[Author's Notes: Sorry about last chapter being so short, but I was trying to make a cliffhanger you know what I mean, lol I suck at those! But whatever it's all good. Anyways thanks again for reviewing you guys. Enjoy]


~~CHAPTER 11~~

Pleasurable fun

"Yes.yes" as tears started running down her face.

"I love you so much Ser, don't cry you should be happy." said Darien

"I am happy, these are tears of happiness.can't you tell hehe" giggled Serena. "I love you too"

As they starred into each other eyes, both full of joy and happiness. Nothing around them matter but they just cared about each other right now.

As Darien lifted Serena's chin up a little bit he gently kissed her lips. It didn't take long for their lips to lock tightly together. Darien could taste the salty tears coming down her cheeks. 'They were tears of happiness for them, she must really love me' he thought.

A little kiss suddenly turned into a passionate kiss. It felt like hot, intense fireworks were exploding inside of them. Darien slowly started his way down her neck leaving a little trail of hickies. He longed for the taste of her. He smoothly took her shirt off with her bra left on the top, and deepened his kisses making his way down on the top of her breast just making her tingle inside for more.

Serena finally was tired of waiting for her turn to pleasure him that she rolled him over so that now he was on the bottom and she was on the top.

"I like being on the top better" giggled Serena and she quickly unbuttoned Darien's white shirt.

"haha Serena your so impatient sometimes.!" laughed Darien

"So.what's your point? Hehe" laughed Serena as she started licking Darien's chest. Caressing his 6 pack.

Suddenly she couldn't wait any longer that she just pulled his pants and boxers down at the same time. However slowly licking her way down to his member. She first laid a hand on his manhood while squeezing it up and down while her other hand were playing with his twins. When he seemed like he could take it no more she stopped.

"Are you just teasing me!" whined Darien! He wanted more.

"Oh that was just the beginning!" laughed Serena wickedly. She wanted to get right down to the naughty stuff but first she was going to have some fun of her own.

She slowly put his dick into her mouth while sucking on his member but still twisting and licking her down. She went faster and faster until he felt like a pleasuring tornado was sucking him up. When he was about to cum again she stopped.

"Awww Serena, stop ruining the moment." said Darien "Well it's my turn now. I'm not letting you have all the fun!"

As they twirled around, Serena was on the bottom now with Darien on top of her, but not squeezing her so that she couldn't breathe.

He decided to finish where he was before by taking her bra off slowly and now caressing her nipples with his thumb and finger. Squeezing it gently, so that her nipples were now hard.

"OoooOoO."moaned Serena. This was even more intense then anything she had ever felt before

She began to moan louder now because he had started to lick her creamy luscious breasts. He decided to cuff both hands on one breast and suck it gently giving each breast pleasure after pleasure.

When Serena seemed like she was about to climax Darien stopped.

"Darien.! Don't copy me!" whined Serena this time.

He could only laugh at her.

"Serena have you ever done it before.?" asked Darien

"um.no." mumbled Serena

"Are you ready?" asked Darien "Or do you want to wait and save it for later?"

"No. I think I'm ready." answered Serena

"I love you Serena, don't ever forget that.and I always will love you." Said Darien softly

"I love you too Darien." replied Serena

He slowly began to take Serena's jeans off, fumbling with the button and zipper. He finally got it and slowly took off her pants and finally her thong. Her body looked even more sacred and beautiful when you could fully see everything. She was amazing tanned all throughout.

"It'll hurt a little the first time but later on after it'll become more pleasurable. I'll count to 3 okay?" said Darien gently



As he counted to 3 he slowly thrusted himself into her, Serena gave a little yelp of pain but decided to bite her lip from yelping any louder in pain.

Darien could tell she was in a little pain so he started off slowly. When she finally got the rhythm, he went faster.

For Serena, since this was her first time, she had felt the most amazing thing. She could not have asked for more in life. The pleasure of losing your virginity to a man you love and the pleasure of making love with a sex machine.

Since nobody was there she decided to moan even louder then before.

"Ohhhh Darien, harder please.don't ever stoppp.just keep going.oohhh" cried out Serena as she was begging for more pleasure.

"I won't ever stop if you don't want to.ooh.." replied Darien

As each time he thrusted harder into her and faster. Serena had reached her hand out to feel a tree behind them. She used the tree to push herself towards him that it caused a friction of pleasure. This felt even more powerful than nuclear bombs.

"Ohhhhh Darien" Screamed Serena when she finally reached her climax and they were both sweating and both lying on their backs. Her body felt a little sore and tired but it was worth the pleasure.

Since Darien had brought a extra huge sleeping bag, they just slept their through the night. They just cuddled through the whole night.

[Author's Notes: Awww isn't that cute, cuddling together after kinky sex. Hahaha Anyways hope you liked this hot steaming sex chapter. I wrote this chapter because I know some people might have wanted to read some kinky stuff and since I hadn't wrote any lovemaking I just decided to save this chapter for it. Hehe I think I'm going to write one or two more chapters and then the story will be finished. PS: REVIEW LOTS!! Lot's Love~ DivaLicious89]