Author has written 28 stories for Lizzie McGuire, Sailor Moon, Resident Evil, Dawson's Creek, Sweet Valley series, Harry Potter, and High School Musical. Hi, my name is Donnay Murray and I love to write. I also like to hang with my friends and sing and dance, which I'm very good at. I have a few stories and I would love for you to read them. And please leave me a review or two. I would love to hear your opinion. And if you are into orignal fiction, I have a lot of stories at , check them out and leave a review, thanks for reading. I just started a journal that will be used to keep everyone posted on stories that I have. I will put sneak peaksup there and you are all welcome to comment on anything, even some ideas would be welcomed. So anyway my journal is in the Homepage slot, so click there to check out any Sneak Previews I may have added. Peace Out Homies! For fans of Crimson Times, I have news for you. Bad news...My Story Crimson Times has been removed from the site here's some of the e-mail they sent to me: "Main reason for removal: "Not allowed: interactive, chat/script, real person, The above story has been removed because it violated the guideline detailed on My story doesn't have any of those "infractions" and so for the unfair removal, I will be posted Crimson Times and it's sequel on another website. I don't think I should let myself be reported again for something so stupid. So whoever reported me, I hope you're happy...and I also hope you burn in H E Double Hockey Sticks. HEY! Ok I posted Crimson Times On just search my name or the story title and you should find it. They chapters have been revised so there are NO mistakes and it's clearly a better read then it was originally, lol Everyone hates mistakes. So go check that out, the Awaited Crimson Times Sequel won't be posted for at least a few more weeks...I'm still working out the kinks in it, but yeah, I guess that's all for now, GO HP/DM! WHOOOOO! The Sequel to Crimson Times is NOW POSTED! On it's titled "Crimson Death" so go and check that out, remember to leave a review and go to my livejournal for updates and sneak peaks, gotta run, Ciao! Ok...Due to Foreverfandom's format problems with my story, I have decided to move Crimson Times and it's Sequel Crimson Death to my online journal. The address is in the homepage slot on my profile, and the story will be moved their a chapter a week. The first chapter will be posted up there on Thursday Febuary 1, 2007. This should help you all re-connect yourself with the story before I post the Sequel up there as well. See you guys then, Ciao! |