Author has written 41 stories for Princess Tutu, Tsubasa Chronicle, Card Captor Sakura, xxxHOLiC, Loveless, Shaman King, Final Fantasy VIII, Harry Potter, Misc. Books, House, M.D., Pirates of the Caribbean, Chobits, Labyrinth, Resident Evil, Discworld, Orson Scott Card, Ocean's 11, Rozen Maiden, Moonlight, His Dark Materials, Bones, Kingdom Hearts, and Misc. Games.
status; on indefinite hiatus. (Sorry, gotta sort out good old RL before the ficcage can resume.)
recommendations; My three favorites of what I've written are Ocean Street Games (Kingdom Hearts), Of A King (Labyrinth) and Ink (Princess Tutu).
current projects;
cities in reverse
Kingdom Hearts - Axel/Roxas, Kairi/Sora/Riku
multi-chaptered romance (4/??)
AU. Facing university with a voice in his head, a lost year and his best friends growing apart, the last thing Sora needs is to add 'save the world' to his to-do list. Sadly, the apocalypse waits for no man. Or term paper. Features unexpected Disney cameos and people turning into ducks.
next chapter: unknown (20 complete)
the surrender of memory
Kingdom Hearts - Sora/Kairi, Sora/Namine
the obligatory mindscrew one-shot (0/1)
Post KHII. The transmogrification of the boy she loves into the boy of their dreams.
to be posted: unknown
?? (untitled)
Kingdom Hearts - Demyx, Xigbar, Zexion.
Semi-sequel to Ocean Street Games. (0/1)
AU. Aided by his former cellmate and an enigmatic pickpocket, Demyx Caldwell investigates the disappearance of his partner Axel.
to be posted: unknown
a hundred days
Kingdom Hearts - Leon/Rinoa, Axel & Roxas
multi-chaptered genfic (2/22)
A 358/2 Days AU. A sorceress without a heart; unforeseen consequences to a mission; and Roxas' first hundred days with the Organization.
next chapter: unknown