(Originally written on 1/2/07)
This fic was written for Rashiea on LJ as a holiday gift.
Characters: Rin
Word count: 271
Summary: Rin is weightless once again.
Note: spoiler for chapter 467
Rin could count the number of times she had felt weightless, suspended in the air and phantomlike, on one hand. All those times had been terrifying experiences, and Rin didn't like dwelling on them very much. But she remembered that during those times, there had always been a slight possibility of breaking out of her thinness and landing back on the ground. The thought of this was scary, rather than reassuring, for with the chance of survival came also that of failure.
But despite her fears, Rin had survived each period of weightlessness, because someone had saved her and brought her back to earth.
Thus, when the lady-youkai, who introduced herself as Sesshoumaru-sama's mother, conjured a hellhound, Rin didn't feel any particular fear. Her heart beat uncontrollably and her breath caught in her throat, but as she clutched Kohaku's waist while the hellhound lifted them into the air, Rin only felt an adrenaline rush. There was no fear or glee, only pure excitement.
Eventually, however, not even adrenaline could keep Rin's eyes open. Within the hellhound's matter-less body were heaviness and darkness. The darkness, in particular, terrified Rin, for it contained whispers and flicks of deadly possibilities. In this darkness, Rin saw nothing, and this nothing threatened to consume her body.
Even more frightening, Rin realized that because of the darkness, she wouldn't be able to see Sesshoumaru-sama when (there was no if, always when) he came to bring her back to the light.
As she floated in the hellhound, with Kohaku's arm locked around her body, Rin was happy that she lost consciousness. She preferred the darkness of her eyelids.