Authoress: I DID IT! This scene has hated me for forever and a half, but I got it DONE! Whoop! Now I have a lot of planning for the rest of the story (I consider this the end of part 1). Next update will be slow *I know, lame right* but I hope to keep this story interesting for as long as I write it.

Disclaimer: Nope. Not even gonna, okay fine I don't own Pokemon. There.

To an outsider, a Wooper is one of the cutest and awkward pokemon you can find in the Johto region. I would agree with them before that day. That day, I didn't see the Wooper as cute and mindless. I saw it as a Pokemon, just like the rest of us. I saw it as a trained and merciless fighter.

My already battered body was no match for the barrage of water and mud that came at it in such a small time period. My paws ached and my limbs burned as I forced myself forward after each hit, but the damage caught up to me. I could no longer stand. I could no longer fight.

I watched the Wooper ready a mud bomb and looked at Silver. His face was covered in hatred and anger. I sighed and collapsed as the full force of the attack hit my flank. The world faded to black and I could only make out Silver's last words.

"You are weak, you useless pokemon."

"Feisty…come on Feisty. You can't sleep all day." I opened my eyes to the less than pleasant sight of Gastly's face an inch from my own. I blew a short ember at him and struggled onto my legs.

"I'm never going to get up again if your ugly mug is within five inches of my pretty face." I smirked and shook my fur out of the grass that clung to it. The dull ache in my paws reminded me of the last battle and I let out a low growl.

"Why, Ma Cherie, what is troubling you now?" Zubat cooed from his perch on a branch above me. I was ready with a retort, but the tone of his voice threw me off. It wasn't jokingly charismatic like he usually was. It was more deadpan, like he wasn't even trying for once.

"I could ask you the same, Pest." I remarked before taking a thorough look at my surroundings. I was in a dark forest. That much was clear. Trees, grass, typical forest, but I don't remember forests having a random line of hedges blocking the way out… I looked over at Gastly who responded immediately.

"Ilex forest, we're on the Azalea town side. They keep the hedges there to prevent pokemon from escaping." I looked at him incredulously. He sighed.

"I overheard a kid asking the same question to an elderly man." I nodded and spotted Silver's bag and items lain out in front of a tree next to ours.

"Where's Silver?"

Zubat answered me this time.

"Went out to 'clear his head'. A load of Zubatcrap if you ask me." I turned to face my blue companion, startled at his tone and speech.

"What's got you angry?" I stared at him. The angry bat whirled off of his perch and flapped in front of my face.

"I'll tell you what has me angry! That silly Human who thinks he can call me 'stupid' 'useless' and 'lazy'. I didn't get captured because I wanted too, and I'm not going to stay for this jerk!" Zubat ranted, steadily rising in volume as his words continued. "I can't believe I'm still here."

Gastly came up to us.

"Calm down, Zubat." Gastly turned towards me. "He's got a point, Quilava." I stared at the use of my name. "Why are we here?"

I stared at the bag and our Pokeballs that lay inside. I failed and he called me useless, like always. I blinked. Since when did I get used to people calling me useless. When did I start to accept that as a response?

"I don't know." I answered.

"It's because she's too soft to leave." I turned my head and growled at Zubat, my fur bristling with flames. Soft? I am NOT soft!

"Wanna say that again, pest?" I shot out a flame in warning. Zubat laughed at landed on an unlit part of my back.

"You've started to care about the little human." He chuckled before flying off my back, just as I was about to buck him off.

"I do not care for the little whelp. I was just stuck with him."

"No, you care."

"I don't." There is no way I could!

"Then let's leave now." Gastly spoke. Both Zubat and I looked back at him, a questioning look on our faces.

"He left his stuff. We can just take our Pokeballs and leave."

I turned and looked out toward the forest beyond the man-made hedges. I can finally be free. I can finally battle on my own time; see places I want to see. I don't have to have the threat of a Pokeball over my shoulder all the time. I can be the absolute definition of free.

I turned to Gastly with an excited expression on my face. It's been so long since the idea of freedom was obtainable. I can hardly remember the last time I thought about it!

"Let's do it!"

Zubat gasped and fell of his branch before regaining his balance.

"You actually want to leave?" Only since forever! I'll finally be free of that stupid Pokeball!

"Yes, he's a cruel, selfish, lazy, weak brat. I'm not going to stay with him a minute longer." I smiled and trotted to Silver's bag. I collected his belt and our Pokeballs. Dragging it behind me, I turned towards my companions.

"Shall we go now, or wait till he's back and can chase us." I laughed and ran towards a small gap in the hedges and wiggled my way through, tugging the belt and Pokeballs behind me. I heard Zubat and Gastly following me, so I continued forward, feeling a weight being lifted off my shoulders. I'm finally free!

It wasn't but ten minutes before the weight came back. I was looking around myself constantly, watching for foes and for a path. We were already lost.

"Where should we go, Feisty?" Gastly spoke, ending the silence that had lasted for what seemed like hours. I looked back and attempted to smile at him.

"Wherever we want, Gastly, wherever we want."

Zubat flew over us in circles, humming a tune I didn't recognize.

"Well, Feisty, what do we want to do? I came with you guys because I couldn't get stronger facing Bellsprouts all day. That goal hasn't changed." I nodded at Gastly and twisted around another bush.

"My Dear, I would like to see the world. It's so dreadfully dull spending my childhood in the same cave." I nodded again and swerved around a tree.

"What do you want to do Feisty?" I stopped.

Battle against trainers…against gym leaders…But I can't do that without… I turned back towards Gastly and sat, looking out at out surroundings.

"As long as I get to battle, I think I'll be alright." Gastly stared at me for a while.

"So I guess we just travel and battle?" I nodded.

"That seems like the best option now." We already hid our Pokeballs, so I guess we're free to do whatever we want now…

I turned and took a step forward only to bump into something and fall backwards.

"ow! What the-" I looked forward to see nothing blocking my way.

"You okay Feisty?" Gastly said worriedly.

"Yeah, I'm…fine." I took another step forward and hit nothing.

We continued moving, talking about minor things or not talking at all. The forest seemed to go on for miles and I took deep breaths of the fresh forest air. I was actually content. Freedom was relaxing, amazing, thrilling. It was easy. We came across a lake, clear water giving me a sense of calm. The more I thought about the air and the scenery, the more I felt the weight lift off again and my excitement rise. A new adventure, one without cages, Rockets, heights, and uncouth Red-heads.

I pranced forward and jumped into the lake as we passed, not minding the water on my fur. Zubat and Gastly starred before shrugging and joining me. I splashed Gastly and dived under the water leaving a trail of bubbles as the water around me evaporated from my body heat. I surfaced only to be hit in the face by a spray from Zubat.

"Not very subtle, Love" He grinned and flew above my retuning splash.

"You can't even get in the water so shut it!" Zubat landed on my head.

"I'm close enough." I heard his chuckle from my head and tried to shake him off.

"Feisty, Zubat, calm down." Gastly chuckled. Zubat laughed and flew off my head towards the shore.

I smiled and trudged out of the water, shaking my fur and sending water droplets on both my companions. I walked out to a path in the tree line, ready to continue our adventure, when I hit another object and fell backwards. I looked forward and saw a green light pass behind a nearby bush.

"Oh, so we're playing a game are we?" I crouched and stalked my way towards the bush, careful not to make a sound. I closed in and right as I turned to pounce on the green light, it flew past me and out through the trees.

"Don't let that light get away!" Gastly and Zubat nodded hesitantly while I bolted after the green light, using quick attack to give myself an extra burst of speed.

The green light was fast, I would almost catch it, only for it to swerve around another tree or plant. Pokemon peeked out of their burrows and nests to watch me and my two companions chase after the mysterious green light. Soon I ran into a plant and lost sight of the green light. I shook my head and refocused, watching for any sign of movement or light. Only Gastly and Zubat were behind me, looking around for the green light as well. It seemed like a dead end.

"I think we lost it, Love." Zubat flapped above my head.

I looked at the plant I had run into and noticed a whole. I took in a deep breath and let out an ember, charring the plant and revealing a path.

"I think I found it." I whispered, and all three of us slowly followed the path into a clearing.

The clearing was surrounded by towering trees letting only enough light in so I could see the other end. It was beautiful, in a mysterious way. The dark light, the eerie silence, the towering trees, and the small abandoned shrine hidden between creeping vines at the back gave the place a sacred feel. I stepped forward lightly, watching for the green light to appear.

I reached the shrine and examined the old and broken wood. It seemed forgotten, sad almost, as if it had feelings. I looked at Gastly and shrugged before turning around.

"Come on guys, nothing to se-" I was cut off by a bell tinkling behind me.

I turned again, only to see a flash of light come at me.

I woke up to a row of hedges in my face. Not the most pleasant of wake up calls. I looked around at my surroundings, slowly taking everything in. Okay, no trees, small patches of grass, a stairway… Nope, I have no idea where I am. I stood up on my legs and shook my fur, waking myself. Gastly and Zubat were no where to be found.

Heh, it's quiet without those two floating around me. Kind of weird. I walked up the stairs and let the breeze rush past. There was a road in front of me, a pavement road. Then my ears caught a sound on the wind. Footsteps, heading this direction. I panicked and perched for a place to hide. I saw another hedge and quickly jumped behind it.

"You told me… You were the number one in the world!" My ears perked and I straightened up. It sounds a bit higher but, I know that voice!

"Are you going to quit? What are you going to do now?" My eyes widened as I peaked over the hedge to see the owner of the voice.

"Silver?" I whispered.

Indeed it was Silver. He was a bit shorter than I remembered and had much more emotion on his face than I was used to. I looked at the man he was with. Tall, dark haired, and stoic, the man seemed to not have any emotion. His coat and hat were immaculate and his posture was perfect, painting the perfect picture of a business leader. I got a bad feeling from him. Part of me instinctively wanted to get away.

"One must acknowledge one's defeat before he can move on…" He started, his voice just as emotionless and colorless as himself.

"I will go solo…for now, so that one day I will form a stronger organization!" Silver's childish face scrunched up in anger.

"What aspect of you was number one? Gathering so many only to be defeated by a mere child!" Silver spat out.

"Putting together the potential of many is how you produce a huge power. That's what an organization is. That's the strength of an organization! I failed to make the best use of my subordinates' potential. But you shall one day witness the revival of me and my Team Rocket!" I gasped and hid behind the hedge again.

This is the team Rocket leader? How does Silver know him? Is this why Silver hates them so much? I heard more footsteps and looked over the hedge again. Silver was standing straight in front of the man.

"I don't understand you! You don't make any sense!"

"One day, you will understand." The man spoke softly and then turned and walked off down the road, leaving Silver behind. Silver lowered his head.

"I don't want to understand you. I will never become someone like you." Silver spoke softly and I held my mouth to stop the gasp as tears started to trickle down his cheeks.

"A coward when you're alone and acting like a tyrant when you're in front of other cowards." Silver's voice began to pick up volume.

"I will become strong!" Silver whipped his tears off with his jacket.

"I will become a stronger man all by myself." Silver raised his head to where the man had left.

"ALL BY MYSELF!" He screamed at the place he last saw the man.

I stood and crept out of my hiding place to watch Silver pass me angrily.

"Nice guy, huh." I squealed and jumped around, lighting the fire on my back in preparation for a battle.

"Woah there nelly, Just commenting on the big guy!" a green bulb-like pokemon hovered before me, flapping two tiny fairy wings. I really hope this is a girl.

"Who are you?" I growled out, still preferring to be safe then sorry.

"Oh! Sorry, I'm Celebi. I brought you here." The green fairy smiled and put one hand behind its back.

"You can time-travel?"

"Oh yeah, It's tots awesome."


"Oh, In the future, that means totally."

"Why don't they just say totally?"

Celebi shrugged and turned towards the area where Silver and the mysterious guy had fought. It had a small smile on its face.

"Because sometimes children do the strangest things to be different from their elders."

I looked out at the road. "Who was he? How does Silver know him?" Celebi shook its head.

"Not my secret to tell." I growled.

"Then why am I here?"

"Because someone needed to come. I just chose you."

"This makes no sense."

"If it did then there would be no need for you to be here." I stared as the Pokemon with curiosity. What could I possibly do about this?

"Why do I need to be here?" Celebi sighed.

"Have you ever felt alone…really alone?" I thought about my days at the lab and nodded.

"Did you want to be alone? Didn't you feel the need to prove yourself?" I nodded again. I looked at the pokemon.

"Why do I have to help him? He's been rude, selfish and mean to me the entire time." Celebi sighed .

"Do you really think you didn't need him as well?" I frowned.

I guess I can see where this is going... Oh Mew, did I screw up.

"I think I understand now. For some reason, Silver needs to prove he's strong to that guy. And in order to do that he thinks he needs to be emotionally detached?"

"Close. That man lost to a kid who only preached love and happiness with pokemon."

"So he wants to beat this kid?"

"Not even I know. Silver's history is a bit…messy. That kid could be thinking anything. I'm surprised he turned out so well."

"Well?" I gave a snort.

"Comparatively. In another timeline he turned out way worse, but you're just gonna have to trust me on that."

"Fine. So can I go back? I have something I need to fix."

Celebi smiled and nodded lifting a finger in the air and swirling it around. A flash of green light flooded my sight and then I was back in Ilex forest.

It was odd, seeing the old shrine and large trees when not a minute before I was behind a hedge by the road. I turned around, looking for Celebi, but only found Gastly and Zubat.

"Feisty! You're back!" Gastly smiled and floated around me energetically.

"Where'd you go? It's been an awfully long time love." Zubat commented, landing on my back.

I looked up at the small area of sky I could see past the canopy. The sky was dark. How long have we been away from Silver? SILVER! I got up and started to run past the opening to the clearing, maneuvering my way past plants and trees.

"Feisty! Where are you going!" Gastly called, chasing after me.

"Back to Silver!" Zubat flew up beside me.

"What! I thought we agreed to leave him!" I stopped and faced my two companions. I took a deep breath.

"We were wrong. I was wrong. Leaving Silver won't accomplish anything. He's our trainer and yes, he is a cold-hearted jerk, but…" I took another deep breath. "We're all he has, and if we won't stick with him who will?" I looked up at Gastly.

"We're not his baby sitters, Feisty. It's not our job."

"But we chose to come with him. I followed him, I battled for him, you battled for him. We all went on this journey to get stronger and can you honestly tell me you haven't?"

"I didn't chose to come, love. I'm not staying with him." Zubat huffed. I growled and turned away.

"Look, I don't care if you come or not. I owe Silver. We started this journey together; we're going to finish this journey together." I used quick attack and got away as fast as possible. There was still the issue of being lost though. Where did I go…

A small green light flew in front of me, leading past a tree and deeper into the forest. Thank you Celebi. I ran forward again, following the light as it twisted and turned through the forest. Flashes of memories started to go through my head.

I stared at the boy, testing him. It was a simple test. I wanted to see if he would back down first, or wait till I did. He didn't disappoint, staring me down with an intimidating and dominate gaze, even with his wet hair flopping over one eye. I looked away first, but not before a pleased smirk graced my lips. This boy would do nicely.

Then he spoke in a soft voice, one that scared me more than all the glares and scowls put together. It was a broken sound, one that made you feel pity for whoever used it, even if it was your worst enemy.

"And what if you leave me?"

Then he returned the Pokeball to its original size and placed it in his pocket. I stared at him in shock. He saw my expression and raised one eyebrow.

"What, you stupid thing? You said you wouldn't go in it. Why bother trying?"

I chuckled, earning a strange look from Silver. I glared back. He rolled his eyes, but turned his head forward again. I smirked again. Not so tough now that were partners in crime are you?

"Come on you stupid pokemon. It's too cold in here. You're a fire type aren't you?" he mumbled softly. I crawled under the covers and curled up next to his stomach.

In his sleep his arm fell around me, bringing my body heat closer to him. I purred in contentment.

Silver had his head down, his violent red hair covering his face. He had his arms straight by his sides, with his hands clenched into fists. His form was shaking slightly, not even enough for someone who gave him a passing glance to notice, but I wasn't someone who was simply passing a glance. It was small, almost unnoticeable. Even as I stared intently at his face, I almost missed it. It was a single tear that feel down his cheek and onto the soot on the battlefield.

I smiled and made an attempt to move, but the adrenaline from the battle had completely faded, and I was tired. I closed my eyes and snuggled myself deeper into Silver's warm arms. When the elevator started to move downwards I could feel fear starting to rise up from my stomach. The sensation was a little too close to falling for comfort. Don't think about falling, don't think about falling. I squeezed my eyes together and my muscles tensed up. Don't think about falling, don't think about- My thoughts were cut off when I felt something warm petting my back. I unconsciously calmed down to the soothing strokes, but I also felt a tremor in them. I opened my left eye to see what it was. I was shocked when I saw Silver's right hand was the source of the warmth. His eyes were focused on the ground that was slowly approaching, and his hand was shaking as it stroked me. I smiled. He must have been as scared as I was. "Get some rest, you- you deserve it."

A broken voice sounded. It was one I hadn't heard in a while, and it made me scared. I watched with bated breath as his small frame shook with more sobs.

"Why was I scared? Why was I weak?" "Why did I care? That Pokemon means nothing to me! It's a tool and nothing else!" Tears slid down my cheeks as I continued to watch Silver torment himself. "That's what they're supposed to be…""Why did you leave? Was it because I'm so weak? I was useless to you… I wasn't strong enough… How do I become stronger? How do I become good enough?" Who are you trying so hard to please?

The ball was aimed at Silver. I quickly jumped into action and jumped in front of my trainer taking the ball directly, getting a critical hit. I groaned as pain shot up my back, but Silver was careful and he quickly situated me so I was lying on my back with minimal movement. I looked down at my body ignoring the pain that shot up my neck. The scenery passed beside us and that was when I realized Silver was running.

My eyes widened and I got up and turned completely. My eyes softened and I smiled as I saw Silver snoring lightly on the side of my bed.

I turned and saw Proton creeping behind Silver, who was to busy throwing a punch at the last grunt to hear him. In Proton's hand was a large rock. I ran towards him and as Proton lifted the rock above his head I rammed into his shoulder, sending him tumbling back. "uh…thanks, for…uh… saving my life." He whispered quickly before turning and exiting the well.

I followed the light to a tree and quickly dug up my Pokeball. I smiled and held it in my mouth before following the light to the hedge line. I looked up at it. Last chance to go back. I smiled even wider. Not in a million years. I crawled under the hedge, through the hole. I shook my way past the last of the greenery and ran back to the tree I woke up to that morning. It seems like it's been so much longer… I went to the tree and skidded to a halt. Silver wasn't there. Did he leave already? Am I too late?

I perked my ears. In the distance I heard a sniffle. I turned my head in the direction of the noise and slowly crept past the tree. I peeked from behind another tree and gasped. Silver was huddled, curled around himself, while crying into his dark jeans.

"Stupid…*sniff*…pokemon…I don't need her…*sniff* or anyone else!" The boy cries shook his body.

I slowly approached him, making no noise. When I got by his side I sat and waited for him to look up, but he kept crying. I nuzzled his leg only to have one of his hands swat me away half-heartedly.

"Silver…" I whispered, dropping the Pokeball in my mouth. I pushed my head in between his chest and legs and moved onto his lap. I felt his body stiffen.

"What the…Quilava?" Silver whispered as he uncurled from his position. I closed my eyes and purred, warming his body up, while I was curled on his lap.

"Qui…Quilava?" I looked up at the boy's tear stained face. I licked his face, tasting his salty tears. A smile came across his face, a true happy smile. I smiled in return. So this is what it takes to get the kid to smile? Should have known. I nuzzled my face on his cheek. It feels good to be back…to belong. He hugged me close to his chest.

"I thought you left. I thought…I thought I was alone again." I just purred, letting him have his moment.

"Never leave…Never leave me." I nodded.


I would remember this moment later, much later, as the start of our real journey. The one where we weren't two separate individuals looking for strength against our personal demons. This was the start of our journey as one team who wanted one goal. And while we still had our differences, and our fights, this was the start of the journey where we respected and worked with each other. I think we both would agree this is where we began to saw each other as friends.

Because journeys are only as worthwhile as the friends you travel with.

Wow, that took forever. How was it. Silver was as OOC as he's gonna get, so I hope you guys do realize the proper emotional state of our quaint 13 year old boy.

Read and Review
