Author has written 23 stories for Trigun, Escaflowne, Cowboy Bebop, Inuyasha, Blade of the Immortal, Haruhi Suzumiya series, and Ouran High School Host Club. Personal information taken down because I'd rather spam by livejournal user info page than my FFN bio. If you really want to know about me, see my lj. Links Blog at link at top. I suppose you check there to see how I'm doing and my state of mind. My AIM screen name is OfDonDawn. Feel like talking to me? Cool. Not really a link I know... Award Banners - Yes, putting them up is a little pretentious. But it's not as though I have a lot. They're just pretty... Fics published on LJ - Consists mostly of random drabbles and oneshots of various anime series. There is some overlap with the fics posted here at FFN, but there are a few non-Inuyasha fics I didn't bother posting here. Notes and things to say : Something about me you should know...I am not a fast updater. I'm just not. This is due to many reasons, including incessant writers block, school, homework, school shit... whatever the reason is, I am not good at updating quickly. Nice reviews asking me politely to update soon are very uplifting and much more preferable to "UPDATE NOW OR I KEEL U" kinds of reviews, but they do not make me write faster unfortunately. I try, but my effort doesn't really show. So, you have been warned. My updating habits tend to be in months you see. Just know that unless I explicitly say I'm going to drop a fic, please know that even if it looks like I'm not doing anything, I probably am working on chapters, just slowly. IMPORTANT- due to FFN's change in policy regarding the usage of song lyrics, I have taken out the lyrics in the third installment of Driven To Ascent, and I will continue to do so. This is extremely annoying and frustrating for me, because the lyrics I used had an actual purpose, and their absence makes it confusing to read. Fortunately, I have Driven to Ascent up at , and the version there still has the lytrics intact, and will always have them there. So, you can find the complete version of DtA here, should you wish to read the chapters with the lyrics in them. Which you do want to do, otherwise the fic won't make any sense. Or, I think it won't make sense. But, whatever. One more thing concerning my old fics: (edited to add 8/24/05)Personally, I think most of my fics published before Driven to Ascent are ... well, I hesitate to say crap, but one might say they vaguely resemble cow dung. I think I've improved a lot since those days, I'd like to say that it shows in my Inuyasha fanfiction. I'm leaving all of fanfics here to remind myself of my old days. I've noticed that people are reading my old fics, which is pretty cool, but I do wonder what you all see in them. _ Perpetually Unfinished Fics Beautiful Stranger the SP- I'm not continuing this. The whole fic is extremely flawed. Characters are OOC, typos galore... plus the motivation simply isn't coming. I'm sorry to those who enjoyed this fic. Speak Like a Child- I'm not going to lie to myself anymore. This fic is discontinued, because I've learned more about Autism and I'm more aware of the many different opinions and debates involving it, and I realize now how little I know. I don't want to write about something I know I'm very ignorant of, so unless I change my mind in the future, this fic is over. Motorcycles of Escaflowne - Yup, MoE has joined this category. Sorry, everyone. I don't know why people still like this. It's not very good... Here's the ending: HAPPY STUFF! NEW MOTORCYCLE. TRUE LOVE PREVAILS. Yay. Upcoming as of 2/1/07 Driven to Ascent - Chapter 4 is about 3500 words (out of 6000-7000 words total). Seriously, I'm not dropping this. Stuff has been written. It's just not finished yet. Drabbles and oneshots - This is pretty much a constant. These come from either random moments of inspiration, LJ communities, or moments of procrastination of homework and/or the WIP fics. Climbing Over Peaks- KouRinInu, challenged by Purple Uranium, multichaptered. Chapter 2 started. Untitled general fic: (random ramble, commence!) In which Sesshoumaru gets so bored over the centuries that he decides to become a math teacher. By chance, one day Kagome goes to school and finds out that Sesshoumaru is her new Geometry teacher. You've fantasized about him before, but what would you if he had the power to withold your graduation diploma? Kagome would dearly like to know. Teaching is a legal and accepted form ofabuse after all. Untitled oneshot: features Inupapa/Kanna and blatantly ignores the third anime movie. Will more or less be an expansion of my drabble, "From the Bones," which you can find in Siu. Updates as of 11/23/07 So, the updating during summer vacation... utterly failed, gah. We'll see what does or doesn't happen now... Hey, how come you're not updating your works in progress? You haven't updated some of these things for over a year! Okay, now I can pull out the college card. I'm sorry folks. College is a rough roller coaster. It sucks the creativity out of me. I couldn't even think of anything more creative than "College is a rough roller coaster". Gah. But once again, I'm not exactly giving up on my WIPs. It's just... taking a lot of time. Thanks to everyone who's being patient with me. |