Misaki looked up guiltily at the Usui who just shrugged; he eyed the floor with his head slightly tilted to the side. They both knew how the blonde felt about this.

As much as Misa-chan loved Seika high, her current school wasn't enough to get her the job she really wanted. Misaki now had to support her Suzuna by herself as her mother had passed away, due to illness.

"Ouran…" Usui muttered under his breath

He could just tell he hated it. It seemed like a snotty little playground for the rich, who just muck about as if their time were infinite.

However, to graduate from Ouran, which was such an elite school opened many doors and career options for Misaki.

With open arms, Ouran accepted Misaki into one of the two scholarship positions of Ouran High school.

"I'm coming with you."

Usui-kun made it very clear that he wouldn't leave Misaki on her own at Ouran Academy. To Usui's advantage, he had a distant cousin at Ouran, which was a pretty good free ticket into the elite school. Sighing heavily, Misaki placed her lean warm sweaty hands into Usui's cooler hands and looked into his eyes for reassurance. Grimacing Usui patted his object of affection on the head as she blushed and pushed him away.

"Perverted alien." She whispered as she looked at her scruffy brown lace up shoes.

"Only yours Misa-chan~" Usui winked "Jia ne~"

He waved chilly with one hand placing the other in his pocket turning around towards the sunset.

Misaki turned through the intersection and soon took a left into her street. As she creaked the squeaky white run-down gate open she cringed at the noise and slammed it shut, praying the whole front gate wouldn't topple over in a heap of pasty white timber. "I need to fix that" she exhaled deeply and pouted.

By now, dusk was over and the cool evening had already taken place. It was a cloudy night, so the Kaichou maid couldn't spend the night like she always did, lying out on the fresh dewy grass, gazing into the stars, dreaming of the day ahead. Her head on her hands, she still sprawled out onto the grass and tried to spot the moon. She loved how the sky seemed to show how she felt at the moment, cloudy, grey and just plain lost.

Is Ouran what I really want?

Curling up, with her knees to her chest she lulled into a sleep.

O0oO o0OoO ooO00 oo

Today is your last day ayuzawa-san. Wake up and face everyone.

Mentally jolting herself awake she gasped. Her last day. Was. Today.

Hi guysss this is my first fanfiction on this account so be nice lah :D ooohhh and this is just a small snippet of what is to come ! aha WELL I Hope you enjoyed and I'd love your feedback and support for this story. Reviews please :]] There's bound to be tons of humour, drama and ROMANCE ~!

So stay tuned favourite and sub for more yeayeayeahh~ ? S2