Forty Four

They walked into Bohemian Caverns, and Sue could feel the music almost immediately. The wooden floor vibrated with the music, and she found herself swaying a little, swinging Jack's hand in the process. He looked over at her, and smiled.

She returned his smile, "Whoever left that card, has good choices in bars."

"Well, then, let's not let the music go to waste." He raised an eyebrow as he made a spinning motion with his hand. "You up for making an entrance onto the dance floor? Or would that be a little much for your equilibrium?"

A brilliant smile flashed across her face, and she took a step away, still holding his hand. "I'm fine. What do they say, Let's dance the night away. Lead the way."

He grinned and spun her once onto the dance floor, catching her tightly in his arms at the end of the move. "Hmm," he said, "I think I like this."

At the same moment, she thought, Hmm, I think I like this too.

They danced for awhile, oblivious to the fact that they were being observed from a corner table. Oblivious to everything, really, except each other. Then they decided to take a break, and found an empty table.

"You want something to drink?" Jack asked her.

"Sure, I would love to have Sex on the Beach," she said, not thinking of its implication.

Jack looked at her in complete shock for a minute. "Excuse me?"

Sue a looked at him, a bit confused. "Excuse me, what? Didn't you ask me what I wanted to drink?"

It clicked then, and he turned bright red. "Oh, I'm sorry. Sure, yeah, that's what I asked. I'll be right back then." He got up and headed for the bar, thinking Dear Lord, please don't let her say anything else like that tonight. My heart won't take it.

A few minutes later he returned with the drinks. Looking at her, he realized she still hadn't caught the implications of the conversation, and a mischievous grin crossed his face. The worst she can do is tell me to take her home, he thought, and after the near heart-attack she gave me, it might be worth it. Lucy would have her laughing about it five minutes later anyway. "Here you go," he said aloud, setting the drink down in front of her with a flourish, "I believe you said that you'd love to have Sex on the Beach. Happy to oblige."

Thank you", she said, then it suddenly dawned on her the implication. Her eyes widened, and her face went scarlet. "Oh my gosh! Jack, I didn't mean it like that." Then she flashed a big grin. "But it's flattering you're 'happy to oblige'."

He laughed as he sat back down. "Just don't do that to me again tonight, okay?" He chose not to voice the rest of his thought.

She looked at him with a subtle smile. "I promise I won't."

A little while later they went back out onto the dance floor, still not noticing that they were being watched. Four forms made their way stealthily to the edge of the dance floor, slowly working their way toward Jack and Sue, closing in from two different angles. Neither of the two agents noticed, so caught up were they in the slow movements of the dancing, and the bright fire in each other's eyes.

At the end of the song, Jack brought his hand up to touch Sue's cheek. "Would it be completely presumptuous of me to ask if I could kiss you?"

Sue's mind fluttered with all the possibilities one single kiss could lead to; but, especially in her state of mind, it felt natural to go where her mind had wandered to. "I don't think it would be presumptuous of you at all."

He smiled, and leaned in to give her a brief kiss on the lips. The sweetness of it almost prompted him to extend it a bit, but he chose to stay on safer ground...for now.

As he released her, gazing into her eyes and watching them burn bright with promise, a hand grabbed his shoulder.

"Woo-hoo! Way to go, Sparky! It's about time!"

Jack looked up to see Bobby and Lucy dancing together right next to them. He rolled his eyes at the ceiling, then spoke to Sue. "Don't look now, but we have company."

Sue glanced over around Jack's shoulder to see her co-worker and roommate dancing away, smiles from ear to ear on each of them. "What are you two doing? No Wait!" she exclaimed, "I'm sure I don't want to know." She looked back to Jack.

He shook his head as another sight appeared behind her. "It gets better," he said ruefully, "Look behind you."

She turned, and saw Myles and Tara grinning from the other side. "Very smooth, Jack," Myles crooned. "Very, very classy. I'd not have expected you to ask her permission first."

Sue turned back to Jack, shrugging slightly. "Well, at least we know they care about us, right?" she questioned, raising an eyebrow at him.

Jack couldn't keep the grin off his face as he shook his head. "I suppose. Now we know who left the card about this place on the car." He turned to Bobby. "Nice choice, by the way."

Bobby just grinned. "Thanks. Now, since we've had our fun, we'll go enjoy the rest of our evening off and leave you two alone." Three other smug nods surrounded them, and with a chorus of waves they went back over to their table.

Jack laughed. "You know, it's a good thing they're on our side."

Sue laughed as well. "I think you're right."

He led her back over to their table and they each ordered another drink. While they were waiting, he said, "Hey, I meant to ask you. You said something earlier about your balance. But you seem fine tonight on the dance floor, and I've never seen you have a problem at work."

Sue smiled slightly. "Yeah, well I've worked at it for a long time. Just don't ask me to walk a straight line," she gently laughed. "Most deaf people have some form of a balance problem, it has to do with your equilibrium being based in the middle ear. I know drinking throws it off as well, just wanted you to be prepared was all— better to inform you, then leave you in the dark, I figured."

"I see." He smiled, extending an arm over the back of the booth seat. "Well, then why don't you come over here where I can keep an eye on you?"

She smiled as she got up and sat next to him, thinking to herself, It's a shame this evening will eventually come to an end. I wish it could go on for an eternity. She sighed as she relaxed in his arms.

He caught the sigh, and signed, I feel the same way. As she leaned her head against his shoulder, he signed again. You like the music? Jazz is one of my favorite styles.

Her smile broadened. "Really? Jazz is one of my favorites also; it's easier to feel. I didn't know you liked Jazz; you seem more the Country Music type," she teased, snickering slightly.

"I said one of my favorites," he defended. "When you're from Wisconsin, country is pretty much a given. Easier to feel? We're not on the dance floor, though. You can still feel it? How?"

She gently took his hand and placed it flat on the wooden table top. Then, placing her hand over his and gently pressing it flat, she looked into his eyes. "Just feel— you'll hear the music," she said.

His eyes widened as he did indeed feel the rhythm of the music through the tabletop. "Wow. That's neat." He put his other hand over hers, intertwining their fingers. "I'm so glad I finally got up the nerve to do this. And maybe now Bobby will leave me alone about it."

She gazed into his eyes, finding it hard to find her words. "I'm glad you finally got the nerve up as well. I'm glad you're willing to allow me to share myself with you."

He looked out over the dance floor for a moment, collecting his thoughts. Then he turned back to face her, and his expression told her he was having a bit of a time as well. "The world you've opened up to me-- to all of us, really, I think... I'm honored you trust me enough to share yourself. I know that doesn't come easily."

Then he glanced over to the table in the corner, and nudged her with his shoulder. "Don't look now, but we're still under surveillance."

She breathed a deep sigh. "You know, I often find it hard to trust others; but for some reason I have no reservations about trusting and opening to you. I just often feel awkward." She then glanced quickly to the table in the corner, viewing their friends staring at them from afar. She released a small laugh. "They really look pathetic don't they? Do you think we should invite them over to join us?"

Jack looked at her. "It's completely up to you, swe—, uh, Sue," He watched her smile, and knew he'd been caught. He shrugged slightly, a shy smile on his face.

"I think we probably should." She gently placed her hand on his cheek. "I don't mind if you call me that word either, if you would like." She caught Lucy and Tara's line of sight, waving them over. They laughed as the foursome practically jumped out of their chairs.

Jack smiled at her again. "Hmm...I might get in trouble for that at work, I'm afraid. But we'll see. Hey, before they get over here...would you like to do this again sometime soon?"

Her smile was brilliant. "I would like that. Perhaps the sooner, the better."

The End