rested his back against Ash's stomach.
"Anyway, when things calm down a bit I can go back on our journey!" Ash said ecstatically, making Pikachu flinch at the sudden volume of his voice.
"I'm glad that Ash feels better and all, but did he really have to talk so loudly?" Pikachu sighed as he pulled his ears down the sides of his face to drown out the noise.
The door opened, and Nurse Joy entered the room along with her Chansey that was carrying a tray that had a mix of needles and bottles of pills. "Oh, you're awake." the nurse gasped slightly, but then flashed her usual warm smile. The pink bodied Chansey placed the tray in between the red and blue dragons and took three bottles of medication from said tray. "I'm so relieved that you're feeling better. We couldn't have the protectors of Altomare die now, could we?" Nurse Joy smiled as she took the remaining syringes from the tray.
The Chansey opened Latias' medication and poured a few colorful capsules into her nub of a hand. The Chansey gestured for Latias to open her mouth and poured the colorful mix of medicine onto her tongue. The red eon swallowed her medicine with great discomfort as the Chansey handed Latias a glass of water to wash the pills down. Nurse Joy on the other hand was carefully putting on her latex gloves as she picked up one of the syringes filled about halfway up with strange, clear fluids.
The pink haired nurse carefully located Ken's vein in his left arm and gently pushed the sterile needle through his skin. Nurse Joy cautiously injected her patient with the contents of the syringe and extracted the needle immediately after she finished and reached for another injection. Five minutes passed by until the nurse was done with all of the medication that was brought on the tray.
"All right, that should do it. Those injections should help your friend heal much faster now." Nurse Joy informed as she removed her surgical gloves. And with that, the nurse gave a warm smile, bowed, and exited the room without another word.
At hearing what Nurse Joy said, Latias perked up a bit. If the nurse said that Ken was going to heal, then it must be true! Right? But across the room and by the window, Latios and Bianca stared at the red eon with looks of guilt. "I feel so bad about asking Nurse Joy to say that." Bianca whispered in Latios' ear. The blue eon nodded in agreement as he looked down at the tiled floor.
'But it couldn't be helped. Those injections were made to prolong Ken's life, they're not some sort of miracle medicine. And Nurse Joy had to say that so it would make it a bit easier for Latias, well at least for now that is...' Latios whispered back. Bianca gently hugged Latios as he gave her a peck on the cheek to comfort her. 'But, who knows. Maybe a miracle will come our way...'
There was pain, and weakness. Nothing else could be felt besides those two horrible, horrible feelings. It was all he could feel, and it was as if he had been feeling it for his entire life. There was no light whatsoever, he was trapped in nothing but darkness. Suddenly, his eyes sprung to life and slowly began to open. Nothing but darkness flew into his vision. He tried to speak, but no sound came out. It was as if his vocal chords somehow failed to operate.
Something began to form in front of the blue dragon, although he couldn't see it, he had a feeling of what it might be. Then, the entire black space began to lighten up, and become brighter and brighter until it resembled a familiar white void. The blue dragon gasped at the image before him, it was a shadow in the form of a boy. The boy looked awfully similar to Ken's human form. The shadow boy had blood red eyes and an eerie smile that complemented his intimidating appearance.
Suddenly the boy spoke, "Transform...". The blue dragon felt confused and lacked confidence when he subconsciously attempted to transform into his human disguise. As he concentrated his energy into covering himself with a physical illusion, his focus was instantly cut off. The blue dragon gasped, why could he not transform? The boy snickered and pointed at the blue dragon with his finger. "Speak..." the boy demanded.
The blue dragon hesitated, but once again, he subconsciously obeyed. He opened his mouth in an attempt to create a sound, but all that came out was a breathy sigh. Again, the shadow boy snickered as he pointed his finger at the pathetic dragon. The shadow boy produced a red flame from his mouth and smiled. Instantly, the blue dragon made an attempt to produce his own flame. But, just as the other previous attempts, the outcome was just the same. Sparks flew from the blue dragon's mouth but they quickly died out, leaving a trail of smoke behind.
The blue dragon coughed when he inhaled the smoke and fell to the ground, keeping himself up with his arms. "You're probably wondering what's happened to you?" the boy suddenly spoke as his flames died out. The blue dragon looked up frantically, sweat streaming down his forehead. "You're powerless. Weak, useless, barely able to sustain your own life. All because of those so called 'enhancements'." the boy sneered.
"What are you? You're not the shadow, are you?" the blue dragon questioned, finally catching his breath. "The shadow's dead, and, this can't be another door to my memory. Could you be, my conscious?" the blue dragon asked. The boy nodded. "Then how come you look like, that?" Ken asked, pointing out his conscious' image.
"That doesn't matter right now. What does matter is that you're practically useless. You're basically a hollow shell of a former legendary. You have no powers, you can't speak, and you can't even transform into a human anymore." the boy explained. The blue dragon gasped, horrified by the news. "And to think that you thought that those injections were actually helping you!" the boy smiled, revealing his bright white teeth. "I know that you must be scared of dying, but don't worry, you'll live. But in my opinion, I think that death would be a much better fate." said the boy.
The blue dragon gave his conscious a stern look, but he received a scoff in return.
"I know that this isn't the time for it but, we should start planning for Lorenzo's funeral." Bianca sighed. Then a grim look crossed her face, "We might have to plan another one as well..." Bianca sniffled a bit. Luckily, Latias' heavy dose of medication had already knocked her out cold. "But on the bright side, everything's over, isn't it?" the young girl asked, hoping that she was right. And to her relief, Latios nodded. Although he looked reluctant, he still nodded.
'Maybe we should start planning Lorenzo's funeral.' Latios said, trying to avoid suggesting that they should make one for Ken as well. 'It can take our minds off of everything that's happened, for now.' the blue eon sighed. Suddenly, Bianca lunged forward into Latios' arms. Her entire body trembled as the blue eon comforted her. 'Don't worry, we're almost through with this. Everything's almost back to normal.' Latios assured. And with a quick peck on the cheek, Bianca slowly began to calm down. 'Come on, lets go before Latias wakes up.' Latios said as he led the sniveling Bianca to the door.
Just as Latios turned the door knob with his psychic, he heard a rustling noise coming from one of the beds behind him. 'What was that?' Latios asked himself as he turned around to find the source. But of course, Latios was expecting his sister to be moving around in her bed, but this was not the case. Instead of Latias' bed, the one holding the blue dragon was the culprit. Bianca and Latios froze in place as they waited for something else to happen. Their patience was rewarded with a second rustle from under the hospital sheets.
Within a few seconds, the blue dragon began to cough violently, which woke him up in the process. Ken sat up in his bed and held the bend of his arm to his mouth as he coughed away. Bianca and Latios were astonished. "Ken!" the two gasped as they rushed up to the side of his bed. "You're awake!" Bianca gasped in excitement. The blue dragon's cough finally eased, and soon he was able to breath normally. "Wait 'till Latias see's this!" Bianca cheered in her mind, hardly able to contain her energy.
'How are you feeling?' Latios asked, at least he was normal about it...
The blue dragon opened his mouth to speak, but all that came out was a breathy sigh. Exactly the same way as it did in Ken's conscious. Bianca and Latios stared at their friend with a confused look, but they were still waiting for an answer. This was too much for him, his ability to speak in both his human and pokemon voice had been taken away in an instant. If this was true, then everything else that happened in his mind should be true as well.
"What's wrong?" Bianca asked, almost reluctantly. After everything that's happened, something bad was bound to happen. When she looked to the side to glance at Latios, she was seriously confused as to why he was shaking his head in despair. "Hey, Latios. Why can't Ken talk?" Bianca asked.
'I have no idea. I'm guessing he can't respond telepathically or even with his regular voice.' Latios sighed. The blue dragon spotted a piece of paper and a pen on the nightstand next to his bed, and took them for his own use. Ken clumsily wrote down a few sentences on the piece of paper while Bianca and Latios were dealing with their own business together.
The blue dragon weakly waved the white piece of paper to get the attention of his friends. When the two finally noticed, they read the paper. And the paper read, "I can't speak, telepathically or even normally. I don't know why but I'm also sure that I'm unable to do things that I usually do." Bianca and Latios were shocked, their friend with such strength is now brought down to nothing. Ken flipped the paper over and began to write on the back in his messy hand writing. "And the worst thing is, I won't be able to protect anyone anymore." the paper informed.
Although the two were sad for their friend's loss, they were still overjoyed to have him alive. Completely forgetting about their earlier plans, the couple sat with their recovering friend and began to "talk"after requesting more paper from Nurse Joy. The three "talked" for the remainder of the day. After several pages and pens worth of conversation, night had already fallen. By now, Bianca and Latios were somewhat used to the blue dragon's lack of speech. Suddenly, Latias began to stir in her bed, and she eventually woke up. Secretly, Ken wished that Latias wouldn't wake up, well for now that is. He feared how she would react to his current condition. But what he feared the most was how he was going to get by as a speechless, and possibly powerless eon? The red eon yawned and rubbed her eyes as the effects of her medication began to wear off.
The room was very calm, the florescent lights gave the room a somewhat homey atmosphere as the moonlight was kept at bay near the windows that lined the walls. Everyone fell silent as Latias awoke from her drugged slumber. The red eon sat up in her bed and looked around the room to find out that it was nighttime already. When she looked to her right, Latias found Bianca and Latios sitting next to Ken's hospital bed. 'Good morning Latias.' Latios greeted softly.
Bianca deadpanned, "Don't you mean good night?" Latios' temple began to pulsate as a drop of embarrassed sweat formed around the same area.
'Um, well... saying good night would be like telling her to go to sleep.' the blue eon retorted.
"But you said good morning, when it's nighttime. And saying goodnight in this situation isn't as bad as saying that..." Bianca sweatdropped.
'Just forget about it!' Latios whined. 'Anyway, we're glad that you're up!' the blue eon said frustratedly.
'Thank you brother.' Latias replied after watching an amusing couple fight between the two lovers in front of her. 'Is Ken awake yet?' the red eon asked. Bianca and Latios hesitated when she asked this question. How in the world were they going to tell her about his condition? But after a few painful moments, the two nodded in unison with uneasy smiles. 'Ken! How are you doing?' Latias asked frantically after seeing her friend's face in between Bianca and Latios.
Instead of speaking back, the blue dragon stuck out a paper in between Latios and Bianca that said, "Yeah but a few things have changed..." Latias was shocked to hear the news after Bianca and Latios explained what happened. They told her that he could no longer speak or reply using telepathy. And they said to her that there was even a chance that he might have lost all of his abilities and strength. Latias was devastated, she couldn't believe her ears. But the worst part of it was that she had caused all of this to happen.
After hours of crying and comforting, the group became exhausted and rested for the night.
Three years later...
'Come on, we have to hurry! All the people we invited will be here soon for Lorenzo's anniversary!' Latios hurried as he shouted out more orders throughout the house. Latios was in his human form, he wore black skinny jeans and a dark blue t-shirt. He had blood red eyes, a fanged tooth, and black hair that resembled his "eon form's" ears. 'Sis'! Get those plates set up!' Latios ordered as Latias hurriedly placed the paper plates on the food table.
Latias was also in her human form, except that she didn't copy Bianca's image. Latias wore a short black skirt with a dark red tank top under a gray jacket. She also had a fanged tooth, and black hair that resembled her aviation-like ears. Her eyes were a light amber color that looked much more welcoming than Latios'. 'Got it!' Latias replied. Latios nodded in response as he, Bianca, and Latias heard the doorbell ring. Bianca opened the door to find practically all of her close relatives crowded at the entrance.
"Hey everybody!" Bianca greeted as her enormous family entered.
"Oh your friends just keep growing even more handsome and beautiful every year!" said one of Bianca's aunts. After everyone settled down, they made a prayer for their beloved Lorenzo in the living room. As they made offerings to a beautiful photo of Lorenzo when he was still alive, then the room fell into a deep silence. Everyone bowed their heads to their lost family member and made one last final prayer.
And after that, the family members began to mingle. Almost everybody had moved on since Lorenzo's death, but they still honor the day that he died. It was a heart warming sight, family together under one roof while talking with one another. Everyone was smiling and enjoying their time at the food table as Latias spoke to Latios from across the room using her telepathy. 'I'm going to bring a plate to Ken.'
Latios acknowledged his sister's remark and nodded as she left the house with a plate stuffed with steaming, delicious food. "Things sure have changed around here..." Latias thought to herself as she began her journey to the secret garden. "It's been three years and it still feels weird being more powerful than him. Not that I really care about that or anything. But he's become so shy without his voice, it's actually quite sad." Latias thought to herself as she approached one of the secret entrances to the garden.
"I'm glad that Misty and I have been keeping up with each other lately. I still can't believe that Brock actually became a doctor! And Ash now has a dad! Ash... well at least he's happy. And now Misty is out in the world spreading her knowledge and skills of water pokemon. But I'm still curious as to why she won't tell me what Ash is doing right now? All she said was that he is happy with his mom and dad..." Latias continued her thought conversation with herself as she walked through the secret entrance.
The disguised eon arrived in her beloved home that was blooming with life. 'I got you some food from Bianca's house, Ken!' Latias called out. Getting no response, Latias set out to find the shy eon. "It's kinda sad at how shy he is now..." Latias thought to herself as she spotted the blue dragon sleeping at the base of the soul dew's pedestal with a pile of pens and papers at his side. 'Ken, are you awake?' Latias asked. The eon opened his eyes, and stared at Latias with blank eyes. 'Come on! Don't be so depressed! I got you some of Bianca's aunt's fried rice that you love so much!' Latias tempted as she waved the plate near the eon's face.
The blue dragon got up slowly, with his pen in his claw and a piece of paper in the other. Over the years, Ken has practically perfected his hand writing using his clumsy claws and began to swiftly write down a message on the sheet of paper. "Thanks Latias. And congratulate Latios and Bianca for me on their 'secret permanent relationship'." Latias read with a sad smile. The disguised eon nodded her head as she handed the steaming plate of food over to her friend.
"I feel so guilty. Since he said that he was practically useless, he volunteered to become the new protector of Altomare so that the burden would be lifted off of our shoulders. Although he has no strength left, he still wanted to make use of himself to make our lives easier. And since then, he's practically been chained here for three years." Latias smiled sadly, happy that she was a free pokemon, but incredibly saddened by taking her friend's freedom away.
"Why do you look so sad Latias? Don't tell me it's because of what I chose to do..." Ken scribbled down on the backside of the previous sheet of paper. Latias shook her head with a deep sigh. "I can tell that you're lying." Ken wrote down on a fresh piece of paper. "Look, me taking your places as the guardians of Altomare is my payment to you guys for being my friends. It's the least I could do in my condition." the blue dragon wrote down.
"No buts, this it the way things are now. So please, I want you to enjoy your freedom." the blue dragon interrupted by shoving his message in Latias' face. The disguised eon sighed, but smiled.
'Thank you, Ken-Chan...'
"No. Thank you, Tia-Chan..."
Yay the end! Ok first of all I'm truly sorry for the late update and especially the crappy quality of the ending. The reason for the late update is, writer's block, busy schedule, home work overload, and especially my crappy computer! Again, I apologize for the ending but, I gave my best. :( oh and I'll be taking a LONG break from writing. Longer than it took to come out with this chapter at the least. So that's the end of this two part series and I hope to see all of you at my next story!
YES OH MY GOD! I AM SO SORRY xD the paragraph above is like outdated by a few weeks so here's the current situation. After many annoying weeks of a failing internet browser, I finally fixed it today! Which happens to be my birthday! So yay!
Thank you for reading Remembering an Old Friend!