Author has written 37 stories for Total Drama series, American Horror Story, and Harry Potter.
"Not that writing on my notepads managed to actually empty my mind - though some would argue - but I was grateful to relieve the overflow."
"I need to write. It keeps me focused for long enough to complete thoughts. To let each train of thought run to its conclusion and let a new one begin. It keeps me thinking. I’m afraid that if I stop writing I’ll stop thinking and start feeling.” -Carrie Fisher
Greetings everyone! I'm Applauze, otherwise known as Josh for those who may know me. I'm in my early twenties, an inspiring writer, and coping with the aspect of mental illness in a Carrie Fisher way. I used to be quite active around 2014-15, but I took a break in order to get several things fixed and healed within my life and I'm back for now just to publish a few oneshots and "Anything Goes". After the story is completed, I will write a few oneshots since I am in the transition stage of going from writing fanfics to writing original material.
I like to think of my fics on here as a way of practicing for original writing. I did go through and purge most of the stories but left the ones up that I thought was good enough to show the steady stream of progress I've made since 2013.
Friends List!
These people here are some of the best people that I've ever meet and had the chance to bond with online. They're all great writers and are some of the realistic kindest people that I've ever had the pleasure of meeting. In no particular order, they are:
- I'll Cover Angel and Collins
- LittleMissyGalPal
- Lowland Warrior
- DeliriousDisposition
- defan777
- Harnody
- RedEyedWarrior
Story Information
Although I've written for Harry Potter and American Horror Story, I spend most of my time writing for the TD fandom and here's a little bit of information to help you all out:
Ongoing: c;
Anything Goes- This tells the story of Cody and Heather forming a jazz duo and having a wave of success and results in an open war with Cody's old band, The Drama Brothers, that escalates when everyone comes together for a month to celebrate the ten-year anniversary of the show.
Completed: :D
Birthdays- A collection of various oneshots written as gifts for individual people.
One Shots: c:
Living Inside Myself- Duncan wishes that he can return to the past and fix his mistakes, but he can't.
The Raven- a rewriting of Edgar Allen Poe's The Raven and discussing his relationship with a deceased Dawn (Noah x Dawn).
The Love Kitchen- Cody and Sierra are polar opposites, but a chance encounter makes them see how much alike they are (Cody x Sierra).
Le Festin- Zoey and Courtney move to Paris for a fresh start and the chance to connect with one another (Zoey x Courtney- the only yuri couple I've ever written).
Once upon a December- Dawn is the last survivor of a horrific crime and goes to the playa to remember her past life (Noah x Dawn).
Video Games- Cody and Scarlett on the edge of things and it doesn't help that Gwen is thrown into the mix (Scarlett x Cody- first Scarlody oneshot on here).
The Unknown Saints- Heather's misery causes her to find an old friend who helps her in an unexpected way.
Black- Gwen and Duncan had their ups and downs, but they knew that they were for each other (Gwen x Duncan).
Assistant- as Max's roommate, Leshawna has to help him out with his schemes and doesn't realize what she got herself into.
Desperate Measures- When Ezekiel almost gets himself killed, he finds a helping hand from an unlikely ally.
Hide the Nuts- Leshawna finds herself in the middle of a feud between Scarlett and Courtney that gets out of hand quickly.
Honeymoon- when Cody and Scarlett go out, nothing goes as planned (Scarlett x Cody).
High By the Beach- Courtney finds herself desiring revenge toward Duncan and Gwen after feeling heartbroken.
Salvatore- Noah and Emma enjoy lunch in Rome while exploring their love for each other (Noah x Emma).
Cup of Ambition- as Chris's secretary, Courtney finds herself in situations she would rather avoid.
White As In the Winter Night- when Tom has holiday depression, Jen has to find a way to cheer him up.
Hello- Dave and Sky thought they were for one another until it quickly came to an end (Dave x Sky).
Just Ride- Gwen wants to find freedom and Duncan wants to help her out (Gwen x Duncan).
Only for a Night- Cody and Noah's relationship becomes a triangle and deadly (Noah x Cody- the only yaoi couple I've written).
God Knows I Tried- Heather wonders if she could've done better with Alejandro (Alejandro x Heather).
Dark Victory- when Cody is found guilty of assault, Scarlett can't bring herself to face him one more time (Scarlett x Cody).
Only Time- Cody and Scarlett just want to be accepted by everyone else and discover themselves in the process (Scarlett x Cody).
Cody's Lament- all Cody wants is happiness and an unexpected someone does the job for him (Scarlett x Cody).
Already Gone- when their winter dreams end, one of them finds that the other has already said goodbye (Scarlett x Cody).
Best American Record- as Gwen looked out at all that was around her, she couldn't help but wonder if it was over (Gwen x Trent).
Heroin- Duncan is a drug addict. What if he dreamed of seeing his princess again and in the process realized that life is not what it appears to be? (Duncan x Courtney)
Canceled: :c
Bridgette's Tangled Adventure- my co-author and I never got back around to resuming this and after three years or so, I highly doubt that we'll touch it ever again.
A Total Drama Wizard of Oz- I've lost all of the material to cover the second half of the story and I have no idea if my co-author is even still around.
The Lives of Four Redheads- canceled due to a poorly constructed plot and story structure.
Clara- I lost interest in the story due to poorly written chapters and strange plot events.
Ashes of the Phoenix- this was canceled due to the falling out I had with the forum and the people in it.
Total Drama School Life- I became too ambitious and demanded too much from this story to correspond with my time and interest with it.
Upcoming: o:
(Do note that these are ideas I've considered writing. Doesn't mean that they'll come to life, but we'll see.)
* Gypsy- Noah x Dawn (a rewrite of a co-write I did in 2014)
* Silver Springs- Cody x Heather (oneshot to be determined once feedback is received on the original oneshot idea from Lowland Warrior)
* Gold Dust Woman- Gwen x Noah (inspired by Lowland Warrior's Gwoah interactions in both "All-In" and "No Honor Among Thieves")
untitled Scarlody oneshot
(I may make a few more oneshots based off of some more Fleetwood Mac songs and even a few Stevie Nicks solo selections if the ideas come to function.)
[ *- signifies a oneshot]
Favorite Things
Cartoon: Total Drama series
TV Show: I have too many favorite tv shows to list.
Literature: I have too many favorite authors and books to list.
Singers: I have too many favorite bands/singers to list.
Film: All About Eve
Movie Series: Star Wars
Favorite TD Characters
- Scarlett
- Leshawna
- Noah
- Heather
- Max
- Cody
- Dawn
- Duncan
- Chef Hatchet
(And number ten goes to both DJ and Shawn.)
Which Total Drama Character Am I?
( ) You're Latino
(x) You have an annoying older sibling (Although I love him to death, he annoys the crap out of me)
( ) You're evil
( ) You fall for Kings/Queens Bee
( ) You're the Arch Villain
( ) You're manipulative
Count: 1
(x) You are a wannabe at sometimes (Only in terms of being a successful writer and author)
(x) You have a best friend
(x) You wear/used to wear braces
( ) Singing is one of your hobbies
( ) You easily fall for the eye candy
( ) One of your favorite colors is pink
( ) You work on a farm
Count: 3
( ) You surf
( ) You're a vegetarian
(x) You care about the environment/Mother Nature (I''m the guy you can imagine chaining himself to a tree)
(x) Animal Cruelty is wrong to you
( ) You usually wear your hair in a ponytail
( ) You have a boyfriend/girlfriend
(x) You get along with everybody
(x) Everything should be natural to you
Count: 4
(x) You love technology (Without technology, I'd have no way of further developing my writing skills)
( ) Most of the time you flirt and hit on girls/guys
(x) You are a quick healer
(x) You easily get sunburnt
(x) You have a gap between your front teeth
( ) A poor diet scares you
( ) You play the keyboard
(-) BBQ Chips is the King of all Chip Flavors to you
Count: 4.5
( ) You are/were a CIT
( ) You want everything right
(-) You get mad easily (Define "easily" and then we'll talk)
( ) Everything is important to you
(x) You are/were on the Student Council (For three years when I was in Middle School)
( ) Everything turns out wrong for you (
( ) You fall for the delinquents/criminals
( ) You've once been out of a game/challenge unfairly
Count: 1.5
(x) You love animals
(x) Everybody loves you
(x) You've been raised right
(x) Everybody is your friend
(x) You are most of the time happy (People often call me a soft marshmallow of a teddy bear since I'm always smiling and having fun when I'm out in public)
( ) You never get mad
(x) You get scared easily
( ) Group hugs are cuddly
Count: 6
( ) You have/had a Mohawk
( ) You've been to jail/prison
( ) You love skulls and crossbones
( ) You have piercings
(x) Green is one of your favorite colors (Only Earth colored greens. Not Duncan's Green Mohawk color)
( ) Punk is one of your favorite music genres
( ) You pick on dorks
( ) You have a smug facial expression sometimes
Count: 1
( ) You often lift weights
( ) You wear knee high socks with gym clothes
( ) You've been through anger management
( ) You are competitive
( ) You can lift anything (Nope. I'm too much of a stick for that to happen)
( ) Happiness is not your forte
( ) You often don't fall in love too easily
( ) You're never happy
Count: 0
( ) You're homeschooled
( ) You're a sexist (My second least favorite group of people)
( ) You have/had/wear a toque
( ) You often say "eh"
( ) You wear a sweatshirt almost everyday
( ) You pick your nose often
( ) You have no friends
Count: 0
( ) You love parties
( ) You have the perfect boyfriend/girlfriend
( ) You often make out most of the day
( ) You wear a cowboy hat
( )You're the youngest sibling in your family
( ) One of your nicknames is "Party Boy" or "Party Girl”
( ) You are invited to all of the parties (This alone would take a miracle from God)
( ) You skateboard
Count: 0
( ) You're goth
( ) You have highlights
( ) You wear blue lipstick
( ) You wear fishnets and black
( ) You make the first move
( ) Preppy things tick you off
(X) Annoying things irk you up (Obviously. When does annoying things not ruffle someone's feathers?)
Count: 1
( ) You can be a pervert at some times
( ) You often say "Booyah" or "Yes”
( ) You're a dork
( ) You fall in love with the ghetto girl/boy
( ) You read comics
( ) You breathe loud
(-) You get picked on most of the time (I was often picked on in Elementary School until I developed a backbone and everyone left me alone)
( ) You save chewed gum
Count: 0.5
( ) You're the Queen Bee
( ) You are/were a cheerleader
( ) You often lie about being nice sometimes
(X) You often get embarrassed sometimes (Who doesn't?)
( ) Weird people make you mad
( ) You break couples up
( ) You often call people "losers"
( ) You are never trusted
Count: 1
( ) You're crazy/psycho
( ) You were once wanted by the police/RCMP
( ) You're a redhead
( ) Fire is your addiction
(x) You love acting silly (Sometimes, even as an adult, it's fun to act silly and have a good laugh or joke)
( ) You run a lot
( ) You want to be called by your nickname
(x) You've camped out in the woods
Count: 1
( ) You're the eye candy
( ) People often stare at you
( ) People faint when they see you
( ) You lie to most people
( ) Beauty is a talent to you
( ) You once/often get photo shots
( ) You don't care about anything but beauty
( ) You're gorgeous (Not quite)
Count: 0
( ) You have a BFFFL
( ) You have big hips, but skinny body
( ) You're pretty
( ) You're often sweet
( ) You blush easily
( ) You wear pigtails
( ) You listen to Pop Music
(x) You're skinnier than your friends (One of the advantages of being a small twig in school, I could hide in places no one else could reach)
Count: 1
( ) You're the ghetto girl
( ) You wear baby T's
(x) You easily get ticked off
(x) You love winning
(x) You have a great taste in style (I would hope so, but I believe I do- considering my tastes in fashion, art, and decor)
( ) You know how to dance
( ) Rap is one of your favorite music genres
( ) You often wear hoop earrings
Count: 3
(x) You are/were a blonde (Until my hair changed to a brunette color in High School)
( ) You're dumb
( ) You take Gymnastics
( ) Your boobs are big
( ) You're a "Daddy's Girl"
( ) You fall for the jocks
(x) Your eyes are blue
( ) Makeup looks pretty on you
Count: 2
(x) You are a bookworm
( ) Your IQ is off the charts/high
(x) You're in Honors classes (Took five of them in my first year of college)
(x) Sports aren't your forte
( ) You are often sarcastic/cynical/cocky
(x) You're quiet
( ) You've accidentally kissed someone of the same sex
(x) You don't like parties
Count: 5
( ) You're overweight
( ) You fart a lot
( ) You can burp the ABC's
(x) Everyone loves you (Well I hope so c:)
( ) You love adventure
( ) You're out of shape
( ) You love to eat
(x) You often say things about historic people such as Alexander the Great and David and Goliath
Count: 2
( ) You have a BFFFL
( ) You're chubby
( ) You cry without your best friend
( ) You accidentally do things wrong
( ) You do everything with your best friend
(x) You easily cry (Only when I get too stressed out or when I feel like I'm on the verge of a nervous breakdown).
( ) You love to squeal
Count: 1
(x) You're obsessed with a cartoon (Hello! I wouldn't be doing this if I wasn't)
( ) You're in love with one person from this cartoon
( ) You're a stalker
( ) You name your pets with names in this cartoon
( ) You quote people from this cartoon easily
( ) People think you're a psychopath when someone is too nice for the one you love
( ) You know everything about cartoon you love
Total: 1
( ) You play/played the guitar
( ) You often wear green
(x) You've been heartbroken
( ) Your favorite number is 9
(x) You care for the people you love
( ) You're still looking for that special someone
(x) You act weird sometimes
(x) You easily fall in love (More than once I'll admit)
Count: 4
(x) You suck at sports (Ain't that the truth!)
( ) You often wear red
( ) You wear a head bandana
( ) You wear sweat clothes
( ) You're tall
( ) You have brown hair and brown eyes
(x) You have a fear of an animal
( ) You think you're strong when you really aren't at sometimes
Count: 2
Anne Maria:
( ) You are from New Jersey
(x) You speak with an accent (I do have a Southern Accent, though I do try to speak proper English)
( ) You add so much product to your hair
( ) You have/had a fake tan
( ) You look down upon those who are not as pretty as you are
( ) You like only one side of a person, not the person him/herself
( ) You wear a lot of make-up
( ) You can't sing
Count: 1
(x) You don't talk much (No, I'm more of a quiet person most of the time)
( ) You're a bit on the chubby side
( ) Despite the aforementioned, you are very athletic
( ) You're skilled in mechanics
( ) You are embarrassed by your first name
( ) You like using initials
( ) You have multiple items in your coat
( ) Every time you try to speak, you get cut off
Count: 1
(x) You/your family has a military background (I have several uncles who served in the military)
(x) You follow a moral code
(x) You are dedicated to protect friends and family
( ) You are rather athletic
( ) You STINK at fashion design
( ) You are willing to sacrifice yourself for the safety of others
( ) You're scared of the dark, as well as it's noises
( ) You have the "need to be dominated"
Count: 3
( ) You're under 100 pounds
( ) You have lived in a bubble
( ) You have overprotective parents
( ) You're not the most athletic person out there
(-) You're a bit nerdy (I consider myself an intellectual, not a nerd, geek, or dork)
( ) You can be counted as an "expendable player"
( ) You wore diapers until a late age
( ) (IF A GUY) You're mistaken for a girl
Count: 0.5
( ) You're addicted to fame
( ) You LOVE pink!
( ) You are a major fashion phonon.
( ) You usually wear sunglasses
( ) Your parent(s) are majorly rich (In your dreams)
( ) You're attracted to nerds
( ) You and your phone are inseparable
( ) You hate feeling sorry for others
Count: 0
( ) You are a wicca/witch
( ) You can read auras
(x) You love nature and communicating with animals
(x) You are very short (Only 5'3-5'5 tall for my age, so I'm often called shortie by my closest friends)
( ) You can levitate
( ) You know how to levitate
(x) You don't really care about money
( ) You are able to detect positive/negative energy
Count: 3
( ) You're a tomboy
( ) You are EXTREMELY athletic
( ) You don't think anyone is better than you
(x) You aren't the most attractive person
( ) You HATE the beauty queen
(x) You would rather sacrifice others to save your own skin (*whistles nervously*)
( ) Your favorite accessory is a whistle
( ) (IF A GIRL) You're mistaken for a guy
Count: 2
( ) You talk in the third person
( ) You can't tell the difference between genders sometimes (This whole section is just a huge NO from me)
( ) You tend to add something before words
( ) You're apparently attractive to the opposite gender
( ) You are an overachiever
( ) You have protein powder
( ) You believe in teams of one
( ) You often call people "losers"
Count: 0
(x) You have a mental disorder (Depression, Anxiety and small hints of Asburgers right here. These qualify me for the Bipolar Man of the Year Award)
( ) You have said you are an actor
( ) You like two people at the same time
( ) You talk in your sleep
(-) You have a therapist/psychiatrist
( ) You are agile and graceful, but also tough and scrappy
( ) You have trouble telling the one you love how you feel
(x) You're willing to risk your life for the one you love
Count: 2.5
( ) You love video games (I don't, but my best friends will talk about them non-stop)
( ) You have embarrassed yourself on your only date
( ) You have cat-like reflexes
( ) You are in love with someone TOTALLY out of your league
( ) You are a couch potato
( ) You have a "circus thumb"
( ) You sometimes speak in video-game talk
( ) You sometimes see stuff in video-game mode
Count: 0
( ) You LOVE manipulating people
( ) You're a poser
( ) You like to whittle (Huh?)
( ) Animals don't like you
( ) You don't like animals
( ) You have a lucky item
( ) You're a ginger
( ) You have freckles covering you
Count: 0
( ) You have a long ancestry
( ) You are a compulsive liar
( ) You talk incessantly
( ) You are rather overweight
( ) You are annoying to most people
(x) You have trouble swimming (I'm an adult and I can't even swim like a goldfish, let alone a human)
( ) You have been bald at one point
( ) You don't have many friends
Count: 1
( ) You wear stuff in your hair
( ) You're an only child
( ) You don't have many friends, but wish to make friends
( ) You like retro fashions/music
(x) You enjoy the theater (The theater is such a good form of entertainment)
( ) You have seen your crush go out with someone else
(-) You are generally nice, but have a tough side
( ) Someone else has called you the "prettiest person in the group"
Count: 1.5
( ) You're mean, bossy and aggressive
( ) You have a twin (or sibling) and is older
( ) You are manipulative
( ) If you need something, you'll do whatever you can to get it
(x) You've been tricked at least once (When has anybody never been tricked?)
( ) You have a beauty spot/mole
Count: 1
(x) You like music (In so many genres and styles)
( ) You know how to beatbox
( ) Others consider you annoying
(x) You're pretty quiet
(x) You are friendly
( ) You like making sound effects
Count: 3
(x) You're a neat freak (I can't stand a messy and disorganized room)
( ) You have anger issues and you yell at people
( ) You're pessimistic
( ) You have a crush on someone
( ) You love to get revenge sometimes
( ) You've been dumped at least one
Count: 1
( ) You like to sing
(x) You are very sweet and kind
( ) You were banned from a mall
(x) You've annoyed someone at least once (Everyone's done this at some point within their life)
( ) You're skilled in ballet
( ) Animals are charmed by you
Count: 2
( ) You're very tall
( ) You like being in charge
( ) You encouraged someone to stand up for themselves (Does encouraging people to follow their heart count?)
( ) People find you scary
( ) You were born in a different country
( ) You're claustrophobic
Count: 0
Leonard: (This whole section is another big NO from me)
( ) You think you're a wizard
( ) You tried to cast a spell but it never worked
( ) You don't mean much
( ) Many people believe you're an actual wizard
( ) You're a proud LARPer
( ) You dress like a wizard
Count: 0
( ) You want to take over the world
(x) You're smart (define "smart")
( ) Your favorite word is "evil"
(x) You like technology
(x) You have a soft side
( ) You like nicknaming yourself
Count: 3
( ) You're trying to look for love
(-) You have more brothers than sisters
( ) Your love interest is not interested in you
( ) You get nervous around your love interest
(x) You're very nice
(x) You're from the country (Unfortunately. I'm a city person born in the wrong area of civilization)
Count: 2.5
( ) You were called by a name you hate
(x) You have a twin and is younger
( ) You do someone else's bidding
(x) You learned to stand up to yourself
(-) You're nicer than your sibling (I'd like to think so)
( ) You find it hard to make friends
Count: 2.5
(x) You are quiet
(x) You are pretty smart
(x) You showed your true nature to someone (But not in the way that people think)
( ) You dislike being called a sidekick
( ) You pretended to be something you're not.
( ) You tie your hair back to keep it from going crazy
Total: 3
( ) You have a fear of zombies
( ) You've watched a ton of zombie movies
(x) You're loyal
( ) You once put someone else in danger
(x) You like to give advice (People often ask for my advice since I tend to be philosophical and full of wisdom)
( ) You can fart with your armpit
Total: 2
(x) You know more than one language (Besides English, I'm decent at German, and know some French, Greek, and Latin)
( ) You're competitive
(x) You believe in teamwork
( ) You're very skilled in gymnastics
( ) You do weird things when you get nervous.
( ) You've dumped someone before
Total: 2
( ) You laughed at someone's misfortune
(x) You have a love for food (Again, who doesn't?)
( ) You're not as talented as you think.
( ) You're more into fiction than fact
( ) You want to be a pageant queen
( ) Sweet people piss you off
Total: 1
(-) You're very lazy (only when I'm feeling down or having a bad day)
( ) You're a huge fan of _
( ) You're sometimes self-centered
( ) You tried to steal someone else's job
( ) You don't make that much of an effort.
( ) You're loud
Count: 0.5
So I'm a combination of DJ (6), Noah (5), Cody (4.5), and both Bridgette and Trent (4). That's a good combination. :D
Before I finish this off, I have a small warning to give you all. Until last year, I was part of the most popular forum on here, the Total Drama Writers Forum and from my experience, let me say that you need to avoid this place at all costs. It's a toxic environment that is unstable for people with mental health issues, myself included, and most of the people on there will go out of their way to get rid of and silence you if you don't agree with them any. It's pretty much a one-sided area so unless you want to join really badly, I encourage you to stay away and maybe even talk people who're trying to decide out of it.
Well, that's it for now. Hope you all enjoyed the tour and feel free to read the stories, review them, favor and alert me.