Warnings: Mature rated Lotor/Keith Fan fic. Galra language based on: post/152316628505/galran-language-appendix-a-english-to-galran.
Setting: Soulmate AU where Galra's have psychically linked mate bonds, and an Alpha type dominate and submissive social hierarchy (almost like werewolves only without it confined to packlines.)
Edits: SO I just realized that Fanfic has been deleting my scene separators! Sorry for any confusions! Anyways, thank you for the views/support/favs/ and reviews, you all are awesome! I'm still posting one a day until I run out! I hope you enjoy!
"I think it is time we had a discussion."
Keith didn't trust it, didn't want too, who the did that Ice-head think he was?! Sure half the Universe referred to him as a 'Prince' but obviously the Paladin's didn't believe his right to rule, they had been fighting him since he decided to join the war... on the wrong side. If reports and rumor's were to be believed, the side he fought for had also turned against him... why should they trust him? He had played so many tricks, so many people were dead, yet he waltzed into the Lion castle without a smudge of guilt in his expression. Lording about as if they were in desperate need of His help, instead of him being the one to come begging.
Not that Keith was a paladin anymore... or that his opinion weighed as much as it used too... but it should still stand for something, His instincts about people were seldom wrong, even if most people would say he's not the trusting sort. But Lotor... there was something Predatory about him, and it set Keith on edge. I'm not prey. He growled, not taking his eyes off the intruder.
They had opened the particle barrier just enough for him to walk into the courtyard. Coran hurried past Keith, having closed the barrier and now rushing to Allura's side. Shiro opened the door, letting the enemy into their home. The rest of the team already stood there, waiting to be introduced, all except Keith. He kept himself poised at the top of the stairs, arms crossed and glaring, not pouting, regardless of what Lance said.
Lotor himself seemed utterly oblivious, perhaps even used to being watched with suspicion. Upon walking inside he removed his Helmet, his hair swishing around him like a snow storm as he knelt down in front of the Princess. Flustered, and with the glowering demon face of the blue paladin hovering behind her, she motioned for him to rise. From there things seemed to settle, He 'ooooh'd and 'aahh'd at the castle like a proper tourist as they lead him inside, paying deference to Allura, even as a smirk grew on his lips, and his eyes slid over her in appraisal. In fact the only comment he made that was not addressed to Allura was murmured to Shiro as he stepped past him, brushing against him even though the staircase had plenty of room. Keith couldn't catch what it was, but Shiro blushed, looking down, and Lotor's smirk got smugger. He stiffened as they got closer to him, pausing on the steps to decide if they really trusted leading him farther in. Keith moved his hand to his blade, his body might have been urging him to flee, but he was always more of a fighter at heart.
Something about his movement caught Lotor's attention, because suddenly all Keith could see was the yellow and blue of Lotor's eyes, as if the whole world had narrowed down to just the two of them. The intensity of the gaze seemed to spear Keith, adrenaline speed through his body in response to the sudden wave of panic that warred for control of his body. His knees wavered, insisting he dropped to them and submit to the stronger Galra, but that only made him more angry, instead he locked his knees and glared defiantly, daring Lotor to do his worst.
It couldn't have lasted too long, none of the other's seemed to skip a beat, one second he was the most important thing in the room then Lotor's eyes seemed to glaze over, as if Lotor couldn't see him at all. Lotor turned his back and focused his full attention back on Allura. Pissed as hell, and utterly dismissed, Keith took a step forward, focusing on the uncomfortable blush that was coloring Allura's face as a valid reason for attack. Even Coran looked flustered, seeming to finally notice the extra attention the princess was receiving. But just as Keith was setting his foot back down, someone grabbed him by the arm, halting his movement. He whirled, about ready to deck whoever dared touch him, until he realized it was Shiro.
Shiro's eyebrows went up, and Keith faltered, abashed. Patience. He could hear Shiro telling him that, same as always, a motto he didn't chose, but still needed. He pulled his temper back, imagined drawing it slowly out of his extremities and into a little box at his heart, his breathing deep and slow. He gathered his focus, dismissing the unneeded information his senses were bringing him, the useless sound of Coran's and Hunk's chatter, the metallic taste the adrenalin left in his mouth, the thick cologne Lance insisted made him more 'Bond', whatever the hell that was. Patience brings Focus. Keith didn't stand a chance if he attacked now, without provocation, and without the condonement of his friends. The co-called Prince was here under a parley, the Paladin's would be honor bound to protect him. Lotor wasn't just irritating, he was dangerous, and not something Keith could handle on his own... a monster. You didn't just stab a monster and win with a lucky shot. You fought him as a team, or you waited for him to tire on his own. At the end of the day... Keith would win the hunt. The thought calmed him. Patience.
He opened his eyes expecting to be looking at Shiro again, a smile of gratitude ghosting over his lips. But apparently at some point in his mini meditation, he had turned, because the eyes he looked into were yellow, and instead of the approval and friendship Shiro's always showed him, they reflected a startled sort of curiosity, that was quickly banished, replaced by a quirk of his lips, as if something satisfied him immensely. Keith was not quite sure what to make of it.
It had been days since Lotor was granted sanctuary in the Palace. Thankfully he was not allowed access into any of the main rooms, even the dining hall, without one of the castle's inhabitants present. But Keith still felt uneasy. Lance reminded him that if he felt uncomfortable he could always return to the Blade of Marmora to see if they had anything useful to do. But Kolivan already nixed that idea. "You are distracted, you feel your people are unprotected. Fighters who are distracted on missions get people killed. We have lost enough."
Keith pummeled the training bot as the memory triggered his anger all over again. He hated that Kolivan made it sound as though he was a needy toddler who had to figure something out on his own. He barely registered the slight 'psssst' sound of the door opening behind him. Seeing as this was one of the few places on the ship you could be sure to find him, he was used to being interrupted during training, he chose to ignore whoever it was while he defeated the current simulation.
"That looks like fun." The voice struck him hard enough he tripped into the final blow, blundering forward, catching the bot in a killing blow, then crashing to the floor as it disappeared underneath him. He rolled over as quickly as he could, as though that had been his plan all along. Ignoring how hard his heart beat inside his chest, he scowled at Lotor where he leaned against the door.
"Who gave you authoriz-... right. I'm here." He could only enter a room if one of the paladin's was already there. He ran his hand over the helmet, out of habit more than usefulness. At least something still recognized him as part of the team... "What can I do for you?" he grumbled instead, knowing Allura would get onto him if he was anything less than courteous.
"Would it be too much to ask for a sparing partner? The strange Altean male insists more talking be done before we employ any of our strength, and yet that human, Hunk, is it? Insists on feeding me an assortment of things that are far to sweet to be tolerable. I fear I won't be able to fit into my ship at this rate."
"No." He stood up, removing the helmet, and chucking it over by the weapon rack. He lifted his glove to his mouth, yanking at it with his teeth as his other hand sheathed his blade.
"No?" That smirk Keith despised was back in place, though thankfully for once the prince wasn't insisting on eye contact. There was something unsettling about iris's that pale blue surrounded by the glowing yellow. It made Keith uncomfortable, but he wasn't sure he liked how Lotor was currently focusing on his mouth either. "No, I won't fit in my uniform, or no, You won't spar with me." He tilted his head, waiting a few second before drawing his answer out of Keith's silence. "Ahhh. The latter then. Care to share the reason?"
Is he quiznacking kidding me? Wasn't it Obvious? One day Lotor would turn on them, in the mean time Keith didn't want to show him what he could do. Keith yanked harder on the glove, removing it but leaving teethmarks in the leather. He switched hands, repeating the process.
"I assume its because you don't like me." it was the first real smile Keith had seen on that purple face. "Don't be afraid to tell me, I'm rather used to people feeling that way about me." He moved, no longer leaning on the door, but approaching methodically, equally slow and confident. "Though, in my experience that dislike is caused by fear. Are you afraid of me?"
Keith wanted to back up, Lotor was too close, and too tall, and had years to get really good at killing people. But even an inch would be a mile towards proving the Galra's assumption true. He dropped his first glove on the floor, giving up on the second, wrist fastening barely loosened. "No. I just simply don't like you." His eyes seemed to flash gold as his temper flooded his eyes.
"Hmmmm," Lotor made a purring noise that caused the hair on the back of Keith's neck to rise. "I believe trust has more to do with it... Would you believe that there is perhaps no one in the world I can trust myself to?"
Keith narrowed his eyes at the way the sentence was worded, as if it meant something else. "Actually I believe that perfectly. No one in their right mind would trust you."
Lotor threw back his head and laughed. Keith finally took that step back, eyebrows raised and furrowed in concern. "You really don't know anything about Our people do you?"
"Your people." Keith bit out before he could think better of it. Lotor gazing at him from the corner of his eyes as his laughter finally started quieting.
"Oh, if only the Blades of Marmora had heard you deny your kind so vehemently." his eyes slid over the former paladin, as if he were the punchline of a huge joke. "Though, if no one has bothered to explain our culture to you, I'm starting to doubt they truly accept you as one of their own either."
"You know, I've changed my mind. I'd like nothing better than to punch you." But it was his leg that swung out first, pivoting on his hip he moved in to the turn with a round house. Lotor danced away, more fluid then feline as he twirled. Keith pressed the attack, recovering from the spin to send a jab towards Lotor's stomach. Lotor bobbed and weaved, once more standing out of range, safe from the attack. The prince's hand landed on Keith's shoulder, lightly as though they were playing tag. Keith seized it, yanking Lotor over his hip as he twisted into the throw. But once again the prince was ready, striking the ground with his hands, and springing back to his feet as easily as if he intended to do the flip. Keith spun off his palm, swiping at Lotor's feet with his legs, before using the momentum to carry him back to his feet. Lotor sashayed closer, less then a foot away when Keith re-found his stance.
The next strike would have succeeded Keith's goal, and smashed that smile off of Lotor's face, but at the last second the prince caught it. His fingers were cool against Keith's knuckles, the air coming through his lips hadn't even sped up during the brief bout. Keith was acutely aware of this because the hybrid's lips were suddenly brushing against Keith's fist. He froze, too stunned to speak as the movement became a real kiss, lasting seconds too long before Lotor pulled away.
"Thank you for the dance, Keithleb. Next time I'll ask you when you are at your best."
"Yll nand!" Keith cursed, belatedly, as Lotor was already slipping out the door. "I'm not your 'Darling' Bastard." he muttered to himself, scooping his glove back off the ground and jamming it back onto his hand as if it would erase the feel of Lotor's lips.
(Yll Nand!: fuck off)