Chapter 14

2 weeks later…

Hide situated his tie and looked around the room of fellow investigators. He was only a cadet, but now he was sitting in the room with senior investigators under orders from the supervisor. Hide was top of his class among the new cadets, but he did not expect to be called in so soon for a mission.

"Now," The supervisor said, addressing everyone in the room. "Everyone here has been specifically chosen because of their abilities. Each and every single one of you is valuable and necessary to complete this mission."

Hide looked around the room. He was a nobody among the sea of trained professionals. What did he have that the other cadets in his class did not?

"Your mission is to take out a prominent ghoul nest within the 20th ward."

A picture flashed onto the screen and Hide's sucked in a breath.

It was a picture of Anteiku.

"We believe several high classed ghouls comprise this nest including the Gourmet, Bloody Rabbit, Owl, and the Centipede."

Hide watched in horror as they showed candid photos of each on the screen.

"Suit up. We will attack at their café closing, 8 o'clock."


Hide managed to sneak away from the meeting and left the CCG headquarters. He ran to Anteiku and burst into the café, startling everyone.

Kaneki looked from pouring coffee, which he spilled. "Hide?"

Hide ran over and removed his black jacket of his business suit and covered Kaneki with it. "Keep that on." He instructed. Hide flipped over the open sign on the door the closed sign.

"Hide, what the hell?" Touka asked.

Hide looked at the customers looking at him strangely. "Ummm… There is uh…. A dangerous gas leak. Very dangerous! Anteiku needs to be shut down immediately until the establishment follows proper guidelines. I ask that everyone please evacuate in an orderly fashion for their own safety."

The café customers did not hesitate to evacuate the building.

Touka glared at Hide. "What the hell?!"

"Where is everyone else?" Hide asked, seeing that Hinami was also in the café with Irimi.

"Nishio and Tsukiyama got into a fight so Koma and Yomo slit them up and they are upstairs with the manager." Kaneki explained. "Why? What's wrong?"

The jacket Hide had over Kaneki was slipping. Hide fixed it and pulled it further over Kaneki's head. "Keep that up. I promise I will tell you all in a bit. But I need to get you all out of here. Girls," Hide addressed the three female ghouls. "Take Kaneki and all four of you get as far away from here as you possibly can. "Hide in one of your apartments or something. Just get out of here."

Kaneki held onto Hide. "I am not leaving you."

Touka nodded. "I am not a fool, Hide. If you say the situation is bad, I will go."

Hide nodded. "It involves the CCG. They know about Anteiku."

Touka sighed. "It sounds like our que to evacuate. I wish you luck."

The three girls grabbed their bags and ran out, heading for Irimi's apartment about four blocks away.

Kaneki followed Hide up the stairs and into manager's apartment where everyone was on their phones; manager, Tsukiyama, Nishio, Koma, Yomo.

Yoshimura held up a silence finger to shush them coming in. "I heard you downstairs Mr. Nagachika. We are calling everyone so they steer clear for a while."

"We can do that from a safe distance. Grab the book of numbers and let's get out of here."

A panel of the window in Yoshimura's window broke and a tin canister landed at their feet. The can opened and sprayed a pink gas into the room.

Kaneki covered his nose and mouth. "RC suppressant gas!"

Hide grabbed Kaneki's arm and ran down the hall. "Hurry!"

The ghouls followed as they ran.

More canisters crashed through windows and released the gas.

Kaneki and the other ghouls coughed as they inhaled the gas.

Hide opened the front door and closed it upon seeing the many stationed CCG members.

Hide led Kaneki to the back door and opened it, the back door had fewer guards.

Yoshimura and Yomo ran forward to fight the CCG members giving Hide enough time to lead the charge and crash through the barricade with Kaneki and keep running.

Tsukiyama, Nishio, and Koma were separated from Hide and Kaneki during the chase.

Hide ran as fast as he could, trying to shake off any CCG member possibly still following him.

"Hide, stop! I have to help them!" Kaneki said, struggling against Hide's hold.

"No!" Hide yelled at his husband. "It's my job to protect you. So let me! For the first time ever, trust me and let me protect you."

"Hide…" Kaneki suddenly gasped and stumbled in his run.

Hide turned and saw blood oozing from Kaneki's leg.

Hide looked up and saw the CCG, once investigator held a gun with quinque bullets.

The investigator finished his clip, firing into Kaneki.

Bullets tore through Kaneki's stomach, shoulder, chest, and his limbs.

Kaneki fell and Hide caught him in his arms.

The investigator and his team slowly approached Kaneki and Hide.

"Kaneki," Hide whispered. "You okay?" He asked, cradling his lover's head.

Kaneki coughed, spitting up blood as his wounds tried to heal.

Hide held Kaneki closer as the CCG approached him.

Akira and Amon stepped out of the crowd of CCG investigators.

"Hideyoshi Nagachika," Akira said as a CCG member grabbed him and forced him to the ground as they slapped a pair of handcuffs on him. "You are under arrest for harboring a ghoul, exploiting CCG information to ghouls, and aiding and abetting ghouls. You are coming with us."

A/N: That is it for part one! There will be a part two! I am contemplating an mpreg. Message me on your thoughts. I love mpregs and have been wanting to do a hidekane one for a while. I am still thinking about the name for the second part of the Sun and Moon, so you will have to see what I end up deciding to do. I appreciate anyone who has been kind enough to leave a review, I greatly appreciate it and I love hearing your thoughts and opinions. The story will pick up from here in part 2 which is coming soon. ;D Thanks for reading and please leave me with a review!