A Dozen Hearts, One plan

Me: Hi! Well… I decided to write 2 fics! And of course this one is CONTSESTSHIPPING!!!

Drew: You're a weird, obsessed person.


May: I like her! She rocks!

Me: Thanks to Confessions-of-a-secret-love for so many ideas plus a great title!

Confessions: It's what I'm here for!

Me: Uh-huh! Now… lets get busy!

Chapter 1

Drew had always been a loner. He didn't like people. Pure and simple, it was true. Sure, he could handle maybe two really close friends. Like Soledad and… May. May. He hadn't seen her in a while. He hated to admit it, but he missed her. Soledad was great but May was… different. Drew sighed. There was no chance of seeing her. The contests were over and in a few months she would be in Johto and May would go off to some far off land with Ash.

"What does he have that I haven't?" Drew asked aloud.

No one answered. He was alone in the dark streets. He was alone here in La Rousse, his hometown. The chrome houses and streets shone as the moon hovered above. Only one light was on in this town. The one of the house up ahead. His home. He opened the door and entered with his hands in his pockets.

"DREW!!!" yelled what sounded like 1,000,000 voices.

"Hi guys," He greeted back.

This was his family. His brothers and sisters. They were:













"We're so glad you're here!" Laurie said.

"Why? Where's Mom?" Drew asked worried.

"That's why! Mom's gone to Sinnoh, we're all hungry and everyone is fighting!" Laurietta explained.

"And Mark?" Drew asked darkly.

"Oh, you know. Touring the world, acting like he's the best, judging singing contests etc," Laurie said, rolling her emerald eyes.

Mark was the eldest. He was 18. Drew was only was only 15. Drew was arrogant but Mark's ego needed its own room.

"So… what am I supposed to do?" Drew asked.

"Baby-sit, duh!"


Hw took a few deep breaths and continued.

"OK. It's now 11. I'll feed the little twins and you two try and get everyone together."

Laurie and Laurietta ran up the stairs to the playroom the others had migrated to. Drew made a beeline for the kitchen. The twins were already in their highchairs.

"Hi guys. I haven't seen you since you were 3 months old! Do you remember me?" Drew asked.

Kyla and Brooke gurgled happily.

"That's good. Now… what do babies eat?"

After he fed the babies (there were instructions on the fridge), Drew carried them to the ground floor living room where everyone was waiting.

"OK. When is Mom getting home?" Drew asked.

"A few months," Bob answered.

"MONTHS?!! OK. Bedtime," Drew said.

Everyone whined.

"I'll use Sleep Powder on you! And if you go to bed now, I'll let you play with my Pokemon tomorrow," Drew promised.

Everyone rushed up the stairs, Laurie and Laurietta carrying Kyla and Brooke. Drew collapsed on the red sofa.

"I come home for a few months to see my family and relax. I end up babysitting," Drew sighed.

He pulled his Pokenav from his pocket. He wanted to call his Mom. But it was late. He might be waking her up. But then again she did cause all this… He scrolled down his contact list, looking for 'Mom'.

"Lee, Leo,' he muttered, 'Liam, Ma… May."

"Ooh! Who's May? Do you love her?" Laurie giggled.


"You love her though!"

"No I don't. Come on. It's bedtime. I'm calling Mom in the morning and we'll get this whole mess sorted. I'll race you!"

They ran up three of the flights of stairs to the bedroom floor. Laurie said goodnight and went in her own room. Drew wandered down the long dark hallway. It seemed like years ago he had last walked down this corridor. It was only 9 months but he didn't realize how much he missed the familiarity. He collapsed on his bed. It had a cover on all ready for him. He doubted that it was his mother that put it down. Probably Laurie or Laurietta. He undressed and put on a pair of pajamas. Just as he began to drift off his Pokenav started to ring.

'Uhhh… I'll leave it. If it's important, they'll leave a message.'

He drifted asleep.

Drew woke with a start. He had the sudden panicked feeling that something was wrong. He jolted up and went to look in all the rooms. Everyone was safe. It was 6:30 am. He went to check if last nights mystery caller left a message.

"You have 1 new message Drew," said the personalized computer voice on his Pokenav.

The click signaled the message being played. The soft melodic voice of the caller awakened a sudden sense of yearning.

"Hi Drew! It's May! Umm... I guess you haven't got your Pokenav with you. Oops! I forgot! You're ahead of Petalburg. Well… gosh I have no idea how to say this. Umm… I'm coming to visit. I thought… I mean… I hoped… we could… maybe… head to Johto… together. Oh! Unless you're already there! But I'm coming to La Rousse. I should be there by tomorrow. So… yeah. Bye. I'll see you tomorrow. Maybe."

'Wow. May's coming to visit. Wait… MAY'S COMING TO VISIT!!! I'd better wake everyone up.'

Drew went around the rooms once more. He woke everyone up and told them to get up, get dressed nicely and come downstairs. Zara and Emily offered to dress the babies. Drew went down to the kitchen to make breakfast, Pancakes and Syrup. Everyone was downstairs for 7am.

"Why are we dressed nice?" Dougie asked.

"Well… a very special friend of mine is coming to visit and I would appreciate it if you guys were on your best behavior," Drew explained.

"Who's your friend?" Casey asked.


"Ooh! The no one girl you're in love with!" Laurie exclaimed.

Everyone got really excited.

"Whatever. Look… just don't tell any embarrassing stories or anything. Please?" Drew pleaded.

Everyone agreed.

"Good. Now eat up! I'm going to go clean."

Me: Well?

Drew: Interesting. I guess.

May: I wasn't here!

Me: You will… if people like the story.

Confessions: So please Review!!!