Author has written 1 story for Woman in White. Likes: Villains, dark fanfics, unconventional relationships between heroines and villains, het, BDSM, angst and (occasionally) well written fluff. Dislikes: Knights in shining armour, Mary Sues, RPS, femslash, OOCs and OCs. Male characters: Erik (the Phantom of the Opera), Grima Wormtongue (Lord of the Rings), Lucius Malfoy (Harry Potter), Col. William Tavington (The Patriot), Uriah Heap (David Copperfield), Twins 1 & 2 (The Matrix: Reloaded), Edward (Edward Scissorhands),Norrington (Pirates of the Carribean), Jean-Claude Frollo (The Hunchback of Notre Dame), Jafar (Disney's Aladdin), Darkness (Legend), Mordred (Arthurian Legend), Captain Hook/Mr Darling (Peter Pan),Count Fosco (The Woman in White), Count Olaf (A Series of Unfortunate Events the film), Silas (The Da Vinci Code)and Henry Jekyll/Edward Hyde (Jekyll and Hyde). Female characters: Christine (The Phantom of the Opera), Eowyn (Lord of the Rings), Fleur de Lys (The Hunchback of Notre Dame), Princess Lili (Legend), Narcissa Malfoy (Harry Potter), Marian Halcombe (The Woman in White), Violet (A Series of Unfortunate Events the film) and Wendy Darling (Peter Pan). Pairings: Erik/Christine, Eowyn/Grima, Hook/Wendy, Darkness/Lili, Lucius/Narcissa, Marian/Fosco (non-con),Violet/Olaf (probably non-con in this case too) and Lucy/Hyde. |
DJ Caligula (6) Dwells in Shadow (1) Kates (13) | michellemybelle25 (25) Riene (39) Sparks (58) | StitchGrl (14) Vereena (3) |