Author has written 7 stories for Star Wars, and Harry Potter. Ok, well, I sometimes write very strange things. I write plot bunnies, essentially. I'm not particularly good at writing fic for the sake of fic- I only write when an idea crosses my mind about what should have happened, or could have happened, or, in the case of my Sirius/Beethoven slashfic, what would be really funny if it were to happen. Every fic I have posted here was simply a result of an idea popping into my mind and refusing to leave until I wrote it down. I don't really expect people to read what I write- I write for myself. Reviews are nice, of course, but incidental. If you want to stay a while and take a look at one of my fics, well, that's what they're there for- and drop me a review while you're at it! If you like what you see, check out my LiveJournal at the above link! If I'm currently working on a fic, posts will go up there first. You can also find my Harry Potter fics at Fiction Alley, where I'm Calliopeia. |