Disclaimer: I don't own nor will I ever.
Chapter 31
The war had ended as quickly as it had begun. It hadn't taken long for the ministry to fall and Azkaban was a joke. Hogwarts had been the only real challenge but even that had fallen rather quickly without Dumbledore. Atani had been there when Hogwarts fell; the students and teacher who had fought back had either died or been incapacitated. Snape had returned to Voldemort, denying that he was a spy. He's never alone now, an elite is always watching him. Atani and Draco's wedding was a grand affair that did the new regime proud, a throwback to more traditional ways. The majority of the Weasley family perished in the assault on Hogwarts. Granger was incapacitated in the battle. She ended up agreeing to the terms set before her. She would finish her schooling and would be cut off from the muggle world from then on. If she had disagreed she would be killed and if she went against them she wouldn't live to see the next sunrise. Atani had gotten to see his mother's grave, he spent many days telling her all that had happened. The wizarding world was at peace, well, as much peace as possible being ruled by the Dark Lord.
This is it, all she wrote. I realize this last chapter is short and I'm sorry for that. It pretty much just sums things up. If you really, really want me to write another HP fic I'll think about it lol will just have to think of something to write. Thank you so much for your support and reading this. Your feedback has been much appreciated.