Author has written 1 story for Harry Potter. Hi... I guess there's not a whole lot to say about myself. I obviously like reading and do a little bit of writing that I don't think is any good. I'm a bit more than a bit obsessive about grammar: i.e. I am a nerd of the Literature variety. I really don't like Hermione and Draco as a couple, or Harry and Ginny for that matter. And when I say don't like, I mean I hate with a fiery passion. It could be because I'm an avid D/G fan... hmm. I'll read anything else, I guess. Slash, age difference, w/e. Preferably not both at once. I'll also beta for anyone that asks nicely. : D If anyone wants to ask me to beta or whatever, my sn on AIM is farfromc0nfused. Alright, I will explain my dislike of the certain above ships, because a friend was deeply hurt by my bluntness. (Lol, sorries!) Hermione/Draco: Hermione slapped Draco. If you do not realize that it was not a little love tap, and it didn't come from being "sexually frustrated", you are dense. Draco does not like Hermione, probably for more reasons than only "She is a Mudblood." She is generally a stuck up character, to rival canon-Draco himself for bossiness. If you still insist on writing this ship, please have the decency to label it AU, because this is one of those odd ships (Harry/Draco?) that we all know will never happen. On the off chance they do, they will be horribly portrayed, because they have no previous basis. Moving on, Harry/Ginny I don't like, but that's just a personal preference. If you like, it, power to you. It's completely possible in canon, though it has my fervent wishes it never does. Alright, I have no problem with slash. I have even less of a probem with age difference (I ship SSHG- Hermione just has to be of legal age) But I've seen fics that imply a sexual relationship between Harry Potter and Severus Snape, and I was positive these were written for the 'gag factor', as it were. Imagine my dismay to find it's actually a written ship. One that should sail away(or sink)very, very quickly. Or even worse, Harry Potter and Albus Dumbledore. There are no words that spring to mind immediately that I have any right putting on a site where there are young children. My newest qualm is somewhat hypocritical: ghost readers. Considering even I find myself too lazy to leave reviews occasionally (I'm lying, it's all the time), I guess I have very little right to criticize others for doing the same. But I feel any other authors can relate to the feeling of frustration that comes from seeing you have over six hundred hits and thirty reviews. Lastly, I would like to say, I don't particularly like JK Rowling's writing style, because I feel she only truly characterizes Harry, or possibly Dumbledore. There is very little to go on as far as any other characters go, which is probably why we have such ships as D/G. Ok, my rants are complete! Moving on... I'm currently cowriting a fic with Pia O' can read it at Ebony Secrets. There's also a one shot up there, a bit fluffy, but not really. If you liked anything I wrote, or anything by Pia O'Leary, I strongly suggest you take a look. Now I'm done. |