Disclaimer: I do not own Special A. /sobs

Chapter 5: Cautious, Puzzles

If there was one person that could instantly make Kei annoyed by just the mere thought of them, Kei's one hundred percent sure it would be Hiro Kinose. A few days had already passed after their encounter in the library yet his words continued to play on repeat in Kei's head.

"Is Hikari really that dense?"

'Dense in what way?' he'd often ask himself.

If this was Hiro's way of getting to him it was certainly working. But of course he wouldn't let the other know about that. Kei grunted. He should be focusing on business, not on small trivial things.

He was currently away on a business trip somewhere outside the Tokyo prefecture even though it was a weekday. So far he only came in to school once that week. It was Thursday evening and he'd be there until Friday night. That meant that he'd be in time for his highly anticipated 'business' the next day.

His phone rang snapping him out of his thoughts.

'Otou-san' flashed brightly on his screen. Contemplating whether to answer, he picked it up and waited for his father to say something first.

"Keeeeiii! My dear son~! You have no idea how much father has misse-"

Kei didn't hesitate to drop the call. If this was one of his father's antics he was having none of it.

His phone rang for the second time. Though he answered, he waited at least five seconds to click the 'accept' button.

"I'm sorry, Kei! I'll behave I swear!" his father pleaded on the other end of the phone. He's such a little kid sometimes.

"What is it?" Kei asked and leaned back on his chair.

"Well you see~ Mr. Ichinose wants to have a meeting this weekend to talk about current development of the Phase 2 project we've been working on!" his father informed yet his cheery tone was still there.

"I'm afraid I have other plans this weekend," Kei stated. There was no way, after months and months of trying is he letting an official date with Hikari be postponed by some business meeting about concretes and rubbles.

You heard right: A date with his precious Hikari. That's what his 'highly anticipated business' was all about. But we'll get to that later on.

"Can't it be next week instead?"

He could hear his father shaking his head. "It has to happen this weekend Kei-kun~ Mr. Ichinose will be leaving for South Korea this Monday, then to Europe afterwards. This is the only time he is available for us, I'm afraid."

Kei paused for a moment.

Why was fate never on his side?

He weighed his options carefully. If he agreed on this meeting, who knows when he'll get another opportunity to be on a date –an official one– with Hikari. However if he opted for the date, there's a big chance their company would lose a great amount of their stocks and support from their contractor his father wouldn't like that, not one bit.

It was either her, or the company.

Kei sighed before speaking back to his father. "Where and when?"





"You want to go with me and Tadashi instead? We're going mountain-climbing," Akira suggested but Hikari replied with a no. After Kei called the previous day to cancel their much anticipated date, Hikari called Akira to cancel their early shopping date that morning.

As much as Akira wanted to pummel Kei down to the fiery pits of hell, she couldn't help but feel sorry for her friend. She was against of the two going on a date but for Hikari's sake, she went along with it and even volunteered to pick her outfit for that day.

It was Saturday morning and it was only then that Hikari let Akira know about the postponement of her date when the other called to ask what time they should get ready.

"It's okay Akira-chan. I just wanted to spar with him for training. I'll just train on my own."

Akira wasn't buying it. There was an edge to her voice and Akira didn't fail to notice this. Hikari did suck at concealing her feelings and emotions.

"Are you sure? We could go to your house instead," she said.

"Oh it's fine! You guys go climb rocks, I'll be fine." Hikari smiled and hoped Akira could sense it.

The short-haired girl sighed. "Fine, but if you need us or feel lonely all of a sudden, just call us and we'll charge straight where you are, okay?"

Akira heard her friend laugh. "I will, I will. Thank you Akira-chan!"

The call ended and it took everything Akira got not to crush her phone with her bare hands. Really Kei? Really? Great timing to attend that meeting, Kei.




"A d-date?"Hikari spluttered. Well that came out of nowhere. It was a Tuesday afternoon and it was just Kei and Hikari inside the greenhouse. The rest? Who knows?She knew something was up the moment she entered the greenhouse and saw the male smiling like a kid getting free chocolate. He wasn't typing on his laptop. He was just smiling, waiting for her.

"You lost out challenge remember? I found out what caused the vandalism in the greenhouse first. I won," Kei stated as a matter of fact. The joy in his voice evident and he wasn't bothered to hide it. "So you have to obey whatever I want."

Hikari blushed. Out of all the things he wanted her to do, this was the least thing she'd expect, to go on a date with him. "You sure you don't want me to carry giant rocks on my back for a week? I can do that!"

Kei ignored her reasoning, the word 'date' hanging on his mind like a baby's toy. It came to him like a truck one morning. It was the perfect excuse to be on a date with her. Kei's smile grew bigger. "You don't have to be embarrassed about it, Hikari."

"I'm not embarrassed!"

"You're so cute when you're blushing."

"I'm not blushing!"

"You're even cuter when you're screaming."

"Fine! Saturday it is then! Take it or leave it!" Hikari agreed with frustration as she pointed a finger at Kei.

"Oh I'm taking it, don't worry."





Hikari arrived at the school gym past noon. Their 'date' may have been cancelled but Hikari won't let it stop her from training for the upcoming AOSE.

She heard a commotion inside and was temporarily confused. The gym was supposed to be empty that day, she made sure of it.

Entering, she saw a sight she didn't she'd see in a million years.

"Oh hey, Hikari."

There in the middle of the gym was the 8th member, clad in his own sports swear. Standing in front of him was a kick dummy. From the way sweat was dripping down his temples and the way he was breathing, Hikari guessed that he'd been here for quite some time now.

"Care to join me?" Hiro asked.

Hikari was so startled that all questions of him being there were pushed aside. Had he not seen her in gym class before?

"Uhh, I don't think that's a good idea Hiro-kun," she warned. She didn't want him to end up in the hospital after all. But Hiro had other plans in mind she found out. He went to her, grabbing a towel to wipe his forehead on the way.

He stopped, facing her. Hiro brought up his hand on her cheek, the back of his hand touching her skin. Using his index finger Hiro traced her cheekbones, down to her jawline until it was on her chin.

"I think-" Hiro used his finger to lift her chin, "that it is a very good idea, Hika-chan."

Hikari was frozen in her place. There hasn't been a person other than Kei who would touch her like that (and whenever they pleased), nevertheless make her blush. And that nickname, it was vague yet so familiar to her ears.

She pushed the thoughts away and remembered where Hiro's finger was. In swift motion she grabbed his wrist and smiled with discontent. There was no way she'd turned down a challenge. "It's on."





The two started with a warm-up and Hikari couldn't take his eyes off him.

He challenged her, like Kei. He occasionally makes her blush, very much like Kei. He was full of surprises which was very alike of Kei.

Just who are you?

They both agreed on a hand-to-hand combat which again took her by surprise. There wasn't a person who can land a hit on Hikari except for Kei and vice versa. If Hiro was as good as he sounds, Hikari was bursting with anticipation.

"Ready?" he asked, the two of them on their stance.

Hikari grinned and nodded. "I won't go easy on you."

Hiro smirked in response to her taunting.


Hiro disappeared from her sight.

Compared to Kei, he wasn't as fast but fast enough for Hikari. She panicked momentarily before figuring out that he was beneath her. However she figured out too late as he swung his right leg to her own and tripped her on both feet. Before she could process what was happening, Hiro was already on the move and ended on top of her while she fell. Her eyes were wide. His arm was linked on hers preventing her from retaliating. Her legs were trapped between his and his face was dangerously close to hers.

"Are you going easy on me, Hikari-chan?" he taunted even more. The smirk didn't leave his face. He was enjoying this, Hikari could tell. But it wasn't over. She won't give him the satisfaction he's looking for.

"I'm not." By this Hikari pulled all of her weight from the floor. She pushed herself towards him. She spread her legs, entwining them on his and with his arms still linked on hers. She used the half a second where he was caught off guard to remove her arms from his. Her left hand pushed his right hand on his back while she pressed her right arm on his neck. Hikari moved forward and just like that reversed their position. She now had the upper hand as he remained under her. He was as immobile as she was when he attacked her; his left hand was being pressed down by her right leg. "Still think I'm being easy on you, Hiro-kun?"

She was proud of herself. If Kei was there, she was sure he would be too. Wait, how did he get into this?

Hiro must really love that smirk since it never faltered since they met in the gym except when Hikari did her surprise attack. He was impressed. He didn't expect any less.

"I want a rematch," he said.

They remained focusing on hand-to-hand for at least half an hour more before turning to actual sports training. Hikari challenged Hiro on who can do the most laps around the gym and it took them at least two hours to finish. Hiro won but only by two laps. They then moved on to gymnastics where Hiro made a bet that he can jump the highest over gym blocks. Of course Hikari agreed to the bet and soon they were stacking foam blocks on top of each other. They had to stop when there was no space to do the jump as the blocks ended up almost hitting the roof. Hikari won this time with a difference of one block between them.

Hiro's abilities weren't par with Kei but Hikari had to acknowledge him. They challenged each other when there's a chance and the results were unpredictable. There would be times when Hikari would come on top but Hiro would always make a comeback. Hikari couldn't deny that she was interested.

After such a tiring day, Hiro suggested they go to the main town and get refreshments. Hikari nodded and the two went to freshen up and dressed.

It was around six-thirty when they got to the main town. Hikari's curfew was temporarily lifted when Hiro did the same thing Kei did back when they were at the arcade: personally called her parents.

The sun was beginning to set. They walked side by side, looking for a shop to buy drinks from.

"Thank you for accompanying me today, Hiro-kun," Hikari said, beaming a smile. "I was planning on training alone but it's always better when you have someone to train with."

"My pleasure. I didn't have anything on today anyways."

"I didn't know you could move like that. I'm really amazed!"

"Are you now?"

Hikari turned to peer at the male. There was something about the sudden change of his tone; it was as if he was implying something more.

"I-I'am. Look! Let's go stop there. I heard they make the most delicious Frappuccino," Hikari said and marched to the chosen shop. She was afraid to continue their conversation though she didn't exactly know why. Hiro followed, entering the premises. Hikari was already on the till. They ordered their drinks and found a table.

As they waited for their drinks, the two settled for a simple conversation. Hiro asked about the other members mostly as well as the upcoming sport event.

The moment their order came, Hiro opted for a much more… interesting topic.

"Such a pity Kei-kun couldn't make it today," Hiro started. Thanks to him, Hikari choked on her drink and began coughing violently.

"How did you know?" Hikari asked after wiping her mouth. She was pretty sure the only person she told was Akira and she was more than sure than she wouldn't tell anyone, especially Hiro.

He avoided the question like a curveball and took a sip from his drink. "If I were him, I'd never ditch you like that Hikari. I'd choose you over anything."

If Hikari was coughing violently this first time, she was on the verge of dying at this point. Her cheeks were the colour of ripe tomatoes. She could feel her blood raising up to her ears. What was he saying all of a sudden?

She peeked at this face and Hiro wasn't even looking at her. He said it so calmly, so straightforward. He was looking at the streets now. Hikari noticed his mouth moving but barely. Was he counting?

"What time is it?" he asked all of a sudden. Hikari checked her watch.

"Five minutes before seven. Is there something wrong?"

Finishing his drink, Hiro stood up and beckoned Hikari to follow suit. They went for the exit and from there Hiro started to run. Hikari was confused as to what was going on but nonetheless followed him.

Moments later she found herself somewhere with lots of trees around her. It was a dark place and she wasn't sure why he brought them here.

"I want you to close your eyes and by the end of my count, open them," Hiro commanded without warning. Hiro saw the hesitation in her eyes. "Don't make me use a blindfold."

A blindfold?! Who'd carry a blindfold with them?

"I'm kidding," he laughed. Hikari wondered if he can read minds. "Now close your eyes, hurry."

The female huffed before complying. The moment she wasn't able to see anything, Hiro began counting.


How did she get into this position? She was supposed to be on a date with Kei, not Hiro.


Wait. No one said this was a date.


Why… Why was Hiro doing all of this for her? She was already confused with what was going on between her Kei and now she was feeling the same puzzlement with Hiro.


Hikari wanted to punch the two of them.


Hikari opened her eyes, startled by the said nickname. All her thoughts were swept away when suddenly the trees around her illuminated. She realized he brought them in a park. From where they were standing, row by row the lampposts turned on until it reached the end. At the end was a fountain and even it was filled with colours and lights. She realized how fountain was at the centre of the park, acting like a roundabout with four exits; like the centre of a cross and Hikari and Hiro were at the south-end of the cross.

"This is…" she couldn't find the right words to say. Everything was illuminating; Hiro's face was too. She just wasn't completely sure if it was because of the light.

"Beautiful," he said but he wasn't looking at the lights nor the fountain. His gaze was locked on hers and she was looking right back at him.

Hikari could only think, 'What the hell was happening?'





Hiro entered the greenhouse and up ahead he saw the famous couple of the S.A. They were arguing about something but it was impossible to make out their words. Before they spotted him his quickly moved forward behind one of the trees and crouched down. Their voiced were barely audible but Hikari began shouting and Hiro didn't feel the need to move closer. Leaning back on the tree, he listened.

They were arguing about… the date of their date?



"I want to confirm how the project is going."

"It's all going well, sir. The-"

"Meet with the company and assess their development with a report and I want it as soon as possible."

"But, sir…There is no need to meet with them. Phase 2 is-"

"As soon as possible, Mr. Ichinose."

"Yes, sir."





After years of not updating, here's the next chapter! Some things were revealed but there's still more mystery huehue. Anyways the next update won't be as long as this one so don't worry, I promise you ^^'

I'd suggest re-reading from Chapter 1 since there are minor (?) changes to some scenes & to refresh you about what's going on.

Like always thank you for reading! Reviews are greatly appreciated.