![]() Author has written 13 stories for Pokémon, Snow White with the Red Hair/赤髪の白雪姫, and Love Live! School idol project. Name: Why should I tell you that? Actually, here's a hint: it's more than 1 letter Age: somewhere between 1 and 1000 Where I live: somewhere in the world Favorite fairytale: Sleeping Beauty! Don't judge me. It's for a personal reason Favorite color: Red, Black or Pink REMEMBER WHEN Getting HIGH meant swinging at a play ground the worst thing you could get from a boy was COOTIES? Put This In Your Profile If You're Still Five Inside... No Matter How Old You Are Now. Top 5 Favorite animes: Pokemon, Snow White With Red Hair, Love Live! School idol project (and Love Live Sunshine) and The World is Still Beautiful (Soredemo Sekai wa Utsukushii) Supported pokemon shipps: -Franticshipping: it's in my username -Contestshipping: Most of my stories are CS -Ikarishipping: Opposites attract is cute -Hoennshipping: I have no idea why -Rocksmashshipping (in case you don't know, it's Roxanne and Brawly) -Flavacentshipping (IrisxTrip) -Egoshipping(MistyxGary) -Oldrivalshipping(GreenxBlue) -Mangaquest(GoldxCrystal) -Soulsilvershipping(SilverxLyra) and more I just can't think of anything else A question that you might ask me: Why is my username "TheFranticShiper" and not "TheFranticShipper"? Yes I know how to spell. Just let me clear that up. It is "TheFranticShiper" because I originally started reading pokemon fanfiction without an account. I created myself a username which you can put in if you are a guest. However, it wouldn't let me put 2 Ps. Therefore, every time that I tried to tap my username it either turned out into "TheFranticShiper" or "TheFranticShippe". I prefered "TheFranticShiper" so I kept it. Eventually, I got an account and I deccided to name myself "TheFranticShiper". (Just in case the person concerned is reading this)There was one story on Yo Kai Watch that I reviewed on. My review wasn't exactly pleasant and I am so so sorry. I eventually tried to find the story again but in vain. So, to the author or authoress concerned: I really really hope that you can forgive me. 50 of my favorurite pokemon (first 3 are my absolute favourite) -Tepig -Pignite -Emboar -Charmander -Charmeleon -Charizard -Cyndaquill -Quillava -Typhlosion -Torchic -Combusken -Blaziken -Chimchar -Monferno -Infernape -Fennekin -Braixen -Delphox -Litten -Torrocat -Incineroar -Breloom -Lurantis -Ledian -Crobat -Glameow -Mismaguis -Hydreigon -Mawile -Pidgeot/Mega Pidgeot -Togekiss -Ampheros -Arorus -Florges -Hawlucha -Kommo-o -Aloloan Raichu -Pichu -Rockruff -Alolan Marorak -Lucanrok (Midday form) -Todgedemaru -Ribombee -Skitty -Delcatty -Beautifly -Glaceon -Flareon -Sylveon My pokemon teams: W2: Emboar lv 100, Serperior lv 100, Hydreigon lv 92, Dragonite lv100, Shiny Dragonite lv87 , and Latias lv 90-100 Y: Delphox lv 100, Talonflame lv 100, Garchomp lv100, Lucario whose level I forgot, Yveltal, and Venusaur level 73. AS: Blaziken lv 100, Delcatty lv 92, Beauty Cosplay Pikachu lv 100, Latias whose level I forgot, Beautifly lv 90, and the last pokemon is the one that I change all the time HG: Typhlosion lv 70-80, Togekiss, Ampheros, Snorlax, Furret, and Ho-Oh X: Delphox, Ledian, Crobat, Balstoise, Aurorus and Florges. Super Mystery Dungeon: Tepig as my main pokemon. Piplup is my "friend" Sun: Incineroar lv 94, special Ash-Grenina lv 94, Haryama lv70, Kommo-o lv 80, Froslass, and a Lurantis named Layla Ultra Sun: Decidueye, Lopunny, Slowking, Happiny (lv78), Absol, Noivern ...M... Put this on ...A... your channel ...Y... if u love May Eevee Power! Help Eevee take over the world by pasting this on your profile. (I do not own this) ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .HR Best Love Live Girls in order(I still love all of them) 1)Hoshizora Rin nya 2)I don't have one...IT'S JOKE Ohara Mari 3)Tsushima Yoshiko (Yoshiko: YOHANE!) 4)Nishikino Maki 5)Matsuura Kanan 6)Watanabe You 7)Kurosawa Dia 8)Kunikida Hanamaru 9)Takami Chika 10)Kousaka Honoka 11)Sakurauchi Riko 12)Yazawa Nico 13)Tojo Nozomi 14)Koizumi Hanayo 15)Kurosawa Ruby 16)Ayase Eli 17)Minami Kotori/Sonoda Umi Best Voices in Muse: 1)Hoshizora Rin 2)Kousaka Honoka 3)Nishikino Maki 4)Ayase Eli 5)Tojo Nozomi 6)Sonoda Umi 7)Koizumi Hanayo 8)Yazawa Nico 9)Minami Kotori Best Voices in Aqours: 1)Ohara Mari 2)Watanabe You 3)Takami Chika 4)Matsuura Kanan 5)Tsushima Yoshiko 6)Kurosawa Ruby 8)Kunikida Hanamaru 9)Kurosawa Dia Favorite Muse Sub-Unit: Lily White (followed closely by BiBi and Printemps) Favorite Aqours Sub-Unit: Guilty Kiss (followed closely by CYaRon and Azalea) Favorite Song from each Sub-Unit: Printemps: Love Marginal CYaRon: Yozora wa Nandemo de Shitteru No Lily White: A-NO-NE-GA-N-BA-RE! Azalea: Innocent Bird BiBi: Love Novels Guilty Kiss: Strawberry Trapper |