![]() Author has written 92 stories for StarTrek: Voyager, StarTrek: The Next Generation, Drop Dead Diva, Orange Is the New Black, Matilda, Mathnet, Curious George, Girl Meets World, X-Files, Bones, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, and Angel. This is the page for Singing Violin's post-wedding works. You can also communicate with Singing Violin (and see more of her stuff) through her bachelorette account. THANK YOU to Aunt Kathy for the lovely avatar. Note to the troll 9/16/2014: Someone has been posting negative and almost contentless reviews to several of my stories anonymously. This is called trolling! Especially when they ask questions that I can't answer directly *because they are anonymous*. I deleted the reviews (because they were vague, completely negative, and IMO, stupid) but in answer to the question of whether I post my drabbles as separate stories "to up my story count": why would I want to "up my story count"? More stories means it's harder for people to find ones they like. No, I post my drabbles separately because *they are different stories that have nothing to do with each other* (and also note that this is what most drabble authors do with drabbles that are *separate stories that have nothing to do with each other*). My Philosophy: I am constantly trying to grow and learn, both as a person and as an author. I try not to write the same story twice. Additionally, although I may ship a certain pairing, I sometimes try to stretch myself by exploring other pairings. For example, in Star Trek: Voyager, I am a hopeless J/Cer, and have been since I watched Season 2. But at the request of some other people who do not ship J/C for (I must admit) valid reasons, I have recently attempted to write Janeway with several other characters, or not paired at all. I try to write in different fandoms and genres. I try to write a variety of content, from G all the way to M. In my longer stories especially (but even some of my shorter ones), I attempt to address what I think are fundamental human issues, often particular to modern day society. This is especially important to me in the Star Trek fandoms, because it was the intent of Gene Roddenberry to address modern-day human issues through the Star Trek universe, and so I would like to think I'm being true to his intentions for the world. Not all my attempts are successful (and I will fully admit that), but the whole point is to try. I won't be upset if you hate a fic I wrote, because I know I'm catering to vastly different audiences with different fics, and it's totally reasonable not to like it if you're not in the target demographic - or if the fic was too much of a challenge for me and just failed altogether. If you hate everything I wrote, on the other hand, I'll wonder why you kept reading after you hated the first couple. Feedback policy: Reviews are welcome and encouraged. However, please try to be either nice or useful, or both. Quick error fixes are great, either in a review or pm, and I will deal with them promptly. However, vague insults, personal attacks on the author, profanity, and other flames will result in the blocking of the user (if signed) or the deletion of the review (if anonymous). Also, please try not to include spoilers in your reviews, because some people read reviews before they read a story to see whether it's worth reading. I won't delete reviews or block users because of inadvertent spoilers, but I'd prefer you not ruin the story for future readers. If you don't like my story, tell me why, as specifically as possible, so I can improve upon it or the next one if there's something I can do to make the story more effective. You should also be prepared to tell me at least one thing that you liked about the story, or one of my other stories, because otherwise you are just trolling (a non-troll wouldn't bother wasting their time reading & reviewing a story they liked nothing about without having liked something else the author has written). If you are trolling anonymously, then you are a coward and your reviews will be deleted. Also note that I will LEAVE a review on any story I read in a fandom with which I'm familiar enough to be confident that I know what I'm talking about. I follow the above feedback policy. If I'm criticizing, it's very specific (something easy to fix) and I also include praise. If it's not specific, then it's a reaction to the story, and it's not criticism. I am not telling you that there is something wrong with the story even if I say I reacted negatively to it. It is what it is, and I am what I am. If I am complaining about the characters, that's not criticism either: that's me getting into the story and talking to the author because I can't talk to the characters directly. I'm not saying I don't like the story or that it's not written well: I'm saying that you've written the characters as doing something I don't like and I want to yell at them! This is usually a sign that the story IS written well, because I probably wouldn't care about the characters one way or another if it wasn't. You should take it as a compliment, and it is intended that way. I LOVE when people get into my stories enough to have "conversations" (positive or negative) with my characters. Troll alert: One particular violator of my feedback policy was Barbie28 on my story "Final Wish": a triple whammy: BIG spoiler for the story (please don't read her review before reading the story), personal insults to the author (by the way, I have taken many writing classes over the last several decades, and I never post a story "in a hurry": I always reread a zillion times before posting, and often revise as well as correct typos in the process, and additionally I'll often employ a beta to check it over for me), AND vague, unfounded criticism of the story and my OTHER stories, which she clearly hadn't read (as someone who specializes in drabbles and vignettes, I have never before been told my stories "drag," and probably never will be again). The account with which this troll review was posted was created the same day it reviewed my story. The next day, it started posting obsequious praise of and faving Kristie Goldberg's stories exclusively. Later, it toned down its praise of Kristie's stories and occasionally posted a review of someone else's. With some help from some wise friends, I eventually found out that Barbie28 *was* Kristie, who apparently has a *bunch* of different accounts with which she mostly reviews her own works. (This, IMO, is serious cheating to make her stories look more popular than they are. I would NEVER employ this tactic, ever. If my stories don't get reviews, so be it. I write because I feel the inclination to do so, not because I want kudos - not that kudos aren't appreciated; they are, but only when they're honest and from real people. I'd rather get honest criticism than lying praise.) After this epiphany, I realized that, since I began communicating with Kristie (after she replied to a review I posted of one of her stories), a bunch of her "old friends" had started posting reviews eerily similar to stuff I told Kristie in PM!!! (For example, I told Kristie about the technical definition of a drabble - 100 words - and then, shortly thereafter, Margaret Billings repeated it in a review of Kristie's story as if it were *her* knowledge she was sharing.) Then, Kristie accidentally reviewed her own story as if she were someone else...while logged into her primary account! Then she made up some excuse about meaning to review someone else's story, and had a bunch of her "friends" back her up saying they'd done the same thing. (Note that an author should never be on her story's page; if an author wants to see her own story while logged in, she can preview it, which shows her everything EXCEPT the review/favorite/etc. links.) Additionally, some authors (including me) have noticed that Kristie AND a bunch of her "friends" will all review one of their stories. They will all post similar reviews of that story. My guess is this is because Kristie wants to make a show of having her other accounts review stories other than hers, but needs to efficiently consolidate so she doesn't have to read more stories than necessary (after all, it's got to be a lot of work to maintain so many accounts AND post stories). But since she is only one reader, she only has one reaction to a story, so the reviews are bound to have similarities. (Note that Kristie had posted a positive review of "Final Wish" before Barbie trolled it: perhaps as a cover, but also because that meant she'd already read it before posting as Barbie...not that she needed to have read it to have posted any part of that review other than the spoiler.) When I realized which accounts were Kristie's, I also realized that, while I reply to all my reviews (if I remember), and had replied to all of her reviews, the only ones I ever got replies back from were the ones from Kristie's main account. I hadn't thought much of it until I made the connection: now it makes more sense: the others couldn't reply, since they weren't real people; if I'd gotten into a conversation with them, it would have been obvious. In any case, now that Kristie knows I know what she has been doing, she (mostly via her other accounts) has been posting reviews of her own stuff with veiled threats and insults directed at me - both my fanfic personality (SV/MSV) and what she thinks she knows about me in RL (btw, most of it is old stuff dating back from my previous attack five years ago, information about which is in my SV profile). I should also note that the reason Kristie attacked me as Barbie - I think, though I can't be sure - is because, after she asked and I told her about what happened five years ago, she thought I'd be an easy target. However, I have learned from past experience, and although it still took me a while to catch on to what was going on (I actually warned Kristie about Barbie after I saw Barbie reviewing her stories! Kristie's response was that she didn't plan to talk to her...well, of course not. Who talks to themselves?) I DID eventually figure it out, and refuse to be played any more, hence why I'm revealing all here. It's also possible that Kristie/Barbie attacked me because I posted some honest (and minor!) criticism of her stories in reviews. I included praise and encouragement with those reviews, but she doesn't seem to take kindly to anything negative at all. (I heard from other reviewers that she reacted badly to their criticism as well. She got very defensive in pm before blocking me entirely. I have since blocked her *and* all of her other accounts that I know about, though I realize that she can just create another and bomb me again if she feels like it, but now that I'm no longer able - or inclined - to review her stories, hopefully she won't feel the need.) I am not going to change my policy, however, of posting honest reviews, even if they are critical. I am employing the Golden Rule: I want people to be honest with me, even if their reaction to my story is negative. But if you do plan to review Kristie's stories: take note, only write nice things, even if you have to lie through your fingertips: otherwise she will turn on you! Kristie has also been saying some stuff about VAMB, which I know very little about. I also left VAMB, BUT it was mostly because of what happened five years ago. An evil person back then, who targeted me because I was naïve, made me many enemies there, most of whom are still afraid of me (I know because they still have me blocked) because they either still believe the false rumors they were told (I angsted SO much about what seemed to me like blocking without cause, from people I thought of as friends - what could I possibly have done to deserve that? - before a brave and true friend FINALLY told me what was being said about me, and it all made sense, though I was still pretty upset, for a long time, trying to figure out what I'd done to deserve being attacked like that), or because they realize they attacked me for false reasons and are afraid I'll retaliate if they even so much as apologize, thus admitting guilt. (I prefer to believe the latter, especially because it tickles me to think that someone would think I'm that formidable. Hey, power! Though honestly I'm just not that vindictive.) VAMB became an unhealthy place for me to be, so I left, and I am a saner person because of that. BUT had all of that stuff not happened, I would probably still be happily bouncing around in peadom. I have since recommended VAMB to other authors here, and probably will again. I personally, however, will never...can never go back. VAMB is a nice place, just not for me. I appreciate all the support I have been getting, but please, ignore the Kristie troll (and any other trolls that might pop up; they do seem pretty rare, though, if it's only two per decade), and hopefully she will go away. Trolling her stories will only be "troll bait" and she's already got people believing she's the victim in all this; that will lend credence to her story. I've had people victimize me before, thinking I was a villain (due to the false rumors mentioned above) and deserved it, and it wasn't fun. (Part of the reason why I opened MSV was to get away from all the attacks on SV.) No matter how much you think someone deserves something, there's always the possibility that you're wrong, and you've become a villain yourself when you attack. Now, I'm fairly certain I'm right about Kristie, due to all the clues discussed above, but I'm not angry: I merely feel sorry for her, because of what she must be suffering in order to resort to such ridiculous behavior. I honestly hope she gets help (from people other than her imaginary friends). Trolling her isn't going to solve any problems (even though it might feel satisfying). It'll only cause her to attack me (or someone else she decides to name as the troll) and feel/appear justified in doing so. Moving on... Archiving policy: Given the iffiness of ffnet of late, I am attempting to put my stories on some other sites. (What, keep my own copies? If only I were organized enough.) I'm working on transferring my stuff to Archive of Our Own. Some of my Voyager fiction can be found on Pathfinder. My old, old X-files stories (under SV here) are on Gossamer, under the pen name Pearl. If you have your own site and you would like to include one of my stories, you are absolutely welcome to do so; I would be honored. But please let me know so I can visit! These days, my RL is busy, so don't expect updates too often. However, requests are always taken into consideration. My most recent betas are all fantastic authors: Lia Harkness, Aunt Kathy, skadoo, and Hestia01. I urge you to check out their awesome work. In the meantime, feel free to check out my older stories, here and under Singing Violin. Apologies for stories that are still unfinished - I will complete them when the inspiration hits me. I prefer to leave them unfinished indefinitely than write unsatisfactory endings just to have them complete. |