![]() Author has written 32 stories for Hetalia - Axis Powers, Journey, and Mystic Messenger. Hello. I go by many names, but you can called me Kaiistar, or Kai for short if you like. I'm in many anime fandoms. Naruto, Pokémon, and Hetalia are one of the few major ones among others like Death Parade, Akatsuki no Yona and Madoka Magica. I make a habit of reading up on otome game reviews, even though otome games are not my cup of tea. I find joy in reading about the plots and admiring the designs ha. An exception is Uta no Prince-Sama (and as of 2015, Kamigami no Asobi). That shit is good. (Game-wise) A thing I have noticed about my favourite character list. (Which is not much. Only my favest of the fav enter this list.) Many male characters are brunettes or have black-hair and green eyes. Exceptions are Judar from Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic, Fon from Katekyo Hitman Reborn and Russia/Ivan Braginsky from Hetalia. Also most of my favourite females are badass and have blue hair. Yep, they do. Judar and Ivan are my bros. Apart from Pokémon, (I don't think Pokémon counts even if it does, shhh.) I don't have much of a fandom life outside anime and console games. I do appreciate stuff like Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings though. I am fans of Nintendo (Yoshi has always been my favourite, Kirby is close behind) and the Drakengard series (mostly DOD3 and Nier) as well as Odin Sphere. A friend keeps recommending LPs of great PS2/PS3 games to me hahaha. -1- Personally, I do not like Yaoi nor Yuri but I respect your decision to ship anything you want. I love crackships a lot and ship almost everything non Yaoi and Yuri because I love to see different possibilities work out. Many of my ships are all crack (AN: ItaKon) which is why my heart dies sometimes because the amount of fics/pics of said ship is almost non-existent. Compared to romance, I prefer genres like adventure and friendship to read. (Maybe the reason I like shounen to shoujo?) Fantasy action AUs are the best. -2- Links: 12 Days of Winter Chapter 11 Ukraine's costume: http:///post/70260244699/shota-nuggets-Ukraine Cancel a Formats page: http:// More information about the above Hetalian otome: http:///post/76703379038/calling-all-hetalia-fans-this-is-cancel-a -3- Future story ideas that I think I will come around to doing, I just need inspiration and plot devices. And time. Lots and lots of time. 1. -Title unknown-- Hetalia Romance/fantasy fic All was not what it seemed. / The little mermaid falls in love with Cinderella. Norway/Ukraine. A future project. I have always wanted to write for this pairing ever since September last year and I finally have a vague idea of what to do. Maybe I finally will soon. Ramble Entries: 21 February 2016 Happy New Year guys! My annual Valentine's Day fic is late this year since I didn't have enough time and inspiration to finish. Hence I'm probably going to work on it after exam season and post it up on 21st March, White Day! HhhmPh exam season is hell and I can't lay down. -4- Some of my works have been translated (with permission) into other languages for more viewers to enjoy. Heh, I can't put into words how happy this makes me. Thank you to all the lovely translators who decided to spread various authors' works to a wider viewer base. Vietnamese Tickled Pink: /2015/04/03/one-shot-tickled-pink-hetalia-canada-vietnam/#more-1581 百鬼繪卷: /2015/04/19/one-shot--bach-quy-hoa-do-hetalia-chiviet/ 会うは別れの始まり: /2016/01/02/short-fic-au-wa-wakare-no-hajimari-chap-1-part-1/ Smooth Talker: Love before Duty: -5- Deviantart (reader inserts go here): Drop me a message sometime yes? Reviews or just fangirling messages, even silent follows and favourites are all appreciated and heartfelt. -6- IMPORTANT as of 13 october 2016 Right so, man. I haven't been active on for quite a while. Rest assured I haven't stopped writing and there has been no writer's block, but for the past few months my focus in fandoms have been shifting. Back in February I got caught up in Fire Emblem Fates hype, and have since been writing some for that fandom. This continued on to August where I just started getting into the mobile otome (haH, all those years of reading otome reviews and here i am, finally playing one myself), Mystic Messenger. I have written several stories for both fandoms, but posted none of them here lol. Instead they are all on my tumblr. Since I'm not sure if others would appreciate a sorta OC fic over here I have refrained from uploading otherwise over here. Mm, for my FE fics at least that won't be changing any soon. But if any of you like to you are welcome to check it out! Will be posting my MM fics here shortly. More importantly though, I'm thinking of making a switch of writing platform from to ao3. I do know that tumblr isn't really a great platform for promoting and sharing fics hence I'm using it as a temporarily solution. Recently though I'm feeling that traffic isn't as much as it used to be, and ao3 might actually be a better choice for me to post my new stuff due to changing traffic patterns. As of now though, I will be uploading here as per normal. All current fics will stay up. Might also decide if I want to crosspost any recents over. As of my current Hetalia fics and future plans, they will be all on infinite hiatus. I have several unfinished works including both the NorVietRus trio Bloodborne au and the super-now-late 2016 Valentines fic lying in my folders. No promises that I would be able to upload them, but I will try my very best! By no means has my inspiration for the current APH fics died out yet. But I have to admit that after close to 3 years I might be finally digging my way out and past this fandom hole that has consumed me for so long hahaha- It's a little nostalgic to think about it. If I were to move over to ao3 someday, this account will definitely still stay up (and possibly even updated alongside it), so that's that! Don't worry too much :D |