Chapter One: Plum Blossoms

The river wound its way past the shrine, dancing towards the horizon.

All was quiet; the air, the trees, and yes even the birds were quiet. It was as if they knew that Yonomori, the Kamisama of the River, was gone. Nothing seemed to stir in the shrine, and all was quiet. If one looked hard enough, one could see a white-haired guy on the floor against the wall, his head buried in his arms. The sunlight glared down on him in his vulnerable state, as if declaring the fact that he, Mizuki, was now without a familiar. He shivered once, and then looked up, his green eyes streaming with tears. He rested his chin on his arms and rocked back and forth slightly. Yonomori is gone, he says in his head. She is really gone. What will I do now? He shook his head slightly and buried it again. He couldn't face the shrine, the place his master had loved so much.

It was all caving in on him. He needed to leave, to go outside and breathe. Getting up slowly, Mizuki walked outside and gazes at the river. His eyes wandered over the ripples and rushing torrents, wishing he too could be one with it. Maybe that would be best, he thought. Just one step and the water could wash it all away. He closed his eyes and sat down, his back hunched and his chin on his hands. He remembered the conversation he had with Yonomori before she passed, the way she looked at him before her eyes closed for the final time.


Yes, Yonomori-chan?

"Will you do one last thing for me?"

Anything. What is it you need, Yonomori-chan?

"Take care of the shrine, Mizuki. Care for it as you always have."

Yes, Yonomori-chan.

"And one more thing."


"Be happy, Mizuki. Don't dwell on the past forever. Just know that I love you, Mizuki."

I love you, Yonomori-chan.

He opened his eyes, a tear trailing down his face. Mizuki had watched her fade away, her spirit floating out, away from him forever. He had felt so helpless, so alone. What could he possibly do now? The wind picked up and tousled at his short white hair and clothes. He tried to ignore it, until he heard a voice.


He sits up and looks around, his green eyes going back and forth. "Hello?" he called, his voice wavering slightly. "Who's there?" The wind blew gently against his face, a few petals of the plum blossom tree brushing against his cheek. Mizuki… The voice was a little louder, but still gentle. His eyes landed on the tree. They narrowed as his thoughts scrambled in his head. "Who's out there?" he called. "Answer me! This is the shrine of Yonomori, and is not to be disturbed!" The air was quiet once more, but the wind was now edging on ferocious. It was spring, and even the wind was happy that brutal winter was over.

Mizuki shook his head. He had just been imagining things. It seemed like the only one to notice the sorrow in his heart was river. Everything else was alive and well, blossoming with joy and brimming with happiness. He gazed again at the plum tree, at the new blossoms on its branches. He remembered how much Yonomori loved the tree, how she cared for it and how much it meant to her. He remembered the nights they would spend in the spring, talking and laughing under it. He remembered the look on her face whenever the first blossom would come, the laughter in her voice as she would rush to show him.

And here it was, still blooming without her.

Walking up to it, he touched delicate trunk with his hands, feeling the damp and roughness under his fingers. It felt comforting to him, actually. He pressed against it, his sorrow now weighing heavily on him. It was as if the tree could sense his grief and in turn wanted to share it with him. Silent tears streamed down Mizuki's face, trickling down onto the bark. It was acknowledgement, the finally surrender, to the truth.

Yonomori was gone forever.

Not too far off, a man was wandering amongst the forest, his brown hair blowing in the blasting wind. A sardonic smile was on his face as he avoided the obstacles and whatnot beneath his feet. He had traveled long and far from his home, Kurama Mountain. He was itching to open his black wings and fly over the forest, but he feared that would draw too much attention. He was hungry and tired too, having not seen a town for almost two days. He heard the sound of rushing water somewhere ahead and sighs. Maybe he's close to a town now?

As he gets closer, the air turns sweet, the scent almost intoxicating. A plum tree had blossomed nearby. He was so tired that it seemed almost tantalizing. The stranger came through a break in the trees and found the river. As he bent down to take a drink of water, he looked up. There, on the other side, was a beautiful shrine. To the right of it was a plum tree in blossom. In his head, he shouts with joy. Finally maybe someone will let him stay for a while.

Finishing up, the stranger crosses the river to the shrine.