Reviews for A Touch of Magic
mio chapter 63 . 7/26

niko yes
mio.akiyamacool chapter 61 . 7/26
Hi remember me?

it's miooooooo!
got blocked in my country so you have no idea how long i go through hell to read this stroy again.. and omgggg i love nikoo
foxchick1 chapter 64 . 11/16/2019
There's more to it and I love it!
Luna chapter 63 . 10/23/2019
omg it's been a while sense i been caught up with you I've just recently remembered this and went on a man hunt to find it because i really wanted to see how things have been. I kinda forgot about it because school is just awful and I swear is making my memory i'm going to try and keep up again still seems like an amazing story.
Guest chapter 61 . 8/12/2019
I would gave dinner with myself. It would be too awkward to have it with anyone else
PineappleLover chapter 1 . 4/22/2019
Noooo I missed it! Sorry! While I don’t necessarily enjoy pineapple pizza, it definitely belongs! Can’t wait for the next update! (Also, I don't know what guest was impersonating me, lol.) Love the fanfic!
pookabearpie chapter 59 . 4/17/2019
It took me a few days to read, but I love this story! I'm so looking forward to the day the hosts find out about Georgia's magic, hehe!
I love Georgia, and what you did with Haruhi. As I was reading and they were trying to figure out what her magic was, all I could think was "It's logic! It has to be logic! It's the only thing that's so fitting!"
Haruhi also definitely still needs to tell Georgia about hearing some of the hosts' thoughts! This is important information! I've also never seen a fic that dealt with magic change anything about the already existing characters, it's really unique and I love how you handled it!

Do you think you would mind too terribly if I took some inspiration from your magic system and some of the story arcs you've written for my own story? I'd totally be willing to let you read it too, if you wanted, since I don't really plan on posting it anywhere right now.
Guest chapter 1 . 4/16/2019
Noooo I can’t believe I missed it! Sorry! While I don’t necessarily enjoy pineapple pizza, it definitely belongs! Can’t wait for the next update!
SailorCandy chapter 59 . 4/14/2019
I love Blayze’s and Lachy’s relationship
SailorCandy chapter 58 . 3/14/2019
I liked it still! But... I really missed my ship...
SailorCandy chapter 57 . 1/21/2019
I'm confused... but mainly disappointed that the kiss didn't happen

Is it wrong that laughed at the end? I feel like it was suppose to be serious...
PineappleLover chapter 57 . 1/21/2019
I was so happy when this new chapter came out! Yay! Also, can the Host Club find out about Georgia's powers when they're in a life or death situation? What can I say, I'm a fan of drama in books :). Thanks for writing the story and continuing to make the readers proud! -PineappleLover
Manglelove chapter 56 . 12/19/2018
I like this! I'll reread the whole story on the weekend to get back into focus though.
SailorCandy chapter 54 . 11/26/2018
Another thing shy Hikaru is so adorable. I also think the hosts and Georgia are the ones going against greater evil. I mean there are 7 hosts. Or at least Blayze. It's kind of weird how they helped save Georgia in her dream. Author are you foreshadowing? Probably not and I'm overthinking things. On a unrelated note I ship Lachy x Blayze
Guest chapter 55 . 11/25/2018
This was a really great chapter but school is a pain in my butt so sometimes i'm a bit behind on your chapters
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