This actually was just something stupid I wrote earlier that I wasn't actually going to post, but someone wanted to see it. (You know who you are.)

Disclaimer: I would so make this into a strip or episode if I owned Hetalia.


Norway stared at America. Anyone that knew him well could tell that he was shocked beyond belief, but he wasn't really showing it.

America was loaded down with a ridiculous amount of winter gear (it wasn't that cold...), had about three guns he could see, and had a machine gun strapped to his back.

Shaking his head, he thrust a set of skis at him.

"I thought that we were going to practice fighting in the cold," America asked in confusion.

"We are," Norway said shortly. "Skiing is an extremely viable strategy, especially in the mountains or anywhere with thick snow. You know how to ski, correct?"


"Then put them on."

America did, but Norway couldn't help but notice that he was having a lot of trouble. "You may want to take off some of your gear. You will just be weighed down by it."

"It's freezing, dude!" America protested, looking at him like he was insane.

"You will be moving around. You will warm up."

He grumbled, but took off his outer layer. "You may also want to leave the machine gun here," Norway said, bored out of his mind. Why did he agree to this again?

"What?! Are you insane?! Leave Machiney here?!" America asked, clutching onto his machine gun as if his life depended on it. "But she's my most precious girl!"

Norway facepalmed. Hard. "I will be sure to tell Ireland that next time I see her. Just put on your skis before I just shoot you right here."

An hour later...

America collapsed in front of the door, a bullet wound in his shoulder, several grazes on his arms and legs, and- worst of all- a bullet in 'Machiney'. Norway, being the cause, just stepped over him and poured himself some coffee.

"Do you understand how to fight in the cold now?" he asked, not really caring.

America's response was to raise a single finger.

"The middle finger. I am very offended," Norway said, looking at his phone to see if he had any messages from anyone not named Denmark.

"You were just using a hand gun! How did you beat me?"

"I am better than you."

"...Den is right. You are a jerk."

What's this? Valkyrie wrote a story without any foreign language anywhere to be seen?! *gasp*

Anyway, so apparently the US army went to Norway to learn to fight in the cold and on skis and stuff. They played some sort of training game on skis.

The end result was that the Norwegian army beat them with only handguns when the US had far superior weaponry.

And yes, the Norwegian army does apparently train on skis.

Anyway, very stupid story.