
Hi! I'm back from hiatus with a new Valentine story! I am sick so this came out later than intended. Sorry! Anywhoo, let's see how Blue will push couples together this time. Enjoy!

Blue looked at the finished chocolates in her kitchen. Each milky goodness was molded into the shape of a heart. She took a small dropper that contained a transparent pink liquid. "Let this year's Valentine's be a success to all my girl friends," Blue grinned mischievously and whispered to herself as she put a drop of the liquid onto each chocolate that has been left to harden.
"Blue! Did you find the popcorn?" Yellow asked from the living room.
"The movie's about to start!" Crystal added.
"Yeppers! I'm just putting it in a bowl!," Blue yelled back. She grabbed the bowl of popcorn she had prepared beforehand and rejoined the other girls in the living room. Yellow and Platina were sitting on the couch with a space in between them. Sapphire, Crystal, and Lyra were sitting on the floor in front of them. On the tv, a commercial ended and the marathon of Love and Battles came on.
"It's starting!" Lyra squealed. Blue plopped herself in the middle seat of the couch and relaxed herself as the movie started.

The girls went back into the kitchen to check on their chocolates once the movie marathon ended. They were wrapping up the chocolates while discussing the movies.
"The movies were nice, right?" Crystal asked her sister.
"I guess so. The last one was kinda sad," Lyra commented as she tried her best to wrap the stupid paper around the box.
"Did anyone notice that the guy in the first movie sound a lot like Red-senpai?" Sapphire said.
"I did! And the man in the second movie sounded a lot like how Blue describes Green-senpai!" Platina spoke up, a small smile on her face.
"They do not!" Yellow and Blue said at the same time.
"Besides," Blue looked over at Sapphire, "since when do you make chocolates with us AND watch a love movie marathon?"
"HEY. I'm eating this myself. And I watched it for the BATTLES," Sapphire claimed.
"Yeah, sure. Then why are you wrapping it up so nicely?" Blue teased. Sapphire was about to retort but the door bell rang.
"Sapphire? Are you in there? We're leaving! Your dad said he's dying to take a nap!" a woman's voice called from the other side of the door.
"Coming, Mama!" Sapphire yelled. She stuck her tongue at Blue as she walked away, stuffing her wrapped chocolate into her waist pack.
"I'm sure Ruby will be thrilled to get chocolate from you!" Blue called after her.
"SHUT UP!" a red faced Sapphire yelled as she slammed the door shut behind her.

"Ah, it's about time I need to leave as well," Platina said, untying her apron, "thank you for teaching me how to make these sweets." She placed her two chocolates in her bag. "Father and Professor Rowan are probably waiting."
"Oh, Professor Elm mentioned that we were going to Johto via your helicopter," Crystal remembered.
"Then I guess we should leave too Crys. Thanks Blue and Yellow!" Lyra said, taking her shoulder bag.
The three girls left the house and walked towards Professor Oak's lab where a helicopter was waiting.

"Well, Yellow, should I call Red to pick you up or are you going home on your own?"
"I'm going home alone!" Yellow squealed, a blush rising to her face.
"Okaayy~" Blue sang, sending off her friend.

Once everyone had left, Blue flopped down in front of the tv again. She took out a small box and opened it. "A small drop to make the one you love treat you like the most special person in the world!" It was printed on a small card behind the instructions. Blue lifted the card and placed the dropper into the box, back into its place.
"Well, it was a bit expensive. But that Hex Maniac is famous for her effectiveness. A small price to pay for my friends' happiness," Blue giggled to herself. She popped the box into the drawer next to her sofa and closed it. "Ahh. I can't wait for tomorrow! Let this year's Project Valentines begin!"

And there you have it. What do you think will happen? Blue's messing with magic now. I can only feel sorry for the boys who will eat the chocolates and the girls who will give them. So, I should have them uploaded quickly. Meh. Assuming I live through this cold. Happy belated Valentines!