Author has written 15 stories for BlazBlue, and Corpse Party. This is accentcore8's profile page. Info: Hey! I don't think anyone reads my profile, but I just want to say that I'm sorry, but the hiatus has been extended. I still enjoy fanfiction, but I have little time. But once I get my motivation back, I will write everything at once, so that way nothing like this happens. I feel bad guys. Once again, my apologies. *Deleted parts of my profile that weren't necessary anymore. I'm a huge fan of fanfiction(if that makes sense) and I enjoy reading it. I'll accept any kind of reviews, but I'd like ones that encourage me rather than one the that'll make me cry into my toilet. Also, if there is anything that is disliked about my story, please give suggestions on how to make it better, instead of simply saying you didn't like it. My Profile probably doesn't interest you, rather it shouldn't, but if it does, then great. Anyway, if you're looking for update times, they're at the bottom. If you're looking for anything else, just scan the bold print below. Birthday: August 27 Gender: Female Age:... My writing style is more of the horror, sad, gloomy type. At least that's what is easiest to write. I like to try and get you to be able to really feel the mood, and connect a little. This is the writing style I will stick with, and will attempt other genres once in a while. IMPORTANT: DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT OWN ANY OF THE SERIES THAT I WRITE FANFICTIONS FOR. Here, you'd just insert the name of the series. It seems really annoying to constantly write a disclaimer, so I'm writing it here. Current Activity: I uploaded chapter 14 of "Discord". Uploaded chapter 4 of "Patient Records". Working on a AU (sort of) Heavenly Host fic...will contain lots of gory descriptions. Not sure when this'll be up, though. (ON HOLD FOR NOW) For Corpse Party, I will be making a short series based off of all the bad endings in the game. Meaning I will be writing either from the characters point of view, or I will be writing an extension. First chapter in progress, and they will not be in chapter order from the game. Will come out soon, but give it a while. (This on hold for now.) Sorry, I was lazy, and I had time, but...yeah. I'll have it up at some point though. I don't know how many are waiting, but for those who are, wait for me a little longer, okay? It'll be good, I think. But when I post it, I'd like some reviews. I feel like you guys don't care about what I'm writing, and's not good. Just a few would brighten my day. I review stories, can't someone review mine? You get the point. Important! About Updates: They may stall for a bit, but it all depends on the school year. Stuff I copy and pasted: If you have a habit to say “I’m sorry” for nothing, copy and paste this into your profile. (This was necessary for me to copy an paste. It's like a definition of what I do.) If you frequently use words that your spell checker says don’t exist, put this in your profile. If you have ever yelled at your television because a character or someone you don't like was on, copy and paste this to your profile Many writers don't know the difference between 'your' and 'you're.' If you happen to understand this mundanely ridiculous fact, copy and paste this into your profile. If you are one of the few teens who don't have or want to have a myspace/facebook, copy and paste this into your profile. If you think that people on commercials talk funny or use phrases no human beings would ever say, copy this into your profile. If you spend multiple hours each day reading or writing or a combination of both...copy and paste this on your profile. If you like chocolate, copy and paste this into your profile. If you've ever fallen madly in love with a cartoon/anime character, copy and past this to your profile. (Tons and tons of hot...) If you have ever just wanted to SLAP someone, copy this onto your profile. (Oh, so many times) If you love rain, copy and paste this into your profile If you're against pollution, copy and paste this into your profile. I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid. Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? If you can read the message above copy and paste it in your profile The stuff below isn't too important, but you can read if you like. Also, some of the things are there only because I felt like putting them there. So read what you want. If something doesn't interest you, don't read it. It's that simple. Others:
I really don't like it when people use Japanese words in the middle of nowhere in a story. Example: Waving, I called out,"Irasshai!" to the customers. (probably not the best example...) I don't mind when people use it for something like: "Kishinuma-kun", or "Akira-san". Stuff like that is okay. Here is a quote that I made up myself: "A rose is not a rose until it is picked." Can't figure out the meaning? Think about it: do you ever truly understand something unless you experience it firsthand? Do you ever truly care about anything unless it belongs to you? Always remember: I write for myself and no one else! The section below is as series of quotes that I have written myself and they may or may not relate to writing. Read if you like. If you want to use one(which I HIGHLY doubt), you must ask for permission. Some of the things may not seem quote-like, but they're there because I feel like they should be. 1. A rose is not a rose until it is picked. 2. There will always be people who like what you write, and people who won't. Write for the people who like your style. (This is my message to all authors out there!) 3. I write for myself and no one else! 4. The difference between pebbles and rocks aren't so great. The same goes for every writer. 5. What matters is not the length, but the depth of the story. (LegnaResoleon) 6. Short stories are always interesting. Long stories are too, but that's to be expected. 7. There is always something wrong that you can say, and something right. Be wary, because one thing you may say might destroy another. (A lot of the time, people say things that they don't deem offensive, when it really is. This happens all the time on here, sometimes on purpose. Don't crush somebody else because you don't like their style. It suits them, and they shouldn't have to move out of their comfort zone to suit your needs.) 8. Sometimes, you want to explode and let all those bad feelings out. That's fine. Just know when to let them out. 9. Never hold something in for too long. (A good idea may go to waste, anything can happen.) 10. Liquid can change in a matter of time. From a solid, to a liquid, to a gas. The same goes for every person. All you have to do is put in a little effort. 11. If you like the rain, people say you're gloomy. If you like the sun, people say you're bright and cheerful. To like the sun is only seeing the good side. To like the rain is when you learn to like the bad things and accept them. Rain is like the other side of a really good story. It's simply the sad part. To like the rain is like accepting the whole story, but accepting the bad part as part of it. To only like the sun is like denying reality. (Lengthy, I know, but this one is really meaningful to me.) 12. Everyone is right. No one is wrong. Everyone is wrong. No one is right. Opinion is false, fact is truth. Opinion is correct, fact is wrong. 13. Question everything. 14. Believe nothing. 15. Summer is hot, Winter is cold, Spring is warm, Fall is cool. Everyone has their season; it shows in their personality. 16. People say practice what you preach, but sometimes that's impossible. It's a lot easier to preach than practice. Most of the time, people only preach in order to help someone else, not themselves. You're not bound to live by words that you have spoken. It's almost impossible, and in some cases it is. 17. Crying always hurts, but holding it in hurts much more. Don't always keep a smile on your face, it's not natural. Smile when you need to, keep a straight face when you don't. 18. You can learn something from everything, although it may be not always be a good thing. 19. Don't ever fall under someone's belief. Believe in what you think is right, and what you think makes sense. Don't just senselessly agree. 20. Never, EVER, curse good feelings. Because they might turn sour, and everything will go wrong. 21. Apologies don't always work. 22. Work on every problem you have, and make it better. Take it bit by bit, though, so you don't work yourself too hard. 23. Sometimes, no matter how bad something is, you have to deal with it. You can't fix it. And other times, you just won't have the strength to. 24. There are things that may seem unfair. There are things that may seem stupid, and there are things that may not make sense. But there are always things that you can say something good about. 25. The top of your head is a great place; it gives you the greatest ideas. 26. Even though you may be feeling sad, don't bring down others. Even though you're mad, don't bring down others. And even though you know nothing good comes out of it for you emotionally or physically, support from behind the scenes. 27. Life is a puddle; if you step on it, it wrinkles and ripples, so you never know what's coming. But then it becomes still, and things go on like normal in that small, little pool. 28. Each number represents an amount. When people tell you their favorite number, see if you can relate to their personality, or a character trait. It may mean something. 29. Anyone can descend, whether it's from greatness or from sanity. And a descent may be seen as an ascent from a lower level in some case. 30. Some promises are meant to be broken. 31. For the greater good, for the greatest good. A turn for the worst, the worst turn. In the end, they mean the same thing, no matter how you phrase it. 32. Words can do many things, but they can't guide your life. They don't lead the way, you do. Your actions and decisions tell you where you're going to end up. (This one and the following are just food for thought.) 33. Stories are proof. If you don't write down your story, whether it's from being a low-life to a path of wealth, or a descent from glory, you're words are meaningless. You have no proof that your life existed. (Food for thought.) 34. One smile can brighten up your day, one tear can throw it all away. An insult can send you spiraling down, a compliment can turn it all around. (Don't dwell on one the bad side. Always look to the good side, and move on from the "dark times.") 35. If you're finding it difficult to move forward, then don't. You're allowed at least some time be upset. But remember that at some point, somebody will ask for the old you. 36. The scariest ones are the ones that don't give up. It doesn't matter how long it takes, how many times you have to try; as long as you get an outcome. (I believe in this very strongly. I was originally going to make the second part a separate quote, but I changed my mind. I think about this when I'm angry, or just upset in any way. When you don't give up, people will realize that you have some level of determination. It shows that you're a special character, and that you're not to be messed with. This a top notch quote, in my opinion.) 37. Life is short. 38. Life is something that shouldn't be taken lightly. 39. Life should be taken seriously. 40. Even though you may think you're worth nothing and are good for very little, that's fine. At least it's something. 41. Even though you may think you're worth nothing and are good for very little, that's fine. Carry out that little you're good for to the best of your ability and you'll become good for so many other things. 42. Even though you may think you're worth nothing and are good for very little, that's fine. Maybe you are. 43. Even though you may think you're worth nothing and are good for very little, that's fine. Maybe you're not. 44. A crazy person can say the most sensible thing, while a sane person can say the craziest thing you can imagine. This is what composes our daily life. 45. No matter how many times you sleep, you will eventually stop waking up. No matter how many times you cry, you will eventually smile. No matter how many times you smile, you will eventually cry. No matter how many times you sleep, you will eventually stop trying. Change isn't always good, and change sometimes an endless loop. 46. One day, you'll look back at everything you've done, and you'll hate yourself for at least half of those things. And that's what counts. 47. You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them. |