Reviews for The Last Time
m8nda chapter 1 . 8/27/2019
Thank you for this. Given today's political environment around the globe, giving way to a wiser generation is a problem no matter the century.
phoenixfire74656 chapter 1 . 9/18/2018
Loved it! Great story and very well written.
TrekDr chapter 1 . 9/1/2018
I can certainly see her hanging on ‘to be sure’. So hard to lay down the mantel of duty, and after all that time.
How beautiful to have no C/7 and instead the delight of Chakotay being there.
MIzvoy chapter 1 . 8/30/2018
I enjoyed this story! I thought it was well written and stayed in character. Thanks so much for posting!
OPYKJ chapter 1 . 8/29/2018
If we do ignore Endgame, I can see this story as totally canon, with a very stubborn KJ refusing to abandon what she sees as her responsibilities to the crew, and a patient and no less stubborn Chakotay intend in making her see the light. In more ways than one given the hopeful ending!
annejoy chapter 1 . 8/29/2018
Great story.
There are so many aspects I like about this story: a) That the Doctor can’t heal everything sounds much more realistic than the typical description of injuries in ST. b) Janeway‘s stubbornness is so true in character. c) The JC ending is so beautiful. *sigh*
Thank you for sharing this story!
Beth6787 chapter 1 . 8/29/2018
A thought provoking look at the ramifications of a prolonged voyage through the DQ. Although, in canon Endgame, the original journey was completed in 23 years I do wonder - in reality - just how long it would take for the crew to concede defeat on the idea of reaching the AQ.

I suspect that reaching the milestone ‘decade’ in transit would most likely bring the whole scenario to a head and the probable outcome would be the long postponed decision to find a suitable M class planet to settle.

Somehow a Captain and First Officer pushing sixty with Icheb in his thirties and a teenage Naomi and Miral all still trapped on Voyager undertaking a seemingly never ending journey to a home planet the youngsters had never known...just doesn’t ring true.

Though the image of a badly battered Kathryn Janeway with many chronic, compounded injuries, refusing to step back and pass the baton on to the younger generation rings very true. I just think that the whole situation would have been taken out of her hands before this point and that Voyager would have long since been grounded somewhere.

Good to see you posting here again though...and I AM glad that you give KJ a well deserved retirement at the end of this story.
Treadstone17 chapter 1 . 8/28/2018
Very well done. I love it all the way up to the end. I'm just not a big J/C fan. But you done good!
devovere chapter 1 . 8/28/2018
Ah, so much KJ whump, it hurt to read. Tender, faithful Chakotay ... the exasperated Doctor and concerned crew ... Icheb and Naomi all growed up ... and finally a bittersweetly happy ending for our OTP. This was just lovely, thank you.
Guest chapter 1 . 8/28/2018
Love it
Bring on next chapter