Author has written 11 stories for Mutant X, X-Men: The Movie, Lord of the Rings, and Silmarillion. I go by the name Independence1776 on all other websites, including the Silmarillion Writers' Guild and Stories of Arda. "For Pity's Sake" is the last story I will post here. SWG is my main archive. My non-Tolkien fic can be found on Archive of Our Own. I have not stopped writing; since 2012, all of my stories have been posted exclusively on SWG and AO3. My general views on canon: I assume that LotR and the Silm are canon, with HoME and Letters as secondary sources. However, there are some things from them I do consider canon. (LACE is not one of them; "Myths Transformed" is.) Works based on mine: Fanart is always welcome. Please ask if you want to translate anything or write fic. Everything else-- including podfic-- is a no. ooOoo RAFA 'verse (The list is in chronological order, and the stories in parenthesis are outside the main storyline. The rest of the 'verse is posted on SWG.) Never Look Back (Every Wish) Embers Rise Again From Ashes (For Pity's Sake)– set during RAFA ooOoo "The Well" and "Judgement" placed in the 2009 Middle Earth Fanfiction Awards! "Many Wishes" and "Never Look Back" were nominated in the 2010 MEFAs. "Rise Again From Ashes" placed in the 2011 MEFAs! Constructive criticism is always welcome. (Please note I do use some British spellings, and that the stories I post are complete-- meaning I won't go back to change anything except grammar errors. Concrit will be used to improve my future writing.) I'd prefer anonymous reviews to be left on my SOA account, where I can actually respond to them. ooOoo The stories posted during or before 2005 (including the LotR fics) I leave up to remind myself of how far I have come as a writer. They're labeled "juvenilia." ooOoo Some Favorite Quotes: "Those who danced were thought to be quite insane by those who could not hear the music." -Angela Monet "When you stop dreaming, you stop living." -Lorrie Morgan "The first lesson reading teaches is how to be alone." -Jonathan Franzen "Independence Forever." -John Adams |