![]() Author has written 16 stories for Soul Eater, Fairy Tail, Ouran High School Host Club, Wild Kratts, and Fruits Basket. Hello everyone!! I know that it has been quite some time that I have uploaded ANY new chapters and ANY new stories, and I deeply apologize for that!! Honestly, my reason for not doing so is simply because life became too hectic for me. With work, and college, friends, family, and life in general it stopped me from doing many of the things that I love. One including writing! So on the last day of May I WILL be posting new chapters for ALL of my current stories! Some stories may come to an end, others my flourish, but there will be many more to come now that my summer vacation is arriving!! And although my summer will be filled with sun, travel, work, anime conventions, friends, and more sun, my stories will be regularly updated weekly so I make sure that I don't leave you guys hanging like before!! Not to mention I have plenty more ideas for long and short stories, some that I have promised to write for specific people! Finally I just want to thank you all so much for sticking with my stories through this long wait! Im internally grateful that you just didn't abandon them! Please give you guidance and comments through my current stories, and future stories! You are all the best!!! p.s. sorry if this sounds sappy, lol, I was listening to the song Rain on the album Violin Music, which is a great album if you want to clear your head with beautiful instrumental music!! Also this was supposed to be an emotional message!! \(TvT)/ IMPORTANT!!!!!! Author’s Note: Hey everyone! I decided to write this series because I had a ton of ideas after I wrote The Technical Cats Will Play and I thought it would be a good plan to make all of them into a series! There are so many different pairings from different animes'. So I put this authors note in to help explain all the pairings so when you’re reading you know of which ones. I hope you guys like them, and sorry if I don’t upload quickly, my mind gets sidetracked from other story ideas easily! Here they are: (Bottom x Top) *Chapter 1: The Technical Cat Will Play- Wild Kratts (Chris x Martin)-Completed Aviva's new invention went wrong and caused Chris to develope cat ears, tail and personality! What will Martin do when Chris sees him and claims him to be his 'Master"? WARNING BOYxBOY, BROTHERxBROTHER, MARTIN x CHRIS, mARTIN-TOP x CHRIS-BOTTOM, RATED M FOR A REASON (Give it a Try! XD) *Chapter 2: The Magical Cat Will Play- Fairy Tail (Natsu x Cobra)-Completed Natsu makes Loki mad, so for revenge Loki puts a spell on Natsu to make him have cat ears and tail. And three people he considers strong will come and he will completely submit to one as his mate. Will it be the one he loves, or an unwanted canadite that steals his first kiss? Find out inside! Rated M for a reason ;3 Gray, Cobra, Sting x Natsu *Chapter 3: The Magical Cat Will Play 2- Fairy Tail (Natsu x Cobra Sting)-Completed *Chapter 4: The Magical Cat Will Play 3- Fairy Tail (Natsu x Gray)-Completed *Chapter 5: The Magical Cat Will Play 4- Fairy Tail (Sting x Cobra)-COmpleted *Chapter 5.5: The Magical Cat Will Play Finale- (Natsu x Gray) (Sting x Cobra)-COmpleted *Chapter 6: The Shinigami Cat Will Play- Bleach (Ichigo x Hichigo) *Chapter 7: The Blue Cat Will Play- Blue Exorcist (Rin x Yukio) *Chapter 8: The Blue Cat Will Play Extra- Blue Exorcist (Rin x Yukio) *Chapter 9: The Host Cat Will Play- Ouran High School Host Club (Hikaru x Karou) *Chapter 10: The Godly Cat Will Play- Noragami (Yato x Yukine) *Chapter 11: The Monster Cat Will Play- Durarara (Izaya x Shizou) *Chapter 12: The Butler Cat Will Play- Black Butler (Ceil x Sebastian) *Chapter 13: The Delinquent Cat Will Play- My Little Monster (Haru x Sasahara) *Chapter 14: The Curse Cats Will Play- Fruits Basket (Kyo x Yuki) *Chapter 15: Demon Cats Will Play- Devil is a Part Timer (Satan x Lucifer) *Chapter 16: Demon Cats Will Play Extra- Devil is a Part Timer (Lucifer-Satan x Alciel) *Chapter 17: The World Cats Will Play- Hetalia (England x America) *Chapter 18: The World Cats Will Play 2- Hetalia (Romano x Spain) *Chapter 19: The World Cats Will Play Extra- Hetalia (England x France) *Chapter 20: The High School Cat Will Play- DLHSB (Tadakuni x Yoshitake Hidenori) *Chapter 21: The Ninja Cat Will Play- Naruto (Sasuke x Naruto) *Chapter 22: The Pirate Cat Will Play- One Piece (Luffy x Zoro) *Chapter 23: Vampire Cats Will Play- Vampire Knight (Zero x Kaname) *Chapter 24: Vampire Cats Will Play Extra- Vampire Knight (Adio Hanabusa x Kain Akatsuki) *Chapter 25: Medaka’s Cats Will Play- Medaka Box (Hitoyoshi x Akune) *Chapter 26: The Pandora Cat Will Play- Pandora Hearts (Oz x Gill) *Chapter 27: The Military Cat Will Play- Fullmetal Alchemist (Edward x Mustang) *Chapter 28: The Military Cat Will Play- Fullmetal Alchemist (Edward x Alphonse-human body) *Chapter 29: Angel Cats Will Play- Angel Beats (Yuzuru Otonashi x Hideki Hinata) *Chapter 30: The Canine Cats Will Play- Inuyasha (Inuyasha x Koga) *Chapter 31: The Canine Cats Will Play Extra- Inuyasha (Koga x Inuyasha) *Chapter 32: The Musical Cats Will Play- Uta no Prince-sama (Otoya x Tokiya) *Chapter 33: The Musical Cats Will Play 2- Uta no Prince-sama (Syo x Natsuki) *Chapter 34: The Musical Cats Will Play Finale- Uta no Prince-sama (Masato x Ren) *Chapter 35: The Aquatic Cat Will Play- Free! (Rin x Makoto, Haruka Nagisa) *Chapter 36: The Aquatic Cat Will Play Extra- Free! (Rin x Makoto) *Chapter 37: The Exorcist Cat Will Play- D-Gray Man (Allan x Lavi) *Chapter 38: The Exorcist Cat Will Play Extra- D-Gray Man (Allan x Tikki) Well that’s all of the chapters that my perverted mind has thought of so far. Also I’ll put an author’s note at the top of every page to describe the tittle, anime, pairing, and who will be a cat in that chapter! I’m so excited to be writing the Cats Will Play! series!!! I hope all of you like it and not get too angry about my slow updating. Enjoy!! X3 FAVORITE ANIME MANGAS: Fairy Tail (both) Black Butler (both) Soul Eater (both) Ouran Highschool Host Club (both) Okami-san and her seven companions (both) My Royal Fiance (manga) Junjou Romantica (anime) Alice in the land of Hearts (manga) FAVORITE BANDS: Skillet (fav. band!!!) Linkin Park Paramore Slip Knot Avenged Sevenfold (all i can think of) and now soame random stuff! \(-)/ If you ever felt like just running somewhere , copy this into your profile If you ever wished that you could talk to animals, paste this into your profile. If you have ever walked into a room then forgot what you were doing, then started walking away then remebered, copy this into your profile. If you've ever burst out laughing in a quiet room, add this too your profile. If you've ever talked to yourself, copy and paste this into your profile. If you have ever said something that has nothing to do with the current conversation, copy and paste this into your profile. If you ever tripped where there was a WATCH YOUR STEP SIGN, copy and paste If you have ever ran into a mirror, CP If you have ever run into a tree, CP If you've ever forgotten your own name while introducing yourself copy and paste this into your profile. If you've ever copied and pasted something onto your profile, copy and paste this onto your profile. If you've ever asked a really stupid, obvious question, copy and paste this onto your profile. If there are times when you wanna annoy people just for the heck of it, copy this into your profile. Too many kids and teenagers have smoked or tried marijuana. If you haven't, copy and paste this onto your profile. If you have split identities, copy and paste this into your profile. If you read people's profiles looking for things to copy and paste into your profile, copy and paste this into your profile. If you have ever felt the undeniable urge to slam your head into something, whether it is another person or not copy this into your profile. If you know a video game/book/movie/anime/manga character or weapon that need(s) to exist, copy and paste this into your profile. If you've ever pulled a door that says push, or pushed a door that said pull, PUT THIS IN YOUR PROFILE! If you have ever gotten so completely sidetracked in a conversation that you don't remember why you were talking in the first place, copy this into your profile. If you've ever busted a move or burst into song for no reason, copy and paste this into your profile. If at one time you misspelled or forgot how to spell a word less than four letters...copy and paste this onto your profile. If you and your friends have a nickname, title, or anything else for each other, copy and paste this in your profile. If you have weird friends, copy this into your profile. If YOU are weird, please copy this into your profile. If you have ever forced a best friend into fangirlism, copy and paste this to your profile. If you have ever said the same thing more than one time in a row, put this in your profile. If you have ever said the same thing more than one time in a row, put this in your profile If you have ever completely forgotten what you were doing, put this in your profile. copy and paste that (above) and this if you read the entire thing. If you have actually read all these 'if you's, copy this into your profile. If you've ever copied something from someone else's profile, copy this onto your profile! I do alot of things, including alots of these things. Just copy and paste. So yeah, just copy and paste! FRIENDS:never ask anything to eat or drink BESTFRIENDS: Help themselves and is the reason you never have any food FREINDS:Call your parents M. Mrs and grandma and grandpa BESTFRIENDS: Call your parents MOM and DAD GRAMS AND GRANDPA FRIENDS: Would bail you out of jail BESTFRIENDS: Would be sitting next to you saying DAMN we screwed up FRIENDS: Will pick out a cute chick-flick to watch with you on movie night BESTFRIENDS: Will pick out "The Ring" for movie night then scare you and himself/herself in the process FRIENDS: Never seen you cry BESTFRIENDS: Wont tell anyone else you cry... just laugh about it when your not down anymore FRIENDS: Meet your boy/girl friend and say nice to meet you BESTFRIENDS: Meet your boy/girl friend and scare the shit out of him/her by threatening to break every bone in him/her's body if he/she hurts your bestfriend FRIENDS: Will say you can do better BESTFRIENDS: Will call him and say"you have seven days to live" FRIENDS: Ask why you're crying BESTFRIENDS:Already have a shovel ready to bury the loser that made you cry FRIENDS: Will help you move BESTFRIENDS: Will help you move a dead body FRIENDS: helps you up when you fall BESTFRIENDS: continues walking while saying, "Walk much dumbass?" FRIENDS: gives you their umbrella in the rain BESTFRIENDS: takes yours and says, "RUN, Bitch RUN!" FRIENDS: wipes your tears when your rejected BESTFRIENDS: goes up to him and says, "It's because your gay isn't it?" FRIENDS: will bail you out of jail BESTFRIENDS: would be in the room next to you saying, "THAT WAS AWESOME, LETS DO IT AGAIN!!" FRIENDS: Ask you to write down your number BESTFRIENDS: Has you on speed dial FRIENDS: Borrows your stuff and gives it back a few days later BESTFRIENDS:Loses your stuff and tells you, "my bad .. heres a tissue" FRIENDS: Only know a few things about you BESTFRIENDS: Could write a very embarrassing biography about your life FREINDS:Will leave you behind if thats what everyone else is doing BESTFRIENDS: Will kick the whole crowd asses that left you FRIENDS: Would knock on your front door BESTFRIENDS:Would walk right in and say,"IM HOME" FRIENDS: You have to tell them not to tell BESTFRIENDS: Already know not to tell FRIENDS: Are through high school /college (drinking buddies) BESTFRIENDS: Are for life FRIENDS:Will be there to take your drink away when they think youve had enough BESTFRIENDS:Will look at you stumbling all over the place and say,"Girl drink the rest of that you know we dont waste FREINDS: Will ignore this BESTFRIENDS:Will repost this crap. FRIENDS: will help you with your drug problem. BEST FRIENDS: are the ones who sold it to you. FRIENDS: stop you from overreacting BEST FRIENDS: are giggling next to you saying: 'Someone's gonna get it!' A good friend helps you find your prince. A best friend kidnaps him and brings him to you. My best friends are the kind that if my house were on fire, they'd be roasting marsh mellows and flirting with the firemen. |