Author has written 38 stories for StarTrek: Voyager, and Stargate: SG-1. Latest update (21 Sept 2019): I have decided to no longer update my fics or post new fics on FFN. I started here back in 2015, but Archive of Our Own has converted me little by little. Apart from the PM system here (I will still receive them, BTW), AO3 has a friendlier and more flexible interface and a much better understanding of what fanfiction is about. I am Caladenia on Archive of Our Own: [forward slash] users [forward slash] Caladenia [forward slash] profile I've always read science fiction for the ideas, but it's only when I watched sci-fi movies and TV shows that I realised how few female role models were around apart from the damsel in distress, the young tough warrior pin-up girl, or the traditional doctor/counsellor/mother. Then I re-discovered Star Trek Voyager and got hooked on Kathryn Janeway. I also have a soft spot for Sam Carter and Jack O'Neill. Thanks for reading my fanfic. |
Beth6787 (72) Cheshire6845 (34) Cora Clavia (131) devovere (14) Helen8462 (33) | KJaneway115 (55) Laura W (81) Little Obsessions (103) Mia Cooper (103) Miss.Mil (43) Mizvoy (84) | northernexposure (54) quantumsilver (38) Runawaymetaphor (47) vanhunks (19) Voyagerfictionfan (13) wackyjacqs (23) |