A/N: Yes, another new story. A great deal of this one is already written. Knock yourselves out.

Disclaimer: I own so little, it's not even worth the fuss.
Heroes Shed No Tears
Part I – Prologue

By VirtualFaerie

"Why are you crying? Stop crying," the boy said to the redheaded little girl who was sitting on the swing, with tears streaming down her face.

"My brother's won't play with me," she said shakily, looking up at the boy.

"Oh," he said softly, then notice the tears were still flowing down her face. "Please stop crying."

"I can't," she said.

"What are you doing here son? I thought I told you to stay with me," the boy's father said angrily. "We have things to do," he said, looking down at the girl. "And better people to associate with. Come now."

The boy bowed his head. "Yes father," he said following the man quietly. They stopped not far away.

"What are you wearing boy? Didn't I tell you not to take that again? It doesn't belong to you and it does you a disgrace!" The man reached down towards the boy's neck and yanked off a silver chain. The boy cried out. The man scowled at him and said, "Remember son, crying gets you no where." The boy nodded slowly and the man threw the silver chain, which the girl had just noticed had a silver dragon pendant hanging on it.

The silver chain bounced on the ground near her and she watched it silently. As soon as she was sure that the man and the boy had left she got off her swing, drying her tears, and picked up the necklace clasping it on her neck.

One of her brothers walked up to her, "What's that you have there, Ginny?"

She looked at him worriedly and said quickly, "It's nothing."

The boy rolled his eyes. "Hey! Fred! George! Wait for me!" he shouted, running off to his other siblings.

A/N: There ya go! I hope you all liked it so far. I'm posting the next chapter right, immediately after this.

Please review.