![]() Author has written 14 stories for Hetalia - Axis Powers. Update 6/5/17: Yeah... been a couple years... I may as well make one of these. Anyway, my username as you can see is Valkyrie's Emblem. I picked the name because I had been reading a lot of Norse Mythology at the time. Surprisingly, I don't actually regret it like I have a habit of. I live in the United States of America. I, for some weird reason, like Hetalia. I don't know why. It's just one of those things. Other things I enjoy are reading and playing video games. At least in Hetalia, I don't really ship characters together. Mostly because I have a hard time with pairing countries together because of history. Instead, I seem to like sibling/friend relationships more, though I do find a few crack pairings entertaining. (Like the fact my mind has decided that America/Republic of Ireland would be hilarious, especially if you factor in what England's reaction would be.) Would I pair anyone together in my stories? I don't know. There is the above crack pairing, and I like some historical pairings like France/Jeanne d'Arc or England/Elizabeth I. Time will tell. I should also just say this up front: I do not and never will ship Norway/Denmark in Hetalia. You know how people use the fact that they were in a union for 400 years as 'evidence' for the pairing? They call it the 400 year night in Norway. That should give you a clue about how they actually felt about it in real life. I don't really care if you ship it, but this is my answer if you ever ask me why I refuse to do anything involving them. My Stories In Process: Ég Er Hér (APH) Means "I am here" in Icelandic. Characters: Lukas (Norway) and Eiríkur (Iceland), with cameos from other nations Basically, their relationship from 1905 to the present day. Diverges from canon a little bit, but hopefully not much, and I am doing my best to keep it historically accurate. If you want to suggest an event for me to cover, feel free. Bewengung Auf Means "Moving On" in German. Characters: Mikkel (Denmark), Ludwig (Germany), Berwald (Sweden), Vash (Switzerland) Because all the Germanics are completely screwed up. Focuses on Ludwig's guilt, Mikkel and Berwald trying to fix their relationship, and Vash telling himself that shooting them won't help anything. Våkner Means "Wake Up" in Norwegian Characters: Lukas (Norway), Eiríkur (Iceland), Mikkel (Denmark), Berwald (Sweden) He's Here Characters: Various Took the idea from a couple of headcanons I found where a nation knows whenever someone crosses their border and how this is definitely abused. The chapters: 1. America and Russia Completed: Der Er Ingen Vej Fra Mørkels Land (APH) Means "There is no way from this land of darkness" in Danish. Characters: Denmark, mentions of the other Nordics A really depressing piece about Denmark's feelings on the Nordic's relationships with each other. Sammen Igjen Means "Together Again" in Norwegian. Characters: all five Nordics. A sort of follow up to Der er Ingen Vej Fra Mørkels Land and takes place in the same universe as Ég er Hér. Basically about how the Nordic Five is not really on the best of terms and them taking a vacation together to try and fix that. Mostly focuses on the three Scandinavians and their massive issues. One Shots about how crazy Norway (the character and the actual country) is: Skiing Characters: Norway and America A stupid piece I wrote after finding out that the Norwegian army beat the American army with superior firepower while on a training exercise with only handguns and skis. Snødynking and Snødøping Characters: Norway; Germany and Iceland in the first, Russia in the second Based on the phenomenon of Snødynking in Norway. It's aph Norway's favorite winter pastime. If you want an actual account of this, go look up "Welcome to Norway, puny American soldier." Morsomt Med Dialekter Characters: Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Iceland There are tons of Norwegian dialects, and Danes and Swedes have a hard time understanding some of them. Norway uses this fact to his to drive Denmark and Sweden insane. Ideas for stories: Sides Rarely Seen Characters: Norway and America An idea I got while in Washington DC at the start of the summer. Basically the two of them bonding as friends. Untitled APH fanfic Characters: Scotland, Ireland, an extremely reluctant Norway England, Wales, and Northern Ireland get lost in one of Scotland's forests. Unfortunately, the 'fair folk' living there are anything but benevolent... Their older siblings and a blackmailed Norway have to pray that they can get to them before they find a way to permanently take them away for good. |