Acknowledgements, Disclaimers, and Warnings please see chapter 1.

She didn't feel anything. She wasn't cold, her back didn't hurt, and she no longer felt her blood burning in her veins. She wondered if she were truly dead this time. If she was dead, then the eternal battle in Sto-vo-kor that she'd always heard so much about was incredibly quiet. All she could hear was a soft rumbling noise. It sounded more like a snuffling targ than it did a Klingon battle cry. The fact that she recognized the sound confused her more than anything, and she opened her eyes.

B'Elanna had to blink several times and even when her vision cleared she still had no idea where she was. She turned her head to the right to find the source of the rumbling sound. She almost couldn't believe what she was seeing.


He was sitting in a chair with his feet propped up on another chair. His head was leaned back, and he was snoring. Of all the things. She couldn't help it; a small laugh escaped her.

Tom's head snapped up so quickly that for a moment she thought he was going to fall off the chair. He looked straight at her and was on his feet in a second.

"B'Elanna." He cradled her face in his hands. "Oh my God, B'Elanna."

He didn't seem capable of saying anything else, and he leaned over her kissing her cranial ridges. He finally brought his mouth down to hers giving her a gentle kiss. "We thought we'd lost you."

B'Elanna shook her head slightly, but the movement produced a dull ache. She stared into his eyes. His blue eyes touched her soul like a bolt of lightning. "The Captain!"

Tom saw the immediate change in her and braced his hands on her shoulders. "Don't try and get up. You aren't ready for that."

She tried to brush his hands away, but her hand hardly moved. Tom reached down by her side and took his hand in hers. She could barely feel his fingers wrapped around hers. "Tom? What's the matter with me? Where's the Captain? Is she all right?"

The words rushed out of her, and she could hear some of them slur together in her haste. Tom was brushing his hand near her temple trying to calm her down.

"It's going to be okay. The Captain is here too."


"She's in the next room."

"Room?" B'Elanna asked. "Where the hell are we?"

A frown creased Tom's brow. "Starfleet medical in San Francisco."

"We're back on Earth?" The fight went out of her as she looked at her surroundings again and realized it was a hospital room. "How long?"

"We found you five days ago, and you were both unconscious. You were treated enroute to Earth in the Enterprise's sickbay, and you've been here for three days now." He kept his hand wrapped around hers. "We got you here as fast as we could. We almost lost both of you before Dr. Crusher and our Doc could get you stabilized."

B'Elanna's mind was racing. The Enterprise. Five days. "You found us in time?"

"In time for what?" He asked, looking confused.

"To save the Captain. The poison was supposed to kill her."

Understanding lit Tom's eyes and B'Elanna once again marveled at the similarities between him and Janeway. He nodded. "Yes, the Doc was able to render the nanoprobes inoperative, and then he neutralized the toxin. She had a lot of internal damage though and that's been taking a lot of time to repair. He's keeping her sedated until all of the deep tissue regeneration is complete."

"I'm assuming he found evidence of…" B'Elanna's voice trailed off. She didn't want to betray Kathryn, but she wanted to make sure she was treated.

Tom understood her unspoken words and nodded grimly. "Doc took care of her."

B'Elanna exhaled and looked at their joined hands. Tears welled in her eyes. "I…can't feel you."

"Shhh, it's going to be okay," Tom assured her and kissed her hand. "You will. You fried your system pretty good, but you're going to be fine."


"I promise," he assured her. "You have to relearn some of your motor skills so it's going to take a little physical therapy."
"A little?"

"Okay, a lot, but the Doc expects you to regain full mobility and sensation." Tom smiled. "He's looking forward to you spending a lot of time with him."

At that comment B'Elanna couldn't help but roll her eyes. A lot of time spent with the EMH was not a prescription either of them would enjoy. She shook her head. "Where's Miral?"

"She's with Mom and Dad." He paused. "B'Elanna, what happened out there?"

"Your Dad. Get him here. Now."

Owen Paris arrived within minutes of Tom's call. The family took a few minutes to be reunited, and B'Elanna gave Miral a kiss even though she couldn't hold her yet. The baby just cooed and gurgled at her mother. The happy grandmother took the baby back out to the waiting room as two of Admiral Paris' aides arrived.

B'Elanna told them everything she could remember about what happened. Owen's face darkened as soon as she mentioned Camet. He'd been told Camet had died the same year Voyager disappeared. She told them about 'Ensign Daveek' and Tom explained that they'd found the real Ensign Daveek the next day. He'd been drugged and placed in an out of the way storage closet, but by then communications to the shuttle had already been cut.

Feeling extremely self conscious and trying to downplay her injuries, she told them about how both she and Kathryn had been tortured. Owen's aides were recording everything she said for the investigation, but B'Elanna stopped short of explaining what had happened to Janeway when she'd been taken out of the room. She already felt bad about inviting this scrutiny into what happened, she wasn't about to make it worse.

Admiral Paris understood her hesitation and dismissed his aides to the waiting room. He sat down on the edge of the bed, and picked up B'Elanna's hand. "What happened with Katie?"

She balked, but Tom nodded to her encouragingly. "I don't know. I mean, I do know, but I wasn't there. It was at some point after the interrogation. I'd passed out and when I came to she was gone. It felt like it was at least a couple of hours before she came back, and when she did…"

"It's all right, B'Elanna. We're going to protect her. None of this is going to get out." Owen reassured her. "But for the sake of the investigation, I need to know anything you can tell me."

"She looked," she started then stopped. Swallowing hard she began again. "At first glance, she looked okay. And then I noticed some bruising that wasn't hidden by her uniform. She didn't want to talk about it, and I didn't press the issue."

Owen nodded. "Do you know if she remembers? Knows who did it?"

"She knew."

"Was it Camet that did it?" Owen seemed to brace himself in expectation of her answer.

"No, but he was there. She said he 'helped'." B'Elanna explained and the three of them sat in silence for a moment thinking about the repercussions of that statement.

"Thank you, B'Elanna. I know it was difficult for you, but I intend to do everything in my power to bring you and Katie justice." He kissed her on the forehead and began to leave.

"Owen?" B'Elanna's voice stopped him at the door. "I'm supposed to give you a message."

Admiral Paris straightened and even from across the room Tom could see a hard glint come into his father's eye.

"Camet sends his regards."

The chime for an incoming call was going off incessantly. It was only early evening, but B'Elanna was exhausted. She'd had a two hour physical therapy session with the EMH in the afternoon, and she'd come home and passed out. The chime finally stopped, and she knew the caller was being directed to leave a message. Within thirty seconds the chime began again. She pulled her head out from under her pillow and glared at the wall monitor.

It had been almost a month since her and Janeway's kidnapping. B'Elanna was still having the occasional nightmare, but most nights she was too exhausted from physical therapy to remember her dreams. She'd recovered most of her mobility and sensation, but she was still walking with an archaic looking cane that the Doctor proudly proclaimed worked as well today as it did in the twentieth century. She carried it mostly, but occasionally found herself leaning on it if she were overly tired.

Kathryn had woken up the day after B'Elanna. Her physical injuries had all been healed, and she suffered only the soreness of regeneration. Her mental state had been another matter entirely. She'd professed repeatedly that she was fine, and that despite her unclear recollection of the details she was well aware of what she had gone through. The only outward admission she was willing to make was that she didn't want to be alone, and Chakotay had moved into the guest room of her recently purchased home. She'd gone to see a counselor twice as mandated by Starfleet protocol, but Chakotay wasn't impressed with what little that had done for Kathryn. He assumed her captain's mask had been firmly in place, and the counselor had believed her releasing her from further sessions.

Groaning at her stiff muscles, B'Elanna clumsily made her way out of bed and activated the call. "This better be good."

Chakotay's face appeared and despite an impressive black eye his features were marred with concern. "I need your help, B'Elanna."

"What happened to your…never mind," she dismissed the question and started looking for her clothes.

"I need you to go after Kathryn. She's had an episode and I don't think I'm the person that can help her right now," Chakotay said, averting his eyes as B'Elanna threw on a different shirt.

"It's not that I mind," B'Elanna said, pulling on a pair of pants. Normally she wouldn't get dressed in front of the call screen, but it was just Chakotay. "But what makes you think I can help? She can barely even talk to me right now. I remind her too much of what happened."

"I know, but something was different this time."

"What do you mean?"

"She's been having nightmares. Usually I've been able to wake her and she's crying in my arms until she goes back to sleep. Last night her nightmare was so bad she was fighting me before I could get her to wake up." He gestured to the bruise on his face.

"She's always had a good right hook," B'Elanna commented, sitting down on the bed to put her shoes on. "So what happened today?"

"She'd said earlier she was going to take a nap because she was tired. I went out to run a few errands, and when I came back she was screaming in her sleep. I practically had to shake her to wake her up, and even though her eyes were open I don't think she'd really come out of it. She kept throwing punches, and I barely managed to catch hold of her wrists before I had a matching black eye. I called her name, and she seemed to come out of it."

"And that's when she ran out?" B'Elanna asked, continuing to sit on the bed as he spoke.

"I let go of her and she backed up. She rubbed at her wrists like I had hurt her. I asked her if she was all right," his voice trailed off. "B'Elanna, the look that was on her face at that moment will haunt me for the rest of my days. And then she just ran out."

"You just let her go?" B'Elanna asked surprised. "She could be anywhere."

Chakotay shook his head. "I kept an eye on her to make sure she was safe. She headed for the Presidio."

B'Elanna sighed with relief. "She went to Voyager."

After a quick call to Owen, B'Elanna found herself materializing on the bridge of Voyager. "Computer, how many people are currently aboard Voyager?"

"There are seven people aboard Voyager."

She walked towards the turbolift. "Discounting the five man security team stationed here, who are the other two people on board?"

"Admiral Kathryn Janeway and Lieutenant Commander B'Elanna Torres."

"What is Admiral Janeway's location?"

"Admiral Janeway is in holodeck two."

"Deck six," B'Elanna called for her destination. "What are you up to, Kathryn?"

Moments later B'Elanna stood outside the holodeck doors. She'd called up the program that was being run, but it wasn't anything she knew. Taking a deep breath, she centered herself in front of the doors and walked inside. She found herself in a room that was longer than it was wide with an oblong table taking up most of the room. There was a desk near the arch and what looked like a sleeping area at the opposite end, but none of that drew B'Elanna's attention.

The room looked like it had been ransacked. Papers and broken glass were littered on the floor all around the desk. A plate of food was scattered across the floor as if it had been flung. A broken chair lay against the wall. The mattress on the bunk had been overturned and pulled halfway off. The table appeared to be the only thing that had survived. And at the end of the table sat Kathryn Janeway with her hands wrapped around her head as though she were trying to hold it together.

The smell of wine in the air was almost overwhelming, and glass from the broken bottle crunched under B'Elanna's boot when she took a step forward. Kathryn's head came up at the sound, and B'Elanna raised her hands in an attempt to placate her. "It's just me."

Janeway immediately straightened and dropped her hands into her lap. "What are you doing here, Torres?"

"I was in the neighborhood. Thought I'd stop by." She pointedly looked around the room as she made her way closer. "I'd pull up a chair, but there doesn't seem to be any left."

Kathryn leaned back in her chair. "Chakotay sent you didn't he?"

"He was worried," B'Elanna said simply and parked a hip on the table.

"He probably should be." Kathryn gave a small humorless laugh and wiped at her face with her hand.

"Kahless…your hand!" B'Elanna got off the table and took Kathryn's hand before she could hide it again. The knuckles were bloodied and bruised. B'Elanna reached for her other hand to find it bruised as well with a nasty cut between the first and second knuckle. "I guess you disengaged the safety protocols."

Kathryn didn't answer and pulled her hands back to her lap. Neither of them said anything as B'Elanna called for the arch and replicated a dermal regenerator. She knew exactly what'd happened; she'd punched more than a few walls in her lifetime.

"So you want to tell me why you felt the need to redecorate?" B'Elanna asked as she returned with the instrument and began to run it over one of Kathryn's hands.

"It's nothing."

"You don't really expect me to believe that, do you?" She reached her palm out and waited for Kathryn to give her the other hand. Once she began healing it, she tried again. "Let's try another question then. Where are we?"

Janeway pulled her hand away and stood up. She began pacing behind the chair. B'Elanna set the regenerator down on the table and folded her hands in her lap. After several minutes of silence with just her captain walking around the room, B'Elanna spoke up. "You know, the walls of this room look a lot like that room we were held in."

Janeway stopped and stared at her.

"If I were to guess, I'd say this was probably part of the same building," B'Elanna continued. "maybe a part I didn't see."

She watched her friend closely as she spoke trying to gauge her reaction. Kathryn barely nodded in answer to the implied question.

"Okay," B'Elanna said, feeling much more uncomfortable than she had a moment earlier. "What happened today, Kathryn?"

Janeway's eyes flashed a warning at B'Elanna, but she ignored it.

"Something was different today when Chakotay touched you. What was it?"

The older woman turned her back to B'Elanna, her fists clenching at her sides.

B'Elanna pushed on recalling something Chakotay had said and putting it together with the bruising she'd seen. "Is it because he grabbed your wrists?"

Janeway turned back to her, a mixture of fear and fury on her face. "How do you know about that?"

"Know about what, Kathryn? What do I know?" B'Elanna instinctively braced herself for a maelstrom, and for a few moments she thought she would end up tossed like the rest of the contents of the room.

Then the storm that was Kathryn Janeway seemed to blow itself out as she once again turned away from B'Elanna. One hand was on her hip with the other one up near her face. When she finally spoke her voice was directed to the walls and not B'Elanna.

"He held me down by my wrists."

B'Elanna held her breath understanding that's exactly what she had seen when Kathryn had been going through her hallucination. When Chakotay had told her about what happened she'd considered the wrist holding may have been the trigger, but she'd had no indication about the dam that was about to be released. It was almost like Kathryn had forgotten she was in the room.

"They came in the room and were on me in seconds. They grabbed me by the throat and threw me on the table. My head hit the wood so hard I was dazed. I barely felt them tugging at my boots. My pants." Her voice was monotone. "They wrenched my arms up above my head, and I felt cold air hit my chest. I still had my jacket on, but it was laid open. I felt so exposed."

"I tried so hard to get free I felt like the muscles in my arms were tearing, but Camet had a grip on my wrists that was like steel. He held me down like it was nothing." Kathryn was quiet for a moment and her hands dropped back to her sides. "Toreth was brutal. Biting and clawing at me. And then he was…I felt like he was ripping me apart, but at least I was able to focus on the pain. I kept my eyes closed so I wouldn't have to look at their faces leering over me. It was over relatively quickly, and I just felt limp. I'd done everything I could, but it hadn't been enough. I couldn't get away. I couldn't move, but that vice grip on my wrists never let up."

B'Elanna schooled her features as best she could when Janeway slowly turned around to face her. Kathryn's eyes were completely dry.

"And you know, I thought it was over. I was so relieved that it was over, and I had survived. It hurt so much, but I was relieved. Partek had even brought out a dermal regenerator and a sonic cleanser." Kathryn closed her eyes briefly. "I didn't want him touching me, but he actually healed some of the more painful areas. And I was thankful."

She practically spit the last word out of her mouth as though it were ash. B'Elanna watched as Janeway slowly walked around the table now as she talked.

"Then he used the handheld sonic cleanser on me, which just added to my mortification, but I figured I'd already endured worse. I should be thankful."

Janeway clenched her teeth together so hard B'Elanna could see the muscle in her captain's cheek. The sonic cleanser explained why the only Romulan DNA that they found had been in the bite mark on Kathryn's shoulder and no where else. Tom had told B'Elanna the reason his dad had asked specifically about Camet committing the assault was because they'd found Cardassian DNA when they'd examined Kathryn. B'Elanna had never imagined the actual truth.

Kathryn took a shuddering breath, and B'Elanna felt the pressure in her own chest build as she again waited silently for her friend.

"I couldn't stand to keep my eyes open with Camet's face so close to mine. His breath smelled like wine and every time he breathed that scent washed over me. I heard Partek turn off the sonic cleanser and walk away. I didn't hear him come back, but then his hands were on me. He was pushing my knees apart, and then I felt his mouth…on me." She swallowed hard and B'Elanna saw a tear streak down the side of her face. "His hands were pushing on my thighs forcing them further apart, and I could feel his hot breath on me. Camet was still holding onto my wrists, and I tried so hard to get away I dislocated my shoulder. They laughed about it."

For the first time since she started talking Kathryn looked straight at B'Elanna. Her gaze was imploring B'Elanna to understand what she was saying. "He took his time. He made me feel what he was doing."

"Oh, Kathryn." B'Elanna didn't even try to hide the tears that were rolling down her face now.

"My body reacted to what he was doing, and I felt it. And they knew. Camet could see it in my eyes as clearly as Partek felt it when he pushed into me." Kathryn was choking on her words as she spoke. "Camet even commented that it seemed like I was enjoying myself."

B'Elanna felt nauseous, but Kathryn continued.

"And then tonight when Chakotay touched me, all I could see was Camet's face. Taunting me. All the details fell into place. Everything that I'd blocked out. I knew when I woke up in the hospital that I had been…I knew what had happened. I knew that I'd been in this room, and I remembered all three of them had been in here with me. But I couldn't remember the details." She was breathing hard and tears were rolling down her face. "But then Chakotay's hands were on me. Holding my wrists. And I could feel everything all over again. I remembered everything."

B'Elanna was using the table for support. No one had been surprised when Kathryn hadn't remembered all of the details. People usually didn't. It was a self defense mechanism. The Doc had warned Chakotay that she might suffer from flashbacks, but no one had truly understood the level of depravity that had actually taken place. No wonder Chakotay was unhappy with the counselor not requiring her to continue therapy. He knew Kathryn better than anyone, and if her nightmares were anything like her hallucinations had been…

"You don't have to stay, B'Elanna." Kathryn said tiredly. She sat down in the chair again, looking utterly exhausted. "I wouldn't want to know me either right now."

B'Elanna realized she'd been silent for too long. "What are you talking about?"

"You know what I'm talking about."

"No, I don't think I do." B'Elanna was even more worried now. "I need you to be very clear."

"What kind of a sick person am I to enjoy being…" she couldn't finish the question.

"Kathryn, is that what you think?" B'Elanna couldn't believe what she was hearing and yet she knew Kathryn believed every word she was saying. "You didn't enjoy it! You were trying so hard to fight back you pulled your arm out of the socket. A person doesn't injure themselves by trying to get away from something they enjoy. What happened was not your choice."

"But my body responded to what he was doing….something in me made the choice."

"Yes, your body responded. It did what it was supposed to do. Kathryn, I'm no counselor so I'm probably saying this all wrong, but think about it. Your adrenalin had to have been through the roof. And you were being subjected to stimulus against your will." B'Elanna crouched down by her side and took her hand. "You're a scientist. What your body did was a completely involuntary biological response. You know this stuff. You did not enjoy this nor did you want it to happen."

Kathryn bit her lip and put her head back against the chair. "I really want to believe that, but…"

"But, what?"

She sniffed. "It's a lot easier to say the words than it is to believe them."

"Then we'll just have to keep saying them until you do believe," B'Elanna said. Her legs were starting to shake from her crouched position, and she slowly forced herself to stand back up without letting go of Kathryn's hand. "and you've got to see a counselor."

Janeway made a face. "I didn't like that counselor."

"Of course, you didn't. You're a Captain." B'Elanna tried for a smile. "We will just have to find one that you do like."

"We?" Kathryn asked.

"Yes. We. As long as you'll let me help you, Kathryn. And probably even after you don't want me to help you." B'Elanna squeezed her hand. "And Chakotay."

Kathryn's face drained of what little color it had gained back. "Oh God, he has no idea."

B'Elanna leaned against the table again giving Kathryn time. "He loves you, Kathryn. He just wants to be there for you and help you."

"But how can he? He doesn't know and once he does…he won't want…"

"It won't matter to him."

"But what do I tell him?"

"The truth," B'Elanna said and then clarified her answer. "when you're ready. And you only tell him what you're comfortable telling him. Okay?"

Kathryn nodded but still seemed shaky.

"You aren't alone in this, Kathryn. You have people in your life that love and care for you and want nothing but the best for you." B'Elanna hugged her and kissed her on top of the head like she would Miral. "Now, help me get home before I fall over."

That got her up. Janeway was on her feet with her arm around B'Elanna's waist in the blink of an eye. "Are you even supposed to be out of bed?"

B'Elanna smiled as Janeway called for a beam out.

7 months later

Camet sat at his makeshift desk in the corner of his room. His quarters were lacking in what he felt was suitable attributes, but their current base was not much more than a hole in the wall. He'd been extremely disappointed when he'd received the news that not only had the mongrel survived but so had Janeway. He should've insisted they go back when that bitch had destroyed the cameras.

But they'd had to find a new place to operate from as soon as they'd heard the news that the women had survived. The human that had taken the name of Daveek during Janeway's stay had left their little group shortly thereafter, but Camet's protégé, Partek, had stayed by his side.

Camet had already decided on a new course of action to take against Janeway and Paris. He had no intentions of going to his grave with this bit of business left undone. Another chance at Janeway had been the deciding factor in Toreth's decision to stay with their little group, and Camet knew exactly what was on the Romulan's mind.

Camet's new scheme was much more straightforward. After all, he'd already had his fun with Janeway, now he just wanted her dead. He did hope however that when they caught her in her own home, her Maquis lover would be there. Camet looked forward to making Janeway watch him die first.

And as for Paris, he'd decided he wouldn't go after the mongrel this time, but perhaps the son. Or even the granddaughter. Owen Paris was old and it would hurt him more to lose the people he loved rather than lose his own life.

Camet stretched and looked at his chronometer. He too was getting old, and he could feel it in his bones. He switched off the light for his desk and prepared for bed. He glanced at his door when he heard a noise from the other room. Toreth and Partek were usually quiet by this hour of the night. He dismissed it and lay down on his bunk. He had just closed his eyes when he heard another noise. Opening his eyes, he saw three dark figures standing over him. Before he could do anything, the one in the center clamped a strong hand over his mouth while the other figures trapped him on the bunk.

The last words Camet heard before he departed this life were the whispered words in his ear.

"Admiral Paris sends his regards."

B'Elanna was laughing as she entered the kitchen carrying an empty tray. She set it down on the counter and noticed the message light was blinking on the comm. channel. It was the holidays; it was probably some family member of Tom's calling to wish them Merry Christmas. She activated the message.

It was addressed for her eyes only, and it was a text message from Owen. It contained only two words: It's done.

B'Elanna immediately deleted the message, and then erased it from the archives. She continued to stand and stare at the blank screen until the sound of husky laughter from the living room brought her back to the present. She peeked around the corner into the living room and watched as Tom told some grandiose story. She could tell by his hand gestures that no one in the room was taking him seriously.

Looking around the room, her heart was filled with a happiness and contentment she never thought she'd have. There was a Christmas tree in the corner next to a roaring fire in the fireplace, and almost all of the people she cared about most in her life were scattered around her living room. Harry, holding a sleeping Miral, sat next to Libby on the floor propped up on pillows while she chatted with Ayala. Seven and the Doctor stood near the back door having a conversation that looked like it was mostly the Doctor talking and Seven listening. Tom sat on the love seat across from the couch where Kathryn was sitting snuggled up against Chakotay. Her husky laugh echoed through the room again as Tom swore that he was telling the truth.

B'Elanna was so incredibly proud of how far Kathryn had come. It had taken four different tries before they finally found a counselor Kathryn was comfortable with. Neala, a civilian, had a father that had been an admiral. She knew her way around Starfleet, but she never joined the ranks. Unlike all the Starfleet counselors, she didn't feel any need to defer to rank and wasn't at all intimidated by Kathryn's glare. B'Elanna had laughed out loud when Kathryn tried using her glare to get around a question she didn't want to answer, and Neala rolled her eyes. She eventually coerced Kathryn into answering by taking away her coffee during her sessions until she confronted the issue.

B'Elanna had stuck by Kathryn's side and even attended the first couple of sessions with her, but after awhile her presence was no longer needed. She found out later that Kathryn had eventually become comfortable enough to have Chakotay attend several sessions with her. As far as she knew, Kathryn was only seeing Neala twice a month now.

Kathryn was back to work teaching at the academy, but she wasn't completely recovered. Chakotay had received a few more bruises over the following months, but the nightmares were fewer and far between now. She'd also had to give up wine because the smell of it made her nauseous. Family and friends knew better than to come up behind her as Owen had been the unlucky recipient of an elbow to the nose one day when he'd touched her unexpectedly on the shoulder. Kathryn had been mortified, but Owen had laughed it off as a training exercise. B'Elanna had no idea how comfortable Kathryn had gotten with other physical contact, but she'd noticed that Chakotay's things no longer appeared to be in the guest bedroom at Kathryn's house although she knew he still lived there.

"B'Elanna, you okay?"

She realized everyone was looking at her, and she wondered how long she'd been standing there. She smiled and saw the worry leave Tom's face as he motioned for her to sit with him. She couldn't help but laugh as Kathryn looked at her skeptically. They really had come to learn a lot about each other in the past year and could easily read each other's faces. She knew as soon as Kathryn got the chance she'd be pulling her aside to ask her what she had been thinking about. B'Elanna considered the message she had received from Owen. One day she'd share it with Kathryn, but not today.

Today was for celebrating.