Title: Artificium Magum

Author: Calliopeia17

Chapter 12: Something's Brewing

See warnings and disclaimer in previous chapters. Please read and review!

A/N: Thanks all for putting up with the long wait. For what it's worth, in the downtime I wrote seven papers totalling something like 50 or 60 pages—I was not idle! This chapter's a bit short but more will be coming soon. My gratitude for all your reviews. Please keep it up; I cherish your input and kind words!

There were no upper-level Potions classes scheduled for Thursdays, which worried Hermione, since she wouldn't be able to confirm her meeting time with Professor Snape that evening. It particularly worried her because of his sudden disappearance from last night's dinner.

Hermione was far too certain that Snape had been called to Voldemort the previous evening, and, against all reason, she was worried. Well, she admitted to herself, it wasn't unreasonable to be worried. After all, Snape might be snarky and obnoxious, but he was working for Dumbledore, and it was perfectly reasonable to worry about a member of the Order of the Phoenix putting himself in harm's way. It was even, she reflected, rather brave of him to face Voldemort like that, when he was in so much danger of discovery and death.

It almost got to the point where she wasn't paying attention in Transfigurations. Professor McGonagall looked at Hermione oddly when she raised her hand to answer a question on the proper incantation to turn an aardvark into an antelope and rapidly put it back down, realizing that she'd been about to give the answer to the opposite transformation.

When Hermione explained her potential error to Harry and Ron after class, panicked that Professor McGonagall had thought she wasn't paying attention, both boys stared at her as though she were mad.

"Harry, Ron, what is it?" she asked anxiously. "You really don't think professor McGonagall thinks I'm a bad student do, you?"

"I don't think you have anything to worry about," said Harry, an odd expression on his face that looked remarkably as if he were trying to hold back laughter.

Ron's lips were pressed tightly together, an odd expression for him. "Hermione, we didn't even notice—I promise you, it's nothing." His voice sounded rather muffled.

"Good," Hermione said with a sigh of relief. "Well, then," she added briskly, we'd better be getting on to Charms, then."

"You go ahead," said Ron, his voice still sounding slightly choked. "We'll catch up."

"All right," Hermione said, turning towards the door. "But don't be late."

As she left she heard the boys break into laughter. I wonder what's so funny, she thought idly.

When she got to Charms, there was a scrap of parchment neatly folded on her desk and addressed to her in the same spiky handwriting that came back with her Potions essays. Curious, Hermione broke the seal and skipped down to the bottom to check the signature. It was from Snape, and quite brief.

Miss Granger,

This is to confirm that our appointment is still scheduled for this evening. Please arrive promptly at nine.

Severus Snape

Just like him, really, short and curt. Hermione folded the note and tucked it into her bag among her books, just as Harry and Ron walked into the classroom and sat down beside her. Ron started snickering again, but quieted when Harry shot him an annoyed glance. Hermione figured it was better not to ask.

Charms passed uneventfully; the afternoon was occupied with early revising for NEWTs, and Hermione called Dobby the House Elf for sandwiches in the Common Room, which was easier than leaving to go to the Great Hall for dinner.

At about ten to eight, her mind was beginning to ache from page after page of incantations, and her rear end was beginning to ache from the uncomfortable wooden chair. Pulling the Artificium Magum out of her bag, Hermione flopped down onto one of the comfortable sofas and opened the heavy tome. Perhaps there would be something interesting in there to distract her.

Magical Beings of Alternate Plains

Part I: The Djinni

The Djinni are predominantly Eastern Spirits, recognized by the Muggle population of Arabia. Little Magical study has been accomplished relating to Djinni—most of the Wizarding World's information on them comes from Muggle folklore. According to Eastern Myth, Humans and Animals were formed from the element of Earth, and are therefore a part of the Physical World. Djinni were formed from Smokeless Fire and exist in a different Reality. The Myth appears to explain the fact that Djinni exist on a separate Plane of Reality from the Physical world. There are several distinct Classes of Djinni—the Good Djinni are called Amaar, but these live in the Physical World and are impervious to Magical Manipulation. Evil Djinni are called Shaytana and often run loose in the Physical World as well, enjoying the Havoc and Mayhem that they cause. There are the Djinni who fit into no particular class—they exist on the Plane of Fire along with the Afreet, a more Powerful and often more Malevolent Breed. The Djinni that live on the Plane of Fire are susceptible to Magical Manipulation—with proper Incantation and Ritual, it is possible to contact the Plane of Fire and Summon Djinni to serve the Wizard or Witch who calls them. Djinni are very dangerous when Summoned and highly unpredictable. They revel in Destruction, and little is known about then because many of those who have attempted to Summon Djinni have not survived the experience. Summoning Djinni often results in powerful streams of Aether around the Summoning Circle, which causes extreme burns, and if the Summoning in not executed properly, the Djinni may escape and turn violently on the Summoner.

Hermione finally shut the book with fifteen minutes left before she was supposed to meet Snape in the dungeons. She slipped it in her bookbag and headed off to the dungeons.

This time, Snape was already there waiting for her when she arrived, promptly on schedule. He looked…different, somehow—his face was paler than usual, if that was even possible, and more drawn. He looked exhausted, but an angry glint in his eye warned Hermione of the perils of commenting on it.

"Good evening, Miss Granger," he said, rather civilly, Hermione thought. "Do you have all the supplies you need?"

"Yes, Professor," she responded politely. "I just need to get a few things from the storeroom."

"Very well. Go ahead and set up your supplies. Will it bother you if I watch when you brew?" he asked.

Well, yes, in one sense, it would, Hermione reflected—having Snape looming over her shoulder was more pressure than she wanted when brewing a delicate potion. "No, it won't bother me at all," she lied. "Just try not to loom, please," she added, hoping that it wasn't too bold.

It seemed not to be; Snape even cracked what might pass for a smile. Hermione set up quickly and began the same basic process as she had with the previous potion, her notes spread out carefully in front of her. Snape watched in silence as she worked quickly and neatly, chopping, dicing, and mixing the ingredients with expert precision. It was only after nearly an hour had passed in complete that she remembered that Snape was supposed to be watching her.

She turned to look; he was sitting with his head resting in his arms on the desk, asleep—or at least something that looked very much like it. Would it be better to wake him or not, Hermione wondered—at least he was getting what looked like sorely-needed sleep, but he'd be much more comfortable in bed. But would he refuse to go to bed if she woke him, or take offense to the suggestion? It seemed wiser just to let him stay where he was.

She looked at him closely for a moment—lank black hair hung down over his eyes, which were shadowed with dark purplish circles underneath them. He had long eyelashes, she noted detachedly. The torchlight was strong—it had to be to work—but it flickered and cast a golden light on his face that made him look almost peaceful. Hermione was glad he was getting the chance to rest.

She moved around the lab table so that she could face the bubbling cauldron and the sleeping Potions master at the same time and went back to work. Time went by as if in a dream, and though it was much later when it finally came time to add the dragon's blood and complete the potion, it seemed as though no time had passed at all.

She poured the precious liquid in carefully, drop by drop, and stirred with the iron rod she had taken from the storeroom—with any luck, the properties of the iron would do what the rowan had not, and the potion would work this time. The bubbling liquid turned an iridescent blue as she finished—a much better color than last time, she reflected, and she bottled it and labeled it with tidy handwriting before turning back to the still-sleeping Snape.

She coughed loudly and he stirred, then his breathing became even again. Hermione tried shifting the cauldron, scraping it across the stone counter and feeling unbearably awkward. How exactly did one wake a sleeping teacher—particularly a sleeping teacher who was likely exhausted from facing down Voldemort, and who might well attack her if she startled him awake? Luckily, this time he stirred and lifted his head.

There was a brief flash of puzzlement followed by recognition on his face. "Miss Granger?" he said a bit uncertainly.

"You fell asleep, sir," Hermione explained briskly. "You looked tired—if you'll forgive the assumption—I thought I might as well let you rest a bit. I finished the potion—it's bottled and labeled and on your desk…" Her voice trailed off nervously.

Snape pushed himself up quickly, obviously not comfortable with having let himself show any weakness in front of a student. "Thank you, Miss Granger," he said tightly. "You brewed the potion just as we had planned, with the iron stirring rod?"

"Yes sir," Hermione replied. "Do you want to test the potion tomorrow?"

He looked momently frustrated. "I'm not certain that tomorrow will be suitable. I'm afraid I may need to finish grading the work I had intended to finish tonight…." He paused. "No, never mind, Miss Granger; I'll finish before then."

By further depriving himself of sleep, she didn't doubt. He only had the First- and Second-Year essays to grade, she knew—dare she offer to help? It wouldn't be a problem at all for her to correct a few essays, and many of the other professors were more than willing to accept the help of the Prefects and the Head Boy and Girl when they got behind in their grading.

She might as well offer. "Sir, I'd be glad to help correct the essays—I grade a lot of the First- and Second-Year work for Professors McGonagall and Flitwick. I can easily have them finished by tomorrow night."

Evidence of a brief internal battle flashed on Snape's face. She knew the man was the sort who hated to accept charity, and hated admitting weakness even worse, but Hermione figured the Slytherin in him would win out—the Slytherin who would say that badly-needed sleep was more important than an insignificant modicum of pride. Snape's mouth twisted as though the idea of accepting outside help tasted repugnant, but he nodded jerkily. "I expect grading on the same level of strictness as my own, Miss Granger."

"Of course, sir," she said evenly.

"They are in a folder on the desk in my office. Bring them back tomorrow evening when you come to test the potion. Nine o'clock?"

Hermione nodded. "Yes, sir. Nine o'clock sounds fine." She darted into the adjoining room and picked up the folder from his too-tidy desk. As she closed the door behind her, she dared to look back at him. "Sleep well, sir."

He looked absolutely shocked for a moment—when was the last time somebody had said that to him?—then nodded almost dazedly. "Good night, Miss Granger."

Was it strange, she wondered, that she could still hear his voice as she fell asleep?

Notes to Reviewers:

From Chapter 10:

Heather P.: Thanks so much! I'm having a lot of fun with the build-up; I hope you continue to like the way things are progressing!

Coliemcnoly: Thanks! Sorry about the long wait, but I'll be updating more now!

Dafina: Yes, Hermione and Severus's relationship will eventually be sexual…but there's going to be a lot of build up before that. Thank you so much for your reviews once again, and please keep reading!

Jessie Deal: Thanks! I'm glad you like Daphne; I really like her too- she's a lot of fun to write, and I hope that there's going to be a lot more of her.

Caeria: Yup, Daphne's going to get to put a Slytherin spin on a lot of things. She's one of my favorite characters, and I'm glad you like her!

Fiona McKinnon: Thanks!

Talio: Thanks very much! I'm really enjoying writing it, so please keep reading!

Diminished Seventh: Thank you, thank you, thank you! I really appreciate your review- it's lovely to hear confirmation that I'm doing all right with characterization and new ideas. Keep reading!

Polyhymnia: I'll be sure to let you know in the future! g

From the Interlude:

Jessie Deal: Thanks, and thanks for your good wishes!

SB: Thanks once again, and see my updated note to the Interlude. I've learned a valuable lesson here!

Bethyann: Thanks! Keep reading!

-: Thanks! I like writing from Severus's POV- it's a fun change.

Severus-Fan: Sorry for the wait, but thanks for reading!

Dafina: Thanks once again for another lovely review!

Fiona McKinnon: Thanks again! I'm glad you thought it was cute!

Shuichi'sgirl: Thanks for reviewing! Yup, the snippets of the Artificium Magum are researched, but eventually the way all the facts and mythology come together is the way that best suits the progress of the story. It's a lot of fun to play with, though. Keep reading!