I feel like I screwed this chapter up ._. I came up with the perfect dialogue and stuff during class and then 10 hours later I decide to write the chapter and completely forget the dialogue that I wanted to use. I'm sad now.
"I'm done!" Seiko announced as she walked out of the doctors room.
"Took you long enough! I was getting stiff sitting here." Naomi said as she stood up and stretched.
"Sorry! Sorry! Hmm…want me to give you a massage to make it up then?" Seiko smiles devilishly.
"N-no, it's fine, Seiko." Naomi smiles, with a hint of a blush.
"hmm…Kishinuma is here right?" Seiko asks curiously.
"Mm, we visited him a bit ago." Naomi said as they walked through the hallways of the hospital.
"Is it alright if we go visit him?" Seiko asks.
"I don't know… considering we got kicked out not that long ago. We could always ask at the front desk. Why do you even want to see him?"
"It's a secret heh heh…" Seiko says suspiciously in Naomi's face.
They agreed to go ask if they could visit him again, and went to the front desk. The nurse operating the front desk checked in on Yoshiki and said it was alright for them to visit, but warned them to be quieter this time. The nurse went in first to inform Yoshiki of his second visit today. The woman came back and escorted us inside. We were greeted by Yoshiki with his usual smile, as if acting like what happened this morning was nothing, and was trying to reassure us.
"Kishinumaaaa~" Seiko says while walking over to his bed.
"Shinohara, It's been a while." Yoshiki wrote.
"Yeah! Hey, Kishinuma…" Seiko pulls his notebook down, put a hand on his shoulder and whispers something in his ear. What was she telling him? He stared wide eyed at her, frozen in place.
"Hey, Seiko! What are you doing? You're troubling him!" Naomi pointed out, worry on her face. Seiko got up and gave her usual cat smile to Naomi.
"Huhu…! It's a secret between Kishinuma and I, right Kishinuma~?" Seiko said as she put a finger over her lips looking at Naomi. Yoshiki looked away with a sullen expression. Naomi pouted. This is the first time Seiko hadn't shared a secret with her, they shared everything… Naomi looked glum, thinking things like 'What if she remembers? What if she hates me now…' as she stood there, drowning in her thoughts. The sudden noise of the door opening behind her, snapped her from her daze. A man and woman had entered. Who were these people? Are they related to Yoshiki. Naomi and Seiko go pushed aside from the man rather harshly and then grabbed Yoshiki's hospital gown, bringing him up close.
"THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!" The man yelled at Yoshiki. Yoshiki looked horrified and tried to get out of the mans grasp.
Ding Dong~
"Coming!" Yuka yelled from inside, thinking it was her brother at the door. Yuka ran to the door and opened it.
"Hello, Yuka." The tall man at the door said.
'Do I know him?' Yuka thought to herself. The voice was familiar. The man took of his hoody.
"AAHHH!" Yuka screamed as a man with a half exposed body stood in front of her. She tried to close the door, but he held it open with his hand. He had a feral expression. She ran back inside.
"Dear!" the woman yelled to the man as she tried prying him off. But all that earned her was a slap. The man focused on Yoshiki after he hit his wife. He forcefully grabbed a tuft of Yoshiki's hair.
"YOU LOOK NOTHING LIKE ME, WHAT EVEN IS THIS BLOND HAIR. YOU SLUT, I KNEW YOU HAD BEEN CHEATING ON ME." He let go of Yoshiki, letting him fall to the ground, his hand still chained to the bed. He went over to his wife who had been holding her cheek on the ground, shocked. He kicked her.
"Oh my god!" Naomi gasped, hoping someone would come soon to stop this. He walked back over to Yoshiki who was on the ground.
"You worthless piece of shit…you are just a curse, you bring ruin to EVERYTHING!" He started choking Yoshiki. All Naomi and Seiko did was freeze in spot and watch. But something triggered in Seiko.
"NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" she screamed out of the room.
"Seiko!" Naomi yelled.
"YOU KILLED HER." Killed her? Oh god is he talking about Miki?
"SAY SOMETHING, SHE CAME HERE BEFORE SHE DIED. IT HAS TO BE YOU." He screamed tightening his grip on yoshiki's throat. Tears were streaming through Yoshiki's eyes but for a mere second, he smiled. This felt like eternity but doctors rushed in, forcing the man whom appeared to be his father. I couldn't go after Seiko, since the doctors had talked me into staying with Yoshiki since I was a "comforting presence" as a friend. He learned that his sister died earlier from a car accident, I hadn't known her well, but watching Yoshiki break down and cry, I couldn't stop my own tears from falling. I wasn't strong.
Satoshi walked back to the hospital, worried for Miki.
"I should've payed more attention….dammit!" he kept walking, angry at himself for being unable to protect his best friend's little sister, whom he entrusted him with.
It had been a long walk back. He wanted to text Ayumi, who went in the ambulance with Miki, how everything went. But he realized he never got her phone number. As he approached the hospital, on the side in an alley, he noticed someone.
'Shinohara? What's she doing in an alley?' He asked no one in particular. He made his way over to her.
"Shinohara? Are you okay?" He asked, as he approached her. She flinched and looked up at him with crazed eyes.
"NOOO! GET AWAY FROM ME!" She screamed, trying to crawl away from him. He ran over to her, grabbing her by her shoulders.
"Shinohara! It's me! It's all right!" He tried calming her down. It took a few minutes for her to calm down and come back to her senses.
"M-Mochida…I'm sorry…" Seiko whispered, ashamed of herself.
"It's alright, Shinohara. Are you okay now?" Satoshi asked.
"Yeah, I'm okay now…"
"Can you tell me what happened?"
Welp, hopefully this chapter was okay hahaha.
I wonder if anyone noticed that I used the name of multiple songs in the corpse party ost for the chapter titles xD
I really need to figure out how to use again…