![]() Author has written 25 stories for Sue Thomas: FB Eye, A-Team, and Torchwood. Hmm... two dozen stories or so... I suppose it's time to introduce myself slightly. Not much to me: forty-something mommy of two with a love of music, crafts and all things Sue Thomas FBEye. Other faves include Due South, The A-Team, CSI (when I have time to watch it), The Pretender and Diagnosis Murder. Also Bones, Criminal Minds, anything Sherlock Holmes and now True Blood. Also Torchwood, which Russell T. Davies in his infinite wisdom decided to DECIMATE. I am currently in cahoots with those who love Jack and Ianto (and could quite frankly care less about Gwen), trying to create a way for them to be back together (and without the Doctor's assistance! Go figure). Me, I figure Jack just went back for him after spending a century creating a vaccine -- Time Agent, after all. I'm now a published author - look for me as T.L. Lawrence in the mainstream and Terry Wylis in the other streams :-P. But fanfiction is where I first honed my pen, and I love it still. Fair warning, ST fans: I am not a Jack/Sue fan, actually find Agent Hudson a bit... immature... for my taste. I was intrigued by Myles Leland III long before Jackie-Boy could work his wiles, and Myles is my primary "target" in my fics. But the rest are there, and I enjoy building the ensemble as well. I adore actor Ted Atherton's work (he played Myles), and if my laptop had its way the man would never hurt for work. So enjoy! |